Individual Details

Abraham Venable

(22 Mar 1700 - 16 Dec 1768)

CAVALIERS & PIONEERS, Vol III, p.363 27 Sep 1729. Abraham Venable Junr patent for 400 acres in Hanover Co, both sides the Southanna adj Capt Clark on Beaver Creek.
p.420 28 Sep 1732. Abraham Venable patent for 1550 acres (old and new land) in Hanover, both sides the South Anna adj Capt. Clark, Col. Meriwether, & John Dashper; down Bever Creek to the mough; on Treasurer's Run & cross Harris Creek. 400 acres part granted 27 Sep 1729; 1150 acres never patented.
Vol IV
p.4 20 Jun 1733 1100 acres Goochland Co on one of main Forks of the Byrd. DB 15, p.15
p.7 20 Jun 1733 1300 acres new land in Goochland on branch of the Byrd commonly known by name of Great Creek. DB 15, p.30
p.53 27 Sep 1734 Abraham Venable of Hanover, 780 acres Goochland, both side of the Byrd, N side James River. Adj. Ebenezer Adams, John Kent & sd Venable. DB 15, p.303
p.79 19 Jul 1735 1500 acres Goochland on South Garden among the Mountains on Hardware River, South Branch. DB 16, p.49
p.174 12 Sep 1738 2100 acres Amelia Co, South side Appamattox, both sides Harris Creek adj. Richard Randolph DB 18, p.122 [Is this the same Abraham?]
p.189 29 Jun 1739 4230 acres Goochland on branches of Byrd Crk, N side James, W side of a great branch adj. Ebenezer Adams. 3180 previous granted: 1300 on 20 Jun 1733; 1100 the same day; 780 27 Sep 1734 PB 18, p.293
Vol V
p.32 30 Mar 1743 3300 acres Amelia, S side Appamattox, both sides Harris Crk. Beg at his old corner on the River near Butterwood swamp adj Randolph. [2100 formerly granted 12 Sep 1738]
p.72 16 Jun 1744 225 acres Goochland among brs. of Byrd Crk adj sd Venable and John Anthony. PB 22, p.56

Goochland Co VA Deed Book 4:
p.139 14 Mar 1742 John Anthony & Edmund Lilly sold 500 acres to John Bickerton. The tract was on both sides of Great Byrd Creek and was adjacent to land owned by Abraham Venable. 100 acres had been purchased by Anthony from Abraham Venable.
p.158 17 May 1743 Abraham Venable of Louisa Co sold 300 acres to William Suddes of Goochland. Land in South Garden and part of 1500 acres granted to Venable 19 Jul 1735.

Louisa Co DB B
p.296  Abraham Venable for paternal love to my daughter Elizabeth Morton, wife of Josiah Morton of Parish of Cumberland, Lunenburg Co.  Negro boy Simon forever.    24 Apr 1759.  Ack. Same day.
p.297  Abraham Venable for paternal love to my daughter Ann King, wife of Philip King of St.James Southam, Cumberland Co.  Negro girl Grace forever.  24 Apr 1759.  Ack in open court same day.
p.297  24 Apr 1759  Abraham Venable of Fredricksville Parish to James Venable, son of same place, for Paternal affection.  Parcel of land both sides South Anna River, joining the Roundabout Tract, Love Stathams & John Mechie.  620 acres.   North side of river; across the river; mouthof Treasurers Run, mouth of Harrises Creek; Col. Meriwethers line now Johnsons line; Watsons line.  Signed:  Abra. Venable.  Wit: Robt Anderson, John Anderson, Jno. Juett.  Ack same day by Venable.

A deed dated 11 Apr 1768, Louisa Co VA, refers to his daughter Mary, wife of Charles Morman, Jr.

p.21 Louisa WB 2, p.48 Abraham Venable of Trinity Parish. Sons: John, Nathaniel, William. Dau: Mary Moreman, wife of Charles Moreman Jr, Ann King wife of Philip King, Elizabeth Morton, wife of Josiah. Sarah Tucker, orphan child he is raising. Sons to take care of her. Son John 783 acres both sides of South Anna River. William Venable my surveying instruments now in his possession. 11 Apr 1768/Rec 9 Jan 1769
Extr: friend Thompson, sons Abraham & Nathaniel, Hugh Lewis & John.
Bond of John Venable, Exr. Of est of Abrham Venable dated 9 Nov 1769

Will recorded 8 Jan 1769 in Louisa Co VA.

Will of Abraham Venable
Louisa County, Virginia, 11 April 1768, Will Book 2, page 48-50
In the name of God AMEN,
I, Abraham Venable of Trinity Parish in Louisa County, being in health of Body and of Perfect Mind and memory, thanks be given to Allmighty God and calling to mind the Mortallity of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, Do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament, that is to say, Principally and first of all I Recommend my soul into the Hands of God that Gave it, and my Body I Recommend to the Earth to Decently Buried at the Discretion of my Executors, nothing Doubting But as the General Resurrection I shall receive the same again by the Mighty Power of God, and Touching such Worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me, I give and dispose of the same in the following manner and form.
First, I will that all my Lawful Debts and Funeral Expenses be paid and Discharged, and that Each of my children to whom any part of my Estate is now given do pay their Respective parts of my Debts and legasies left to be paid in money in proportion to what they Receive of my Estate after my decease (Land only excepted) and that their Respective parts be subject to pay Each of their proportionable parts of Debts and lagasies, aforesaid.
Item, I give and Bequeath unto my Son, John Venable, my Seven Hundred and Eighty Three acres of land with the plantation whereon I now live Situate lying and being on both sides the south Ana river in Louisa County, the said dividend of Land be the same more or less to him, the said John Venable, and to his Heirs and Assigns forever, and I also give and bequeath unto my said son John Venable my four Negros (viz) Jack, David, Daniel, and my Negro Girl Joyce, and their Increase to him and his heirs and assigns forever, and I also give to my said son, John, one Feather Bed, Bedstead, and furniture, which of my Beds he shall chuse, my young Bay mair and grey horse, colt, and that he keep the Sorril horse leed, all heretofore verbially given him, and I likewise give to my said son, John, three Cows and calves, his choice out of my stock and six young Cattle not unto Two Years Old, Ten sheep, my Copper still and brass Kettle, all my books both stitch and bound, all my kitchen lumber and Cider Cask and it is my will that he, my said John, doth not pay above Twenty pounds Current Money of my debts or less than that sum of his proportion doth not amount to so much, anything above mentioned to the Contrary notwithstanding.
Item, I give and bequeath to my Daughter Mary Moreman, Wife to Charles Moreman Jr and to her Heirs and Assigns forever, my Negro Boy Ben.
Item, I give and bequeath unto my son Nathaniel Venable and to his Heirs and Assigns forever, my four Negros, Isaac, Phillis, and Two children Milley and Isham children of phillis, he paying fifteen Pounds Current Money to my Daughter Mary Moreman besides his proportion of the Remaining Value Towards my Debts as above Mentioned but if any of the said negro shall die before he is possessed of them then and in that case he is to be exemted from paying the said Fifteen Pounds.
Item, I give and Bequeath unto my son Jas Venable and my Daughter Ann King, wife to Phillip King and to their respective Heirs and Assigns forever my Three Negros, Peter, Sarah, and Sam, child of Sarah, and their Increase to be divided between them in the following Manner that is to say my said son James to have one Third part and my said Daughter Ann to have two thirds part and being Unwilling to part the said Negros, I am desirus, if it should meet my said son and Daughter but not to Compel them, that my said son James do take all thtat the said three Negros and pay to my said daughter Ann, two third part of the Vallue of the three Negros according to appraisement or as they can agree and whereas I have Undertaken to bring up Sarah Tucker an orphan Child it is my request that my sons Nathaniel and James do Take Care of her as far as necessary.
Item, I acquit my son-in-law Phillip King the Balance of his Old account being fifty six shillings and four pence half penny.
Item, I give unto my Daughter Elisabeth Morton wife of Josiah Morton and to her Heirs and Assigns forever, my Negro Girl Judith and her Increase and I will that my Negro Woman Hannah may go to which of my children she shall chuse I will that my Negro man Tom may go to which of my children legasie shall chuse or to be sold at the said Negro election if he can be sold for his value in the judgment of my Executors (or one of them)
Item, I give and Bequeath unto my son William Venable my Surveyors Instruments now in his Possession.
Item, I give unto Sarah Tucker, Ten pounds Current Money. I will that my Crops of Tobacco on hand at my death after Clothing my Negros According to the Season the remaindering be applied as far as Necessary Towards paying my Debts of the Lagasie left to be paid in Money and at the Division of my Negros may be left on the Plantation for the support of my son John and his Negroes and stock of proportionable part of the Corn wheat and oats then Remaining All the rest of my Estate what nature Soever I give and Bequeath to my son John Venable and my Three daughters Ann King, Elizabeth Morton & Mary Moreman to the equal divides among them in such manner as they shall agree or on their disagreement the same to be done according to the Rules of Law and I do Constitute and appoint my Friend Mr. Waddy Thomson and my sons Abraham Venable, Nathaniel Venable, Hugh Lewis Venable, & John Venable executors of this my last Will & Testament and I do appoint Friend Mr. Patrick Henry my Trustee & I do Hereby Resolve all former Wills by me heretofore made Ratifying this my Last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto sat my hand and seal this Eleventh Day of April One Thousand seven Hundred & Sixty Eight.
Signed Sealed Published & Declared
In the Presence of us ]
James Tate
Love Statham
James Arnett
John Byers
John Lea

At a Court held for Louisa County January 9th 1769. ---------
This Will and Testament was this Day in open Court proved by the Oaths of Three of the Witnesses therto and by the Court. --- to be Recorded-
John Nelson C L C


Birth22 Mar 1700New Kent County, Virginia
Marriage1723Martha Davis
Death16 Dec 1768Louisa County, Virginia


SpouseMartha Davis (1702 - 1765)
ChildAbraham Venable (1725 - 1778)
ChildHugh Lewis Venable ( - )
ChildCharles Venable ( - )
ChildNathaniel Venable (1733 - 1804)
ChildJames Venable (1734 - 1814)
ChildWilliam Venable ( - )
ChildJohn Venable ( - )
ChildAnn Venable ( - )
ChildElizabeth Venable ( - 1778)
ChildMary Venable (1739 - 1807)
FatherAbraham Venable ( - )
MotherElizabeth Lewis ( - )
