Individual Details

George Cogshall

(1787 - )

Fayette Co Deed Book H, p.422-423
Indenture made this 19th day of March 1814 between Geo Cogshall of the one part and Jeremiah Neave of the other both of Fayette County and Commonwealth of Kentucky. Witnesseth that the sd Geo. Cogshall for & in Considr of the sum of five shillings by him the said Jeremiah Neave, whom the said George Cogshall in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and for the further Considerations herein after inscbd. Hath Given Grantd Bargaind and sold and he doth by these presents Give Grant Bargain Sell and Confirm to him the said Nease a Certain Lot of Ground lying in the Town of Lexington, containing 37 feet front on Spring Street, Confirmed and seventy two feet deep and known in the Platt of the said Neave by the No. three, more particularly described as to its Boundary in a deed of conveyance made by Thompson Neave,MG in fact for Neave and wife, to said Cogshall for the same bearing even date herewith. Together with all and Singr. its appurts. To have and To hold the said premises with the Apputenances wherein the said Neave his heirs and assigns forever,and the said Cogshall for himself his heirs and assigns the premises with the appurtenances aforesaid against the claim of himself, his heirs and all they will warrant and forever defend to the sole use and behoof of the sd Neave his heirs and assigns. But this deed is upon the Trust and conditions following to wit. Whereas the said Neave hath sold and coveyd the said premises and appurtenances when the said Cogshall by the before ___ deed for the considn of four hundred Dollars for payment of which said Cogshall hath this day ___ to said Neave his notes negotiable and payable at the Lexington Branch Bank payable at the Sced. times and in the Sced. proportions following to wit. One note payable in Twelve months for $133.33. One note payable in Eighteen months for $133.33. and one note payble in 24 months for $133.34, making in all four hundred Dollars which consideration of the purchase aforesaid made by said Cogshall of the said Neave, This intended by this deed as was the Contract of sale to June to be paid to said Neave his heirs and assigns. Now in Case said Cogshall shall not pay and discharge the said Notes as they sev'lly then in that case said Neave is hereby authorized upon Giving one month public notice by advertisement in any one of the public Newspapers published in the town of Lexington aforesaid to expose to Sale [unreadable corner of the page] convey to the highest bidder for ready money the aforesaid [unreadable corner] and pay all or any Claimant on said Notes or any of them in arrears or unpaid and so from June to June or often as the whole or any part of the said notes become due and remain unpaid But in Case said notes and the amounts repectively due therin shall be duly paid and discharged as the same may fall due Then and in such Case the whole amount of the Consideration aforesaid being paid off and Discharged with all necessary costs and charges in creating and carrying into effect this deed of Trust, in Case of any Costs accruing in Exceeding the Same, This Deed is to become void to be void in Toto. In Case no failure takes place, and the void unto such as shall remain after the said Nease his heirs assigns, etc shall have been fully satisfied, an account of sd notes and charges are to reasonable Expenses.
Witness whereof the said George Cogshall hath hereunto Set his hand and Seal the day and date last above Written.
Signed: George Cogshall
Clerks Office, March 21st, 1814
As clerk of the Court for the County aforesaid I certify that this deed of Trust was this day acknowleged before me by George Cogshall the executing party thereto be his act and Deed to Jeremiah Neave a true copy of which deed is in my office recorded.
Attest: John D. Young, Clk

I do not know if this can be George but in Fayette Co KY in 1850 is the following household. If this is he, then likely Sarah Comstock has died:
District 1, Hh 11
John B. Coggshell, age 29 [born circa 1821], carpenter, born Indiana
Mary Ann, age 26, b. KY
George, age 63, carpenter, born RI [born 1787]
Sarah, age 3, b. KY

In 1860, John and Mary still lived in Fayette Co - in Lexington, 4th Ward. John said he was a carpenter, age 37, born "I. A." I'm not sure of the enumerators abbreviation - the indexing has interpreted that as Iowa, but I think it's much more likely Indiana. Initials were used for wife and children. M. A. age 37, b. KY
S. A. age 12, female. E. E. age 10, female. Edwin, 5. William, 10 months.

Found on Ancestry:
Kentucky Marriages - John B. Coggshell to Miss Mary Ann Wardle, both of Lexington. Married 22 Jun 1847.
Kentucky Births, Fayette County, 1855:
July 1, Edwin Cogshell, male born in Lexington to John Cogshell and Mary A. Wardell.

Looking back:
In 1820, Pleasant Twp, Switzerland Co, IN
George Coggshell: 1m under 10, 1m 26-45. 1f under 10, 26-45

1830. Lexington, Fayette Co KY.
Geo. Coggshill: 1m -5, 1m 10-15, 1m 40-50. 1f -5, 1f 10-15, 1f 30-40, 1f 40-50.
Perhaps 1 female slave - the pages have a lot of bleed-through from the other side and are difficult to read.

I cannot find any hints for this family in 1840, nor for John or Mary in Fayette Co in 1870. I have found indications that Cogswell families did live in Rhode Island at the time of the earlier Comstocks so it's possible they had been acquainted before moving to Kentucky. There was also a Cowgill family that lived in Fayette Co throughout this period.

The name may have been Coggseshall in Rhode Island. A Capt. William Coggeshall lived in Bristol Neck, Bristol Co RI during the time this George would have been born. Capt. William and his wife Mary Finney, had a son born in Bristol, 24 Mar 1786. There are Rhode Island marriages for other sons of Capt William, but none can be found for this particular George. A book The Coggeshall Family has no further information about George, but I suspect he may be the man who married Sarah Comstock.


Birth1787Rhode Island
Marriage8 Dec 1811Fayette County, Kentucky - Sarah Comstock


SpouseSarah Comstock ( - )
ChildJohn B. Cogshell (1821 - )
