Individual Details


(1772 - )

Search in South Carolina for possible early connections to Samuel include:
From SETTLEMENT OF PENDLETON DISTRICT 1777-1800, by Frederick Van Clayton. early as 1765 a Benjamin Brown was living on Raeburn's Crk. Pendleton District was secured from the Cherokees in 1777 but ceased to exist in 1828 when it was divided into Pickens & Anderson Districts. In 1790, there were 20 Brown heads of household in Pendleton District; there were two Samuels. Also a Benjamin, the widow Anne, 3 Davids, Elijah, Griffith, Hugh, 2 Jameses, 3 Johns, 2 Josephs, a Thomas, and 2 Williams. A Jesse Brown living in Cheraw Co is known to have moved to Pendleton after 1790. A Benjamin Brown is listed as having moved from Maryland, and Capt Benjamin Brown came from Cumberland Co VA. In 1782 three men named Brown were banished from GA because of their loyalty to the British. These men were James Brown who had "squatted" on Cain Crk, Thomas Brown, and William Brown. [Cane Crk is in extreme NW Pickens Co.]
By using the patent dates, watercourses & map included with this book and comparing to the 1800 Census, I was able to isolate some of the above. Thomas Brown lived on Big Beaverdam that ran into the Rocky River. The next entry states his land adjoined that of Samuel Brown. Further in the 1800 Census, the following Browns are found in this location: Joseph, over 45; David, Ambrose, Thomas, and Samuel all aged 26-45. There was also a Roger Murphree living in their midst. This Samuel has 2 sons, 2 daughters under 10 in 1800.
There were three other Samuel Browns in Pendleton District in 1800. One aged 16-26 lived in the part of Pendleton that became Anderson Co near a Joseph who was over 45 and a widow, Susanna age 26-45. This younger Samuel had one male child under 10 and two females, one 10-16 and one 16-26. Another Samuel Brown lived only about 20 households away but is listed as +45 with possibly as many as 9 children from the -10 category to 26-45, both males and females. If our Samuel was born in 1772 as the 1850 census indicates, he would have been 28 years old in 1800. The fourth Sam Brown was also 26-45, however, and is listed with 1 male under 10 and 3 females under 10. He lived in the Broad Mouth Creek area and is probably related to the family of William Brown & Peggy Fleming from North Carolina who had at least three sons and several grandsons living in Old Pendleton.

In 1810, only two Samuel Browns remain in Pendleton District. One of these is listed on the same page as Rodger Murphy. He is 26-45 years old [This Samuel would be 38], with a female of the same age and two boys under 10, 2 boys 10-16, 2 girls under 10, 1 girl 10-16. Samuel would definitely have had William, age 16, and Jeannett, age 2; also possibly sons, Elisha, Joseph and maybe Wilson. The numbers of children shown for the Samuel on Beaverdam in 1800 is reasonably compatible. Other Browns nearby include Benjamin, Barnabas, George, and John - none of these names found in 1800. The other Samuel Brown in 1810 was over 45 with a female of the same age; 1 male 16-26, 3f between 10-16; 1f 16-26 and seems to old to be under consideration.

A thorough search and analysis of all the Brown deeds of Old Pendleton has revealed the following which must surely by our Samuel Brown.

Pendleton Deed Book G/301 9 Mar 1802 Mary Jones, John & Robert McWhirter to Samuel Brown. 250 acres for $250. Signed: Mary Jones, John McWhirter, Robert McWherter. Wit: Thomas Brown, John McWhirter. Thomas Brown made oath. On 9 Oct 1802. Rec. 15 Mar 1803

Anderson Co DB 1, p.268-269 24 Mar 1808 Samuel Brown to John Darragh, 100 acres on waters of Saluda River. Tract crosses Hurrican Creek, an on old line of Owen Evans, part of tract granted David McWhirter, 3 Apr 1786. The dower release of Rebecca Brown, wife of Samuel states that John Darragh was living on the tract. Both Samuel & Rebecca signed with their marks. Witnessed by Roger Murphy and John (J) Hamilton. James Welborn was the quorum judge who examined Rebecca, 7 Oct 1808. John Hamilton testified he saw Samuel signed the deed, as well as Roger Murphy's Witness, 24 Mar 1808
The next deed, dated the same day was from John Darragh to Samuel Brown. 100 acres on waters of Saluda River. Part of tract granted John Wilson Senr, 25 Jan 1785. The dower release of Darragh's wife Kizziah, stated the tract adjoined the tract where Samuel Brown lived.
Note: Researcher Larry Brown believes the wife's name to be significant given that his ancestor Elisha Brown, son of Samuel, had a daughter Keziah. However the Wilson family also used this name. Pendleton Dist DB B, p.126 has the last will & testament of James Wilson who states his brother is John Wilson and his wife was Keziah - brother John had an oldest son, Robert. Dated 16 Apr 1790 and recorded 24 Jan 1793.
Roger Murphy and John (J) Hamilton also witnessed this deed. John Darragh signed his name; Kizzie Darragh made her mark. James Welborn was the judge, also 7 Oct 1808. Hamilton also attested to this deed and the witness of Roger Murphy, 24 Mar 1808
Both deeds were recorded on 11 Oct 1808.

Pendleton DB M, 494 10 Jan 1816 Samuel Brown to William Crawford. 150 acres on Saluda, line bet Brown & John Derraugh. Part of survey granted David McWhirter 3 Apr 1786. Samuel (X) Brown Wit: Thos. W. Rawlins & John M. Stephenson. Rawlins made oath to John Millwee JP on 23 Mar 1816. Rec 25 Mar 1816. [This would be the 150 acres Samuel had left after his trade with John Darragh.[
Pendleton DB M, p.497 10 Jan 1816 Samuel Brown to William Crawford for $250. 100 acres on Saluda, begin at Red Oak on river. Part of tract orig granted to John Wilson Senr on 28 Jan 1785. Samuel (X) Brown
Wit: Thomas W. Rawlins & John M. Stephenson. Rawling made oath to John Millwee JP on 23 Mar 1816. Rec. 25 Mar 1816. [The 100 acre tract that was traded with John Darragh in 1808.]
NOTE: Other than the deed to John Darragh and the two deeds to William Crawford, all other Samuel Browns in Pendleton District signed their name! My Samuel Brown signed with his mark in St. Francois Co MO so presumably he could not write. The sale in January of 1816 is some six months before Murphy Brown was born in KY so quite possibly the family was getting ready to leave as soon as weather permitted.

Here are other factors which make it likely the above deeds are those of the intended Samuel Brown.
The surveyor's plats for the original grants to McWhirter and Wilson mentioned above are filed in the Abbeville Plat Books 1 & 2.
PB A/192 David McWhirter as a Citizen. 250 acres above the Ancient [Indian] Boundary Line on Hurricane Creek, a branch of Saludy River, bounding to the NE on two former surveys. To the SE and NE on John Hamilton's land and to the SW on land surveyed for Mary Newman. The other sides vacant land when surveyed by John Bowie DS on the 15 of Dec 1784 and Certified. Rec 10 Feb 1785, Robert Anderson CS. The sketch of the plat shows the Hurricane Creek running up one side of the Plat - not all the plats give a compass orientation.
PB A/57 John Hamilton as Citizen. 200 acres on Saludy R above the Ancient Boundary. Bounding N part on sd river, part on vacant land; E on sd River, other sides vacant when surveyed by John Purvis DS on 25 May 1784. Rec 9 Jul 1784. Sketch shows that the tract rests in a sharp bend of the Saluda with the river forming the East side and half the North side of the tract.
PB A/193 Mary Newman as Citizen. 640 acres above the Ancient Boundary, on a branch of the Hurricane Crk, a branch of Saludy R. Bounding to the NE on land surveyed for David McWhiter & part vacant. E on John Hamilton's land, all other sides vacant when surveyed by John Bowie DS on 15 Dec 1784. Rec. 10 Jan 1785. Sketch shows the head waters of several creeks but no stream curring across the tract or forming any of the sides.
PB A/69 John Wilson as a Citizen. 200 acres of land on Saludy River bounded by sd River; other sides vacant when surveyed by John Purvis DS on 31 May 1784. Rec. 10 Jul 1784. As in John Hamilton's sketch, the Saluda River forms the Eastern boundary. On the other side of the Saluda is Laurens Co.
All of these surveys indicate that the land Samuel Brown was selling was on or very near the Saluda River at the point where Hurricane Creek runs into the River. It is possible to place the sketches in that Mary Newman's property is bounded on the East by Jno Hamilton; his in turn by the River, and on the NE by McWhirter's which then falls next to Hurricane Creek. Roger Murphy Jr lived on Hurricane Creek and for several years, owned a mill on the Hurricane.
These two deeds are also significant.
DB B, p.134-135 8 Nov 1792. John Darragh to Saml Barkley. 50£. on Saluda River, part of 250 acres surveyed for Darragh & granted 7 Nov 1785, bounded by James Wilburn. Wit: Josiah Goodwin, Jas. Hillhouse & John Wilson who made oath to Wm Halbert, JP. 11 Dec 1792. Recorded 24 Jan 1793. [Notice that this is the John Darragh with whom Samuel Brown had established a boundary line as stated in his deed of sale on 10 Jan 1816. James Wilburn is the same as the James Welborn who relocates to St. Francois MO and is a charter member of the Pendelton Baptist Church at Doe Run MO along with Rebecca Brown in 1824. Wm Halbert is a relative of the James Halbert, preacher of this church. John Wilson who owned several other tracts besides the one on the Saluda is still in the neighborhood - he may indeed be a relative of the Nancy Wilson who married Roger Murphy Jr.]
p.381 DB H/p.266 11 Feb 1805 Owen Evans to Mary Owens. 100 acres on Saluda. Part of two tracts. One was John Hambelton for 80 acres; the other was to Owen Evans for 81 acres. By Owens, land laid out to John Dorrah, now belonging to James Welborn. Wit: John & Elizabeth Evans. John Evans made oath to James Welborn, JP on 28 Sep 1805.
[Here is an Evans family that holds part of the John Hamilton grant; lives adjacent to John Darragh's land which now belongs to James Welborn. The mill that Roger Murphy Jr owned on Hurricane Creek was located on land sold to him by a John Evans.]

There are several names on the deeds of Samuel Brown which are acquaintances common to both Samuel Brown and Roger Murphy. Although there is no record of a transaction between Samuel Brown and Roger Murphy other than the witnessing of the trade between Brown and Darragh, it is obvious they knew many of the same people in the neighborhood.
THOMAS BROWN. Witnessed a deed from Charles Clements to Reuben Brock - Clements sold land twice to Roger Murphy and once to John Murphy, likely another son. Roger Murphy Sr bought land on Brushy Creek that was bounded by Thomas Brown's Spring branch. Thomas Brown witnessed the McWhiter heirs' deed to Samuel Brown. Thomas Brown was on the same page of the 1800 census as Roger Murphy, both a page away from Samuel Brown. Thomas was the same age as Samuel - 26-45. Thomas Brown and wife Sarah were on the membership roll of the Big Creek Baptist Church along with Nancy Murphy in 1801. This Church is in the neighborhood of the above tracts of land.
JOHN WILSON. Traditionally Nancy, wife of Roger Murphy Jr. was the daughter of a John Wilson. Samuel Brown lived on a tract originally surveyed for John Wilson in 1784. John Wilson was also on the membership roll of Big Creek Baptist Church. A tract of land bought by Roger Murphy Sr from Charles Clements and sold to Joshua Murphy who then sold the same to Roger Fields [thought to be a cousin] was bounded by Tabitha Wilson's line. [There was both a John Wilson Sr and Jr in this neighborhood in Old Pendleton, as well as several other Wilson families. Given the fact that Samuel appears to have had a son named Wilson, it should be considered as a possible surname for Rebeccah, his wife.]
There is a will for John Wilson Sr., Anderson Co. Will Book 1791-1834, on as image 183 of 293.
John Wilson Senr of Pendleton District named his loving wife Elizabeth and gave 5 shillings to the following children: son Robert; daughters, Sarah, Mary Ann, Jennet, Agness, Elizabeth & Hannah. His land to youngest sons, John & Hugh, 250 acres on the Saluda River and they to be his executors, 5 Apr 1822. Signed, John Wilson. Witnessed by Samuel Houston, Henry Cobb, William (X) Rogers Proved by Cobb & Rogers.
WILLIAM CRAWFORD The tract of land that Roger Murphy Sr bought on Brushy Creek was bounded by the land of William Crawford. Samuel Brown sold out to William Crawford in Jan of 1816. When Crawford died later that year, Samuel Brown is listed as one of those who was paid money by the estate of William Crawford.
THOMAS W. RAWLINS [Rollins] Witnessed a deed from Steven Plant to Roger Murphy in 1809 - on Hurricane Creek. In 1814, Roger Murphy Jr sold the mill on Hurricane Creek to Nicholas Rawlins. Thomas witnessed the deeds of Samuel Brown to William Crawford and was administrator of William Crawford's estate. In 1823, Roger Murphy & his son Moses witnessed a deed when Thomas Rawlins sold land on Hurricane Creek.
JOHN DARRAGH Other than his proximity to Samuel Brown, Darragh had bought land from John Wilson & his wife Elizabeth in 1797. John Wilson Jr & John Hamilton witnessed. John Darragh was also in the 1800 census near Samuel Brown & Roger Murphy.

Likely this is our Samuel Brown:
Editor: James E. Wooley, p.76
Estate of William Crawford of Anderson Dist was administered 13 Jul 1816 by Thomas W. Rawlins, Samuel Rawlins, & Nicholas Rawlings. Anderson, SC Citation purblished at Big Creek Meeting House 7 Jul 1816. Inventory 29 Jan 1816. Sale held 15 Aug 1816 which included buyers Margaret Crawford [the widow?], Jacob Reed, Thomas & Moses Welborn. Cash was paid out to: Samuel Brown, Aaron & Thomas Welborn, Jacob Reed.

The Big Creek Church was in the neighborhood of Pendleten District where Samuel Brown & Roger Murphy Jr lived. It was a Separatist [Primitive] Baptist Church. There is no question that the Murphys were associated with this church as they had been part of this early Baptist movement since they lived in North Carolina where the Rev. Shubal Starnes' Sandy Creek Church was the "mother" of these churches throughout the southeast. The church was founded in 1788 and the original Constitution, a membership list dated 23 Aug 1801 and the minutes from that date, were transcribed as a WPA Project in the 1930's. Nancy Murphy and Roger & Nancy's son Ezekiel were active members of the church. The only Brown appearing on the early list was Thomas & his wife Sarah, but many of the other names from deeds and records of the Browns & Murphys appear on this list. Here are a few: Welborn, Halbert, Matkin, Duckworth, Wilson, - many of these names will appear on the membership list of the Pendleton Baptist Church in St. Francois MO in 1825.

Samuel Brown apparently left Pendleton District SC after selling his property. Son William stated in his War of 1812 application that he was discharged at Pendleton Court House the summer of 1815. William & Bridget Murphy Brown's son Murphy was born in KY on 11 Jul 1816. If their son Ezekiel was born in 1820-22 in KY as later censuses indicate, then the families were somewhere in Kentucky for about six or seven years and should be in the 1820 Census. Examination of the censuses in those counties where both a Samuel & William Brown has been inconclusive with Livingston Co KY having the only men of those names and ages and approximate families available. Examination of the records of Livingston were unproductive. A William Brown had settled in Livingston very early - he was a son of the William Brown & Peggy Fleming of North Carolina, and a brother to the Browns on Broadmouth Creek on Pendleton District SC. This Brown family does use the given name Samuel and had Samuels living in both Pendleton and Livingston KY but they can be eliminated for various reasons; leaving none available to take the place of our Samuel. Also this large family was quite prosperous and were slave-owners, living a somewhat different lifestyle from our Samuel.

Note: There was a Samuel Brown who served in the War of 1812 and also received land in Missouri. Papers from NARA show that this was a young man from Massachusetts who died during the war, and his father - both were named Samuel Brown - received his bounty land as his heir.

Larry Brown, descendant of Elisha Brown, sent a copy of a plat map from the court house in St. Francois Co. This map shows the land of Samuel Brown with the date 3 Jun 1822 - presumably his land entry date. This is the East 1/2 of the NW Quarter of Section 7, Twp 35. Nearby lands which had been entered by names of those known to have come from Old Pendleton SC include: Jas. Halbert, 18 Jun 1812; Hiram Matkin, 9 Feb 1822; Jas. Welborn 23 May 1822, Wilson Berry [Barry], 10 May 1822.

Federal Land Patent issued 10 May 1824 at the St. Louis Land Office to Samuel Brown of St. Francois Co. 80 acres in the NW Qtr of Sec 7, Twp 35, Range 5. Samuel later sold this land to Elisha & Joseph Brown. Son William also married in May of 1824 in St. Francois to Elizabeth Halstead whose family had settled there in 1807. Bridget had died in KY as stated in William's pension application, probably soon after the birth of Ezekiel.

The Pendleton Baptist Church was a United Baptist Church located at Doe Run, in Pendleton Township, St. Francois Co MO. This was probably not more than 5 miles or so from the above tract of Samuel Brown. The church records include a list of members as of 2 Jul 1825 who were applying to be Constituted as a Church. Rebeccah Brown was a member as were James Welborn and James Halbert from the old neighborhood in Pendleton District SC. Other familiar names from Pendleton SC were Vance & Duckworth. Halbert would become their first minister. There are no existing minutes for the church until the 1850's.

1830 St. Francois MO; Pendleton Twp., p.420 Samuel Brown, age 50-60; female 60-70.
Other Browns found on the same page include Elisha, Joseph. Wilson was on the next page. A Joseph Brown married Keziah Raglan in St. Francois on 10 Jul 1828. [St. Francois DB A, p.330]. Married by James Halbert, preacher in the Baptist Church. William Brown was in St. Francois Twp - he appears to possibly have been living on lands of his father-in-law.

Other than Rebecca Brown's dower release in a deed in old Pendleton District in 1808 no other reference to her has been found in the South Carolina records. The following two deeds in St Francois Co MO also show Rebecca as Samuel's wife. It is likely that this is the Rebeccah Brown of the Pendleton Baptist Church charter member list.
St. Francois Deed Book A, p.566
22 Oct 1833 Samuel Brown & wife Rebecca to Elisha Brown. Pendleton Twp. $100 for land near the St. Francois River North 1/2 of NE 1/2 of NW Qtr of Sec 7, Twp 35, Range 5 in the now District of Cape Girardeau, 40 acres originally granted sd Samuel Brown. Samuel & Rebecca both signed with their mark. Wit: Wilson Barry, John [X] Jones.
22 Oct 1833 Samuel Brown & wife Rebecca to Joseph Brown. $100. 40 acres. Near St. Francois River South 1/2 of NE 1/2 of NW Qtr of Sec 7, Twp 35, Range 5 ....(same as previous deed)
Joseph Brown and wife Kezia to Chapley Wilborn ...Tract he bought from Samuel on 22 Oct 1833.
Here is Joseph Brown's Marriage from DB A, p.330 James Halbert, preacher in Bapt church ..10th of present month ...Joseph Brown & Reziah [Keziah] Raglan of St. Francois Co. 18th Jul 1828. Rec. 24 Jul 1828 [This same Baptist minister will marry William Brown's daughter Nancy to Clark Warren in 1835]

A Samuel Brown, approximately the right age, is in the 1840 Census in Searcy Co AR, p.188, along with sons Elisha, Wilson, and William. Joseph Brown was the Marshall that took this census but I cannot find that he counted himself. Samuel is given as age 60-70, female 70-80. He was two houses from Elisha and William Brown and Lemuel Holstead, Jr. The tax rolls of Searcy Co show a Samuel Brown from 1839 [earliest tax roll] through 1843. William, Elisha, Joseph & Wilson are there in Searcy Co as well. Grandsons Ezekiel & Murphy also appear on the tax rolls of Searcy Co for a year or so.

Samuel Brown, age 78, born in SC, lived with Oliver & Jennette Jones in the 1850 Newton Co MO Census. The following information is available from the 1850 Censuses. William Brown was in Newton Co MO, age 58 born [1794] in SC. Joseph Brown lived in Pope Co AR age 47 born [1803] in SC. Elisha Brown lived in Van Buren Co AR, age 44 born [1806] in SC. Wilson Brown still lived in Searcy Co AR, age 41, born [1809] in SC. Jeanett Brown Jones was age 42, born [1808] in SC. William, Joseph, Elisha, Jeanett, & Wilson may very well be the children of Samuel; the early censuses indicate that were likely other daughters whose married surnames are unknown. Births of the older children of Joseph, Elisha & Wilson took place in Missouri with those born after about 1835 in Arkansas. At least two of the children of Jeanett were born in Arkansas. Murphy & Ezekiel, sons of William, both have children born in Arkansas.


Birth1772South Carolina
MarriageRebecca [Brown]


SpouseRebecca [Brown] ( - )
ChildWILLIAM BROWN (1794 - 1874)
ChildJoseph Brown (1803 - 1863)
ChildElisha BROWN (1806 - 1880)
ChildJeannett Brown (1808 - )
ChildWilson BROWN (1809 - )
