Individual Details

Anne (Agnes) PASTON

(1472 - )


Birth1472PASTON, Norfolk, England, England
Marriage1500, , , Eng - Gilbert Of GRAFTON TALBOT
Ancestral File Number921W-1F


SpouseGilbert Of GRAFTON TALBOT ( - )
ChildHumphrey TALBOT (1494 - )
ChildWalter TALBOT (1496 - )
ChildMargaret TALBOT (1498 - )
ChildElizabeth TALBOT (1502 - )
ChildMary TALBOT (1504 - )
ChildEleanor TALBOT (1506 - )
FatherWilliam PASTON [Sir KNIGHT] (1434 - 1496)
MotherAnne De BEAUFORT (1435 - )
SiblingPASTON (1427 - )
SiblingMary PASTON (1469 - )
SiblingMargaret PASTON (1474 - 1474)
SiblingWilliam PASTON (1476 - )
SiblingTALBOT PASTON (1478 - )
SiblingElizabeth PASTON (1480 - 1488)
SiblingSaville PASTON (1482 - )
SiblingPASTON ( - )