Hennekam Weijers Family Tree

This is the family tree of Nichols Peter Hennekam, a descendant of the Hennekam and Weijers Families.

My parents Hendricus Hennekam and Cornelia Weijers migrated from Netherlands to South Australia in 1952.

This family tree traces the Hennekam line back to 1510 and the Weijers line to 1400.

It also contains extensive data on the families still in Netherlands and the family of my Uncle Arie Hennekam who settled in Victoria.

This is a work in progress so it will be updated from time to time.

If you have any information to add or correct please go to the contacts section and e-mail me. I would appreciate any information such as dates and places for births, deaths and marriages. Spouse and children details.

I look forward to hearing from you.


(N) Peter Hennekam.



Peter Hennekam

Email: TnpoHe7jtIxeLUrIm@g3hsXeuVnB9nuueFSkU6aTAmHx.QucmKoGZmGn.Xyap9u
last updated 2023-08-16