Individual Details

Ola Ruth Gasche

(1899 - 1973)

Info from Gasche Family Tree booklet
Death Date from Barbara Buehrer May 1998
Kansas history article about Wilfred says she is living with parents in 1918

Roostweb world connect info from Mary Rogness-Stickney ( that has some errors in it says birth is june 1899 in USA, Kansas and that her name is Ruth Ola




FatherWilfred B. Gasche (1859 - 1952)
MotherSarah Elizabeth Geer (1860 - 1936)
SiblingMaudie Gasche (1880 - 1880)
SiblingLottie Inez Gasche (1885 - 1886)
SiblingInez Gasche (1885 - 1885)
SiblingGrover Wilfred Gasche (1887 - )
SiblingCarrie Bell Gasche (1891 - )
SiblingRalph Ernest Gasche (1892 - 1947)