Individual Details

Saint Arnoldus (Arnoaldus) de Scheldt de Herital (Merovingian) Bishop of Metz & Marquis de Scheldt

(13 Aug 582 - 16 Aug 640)

St. Arnulf was the tutor of Dagobert. The following excerpt is taken from Butler's Lives of Saints, July 18th: This Arnulf born to noble parents and educated in learning and piety, was called to the court of King Theodebert II of Austrasia, in which he was equally admired for prudence in council and valour in the field: he joined the virtues of a Christian with the duties of a statesman. Having married a noble lady called Doda, he has by her two sons, Clodulf and Ansgisel; by the latter's marriage with a daughter of the Blessed Pepin (called "of Landen") the Carolingian Kings of France descended from St. Arnulf.
Fearing the danger of entangling his soul in the many affairs which passed through his hands, he wanted to retire to the monastary of Lerins, but was stopped by the clergy and people of Metz demanding him for their Bishop. He was therefore consecrated about the year 610, and while fulfilling his new duties with exactness, he continued to take a prominent part in public affairs: as, for example, on the death of Theodebert and his brother Thierry, when with other nobles he called Clotaire of Nueatria to the throne of Austrasia. Ten years later Clotaire divided his dominions, and giving charge of Austrasia to his son Dagobert, appointed St. Arnulf his chief counselor. The holy Bishop did not long continue to guide this prince; he asked and received permission to quit the court, which he had long wished to do (Dagobert at first threatened to cut Arnulf's son's head off if he went away). He then resigned his bishopric, and retired with a friend, St. Romarcius, to a hermitage in the Vosges mountains, later the monastery of Remiremont.


Birth13 Aug 582Lay-Saint-Christophe, Meurthe-et-Moselle, Lorraine, France
Christen13 Aug 582Austrasia
MarriageAbt 595Saint Doda (Clotilde) "le Sainte" de Metz (Merovingian) Nun at Treves
Death16 Aug 640Metz, Moselle, Lorraine, France
Burial16 Aug 640Church of the Apostles, Metz, Moselle, Lorraine, France
