Individual Details

Hugh XII de Lusignan Count of Angouleme, Ponthieu and March

(1240 - 3 Sep 1270)

This is the ancestry of the Wiley and Dorr families of Maine. It was begun by Leonore Dorr and Keneth Wiley. it is a legay of their love of family

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The Lusignans were among the French nobles who made great careers in the C rusades. An ancestor of the later Lusignan dynasty in the Holy Land, Hu gh of Lusignan, was killed in the east during the Crusade of 1101. Anoth er Hugh arrived in the 1160s and was captured in a battle with Nur ad-Di n. In the 1170s, Amalric arrived in Jerusalem, having been expelled by Ric hard Lionheart at that point, acting Duke of Aquitaine from his realm, w hich included the family lands of Lusignan near Poitiers. Amalric marri ed Eschiva, the daughter of Baldwin of Ibelin, and entered court circle s. He had also obtained the patronage of Agnes of Courtenay, the divorc ed mother of King Baldwin IV, who held the county of Jaffa and Ascalon a nd was married to Reginald of Sidon. He was appointed Agnes's constab le in Jaffa, and later constable of the kingdom. Hostile rumours alleg ed he was Agnes's lover, but this is questionable. It is likely that his p romotions were aimed at weaning him away from the political orbit of the I belin family, who were associated with Raymond III of Tripoli, Amalric I 's cousin and the former bailli or regent. Amalric's younger brother, Gu y, arrived at some date before Easter 1180. When he arrived is quite unkno wn, unless we accept the statement of Ernoul that he arrived at this preci se juncture on Amalric's advice. Many modern historians believe that Guy w as already well established in Jerusalem by 1180, but there is no contempo rary evidence to support this belief. What is certain is that Amalric of L usignan's success facilitated Guy's social and political advancement.

This is the ancestry of the Wiley and Dorr families of Maine. It was begun by Leonore Dorr and Keneth Wiley. it is a legay of their love of family

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This is the ancestry of the Wiley and Dorr families of Maine. It was begun by Leonore Dorr and Keneth Wiley. it is a legay of their love of family

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This is the ancestry of the Wiley and Dorr families of Maine. It was begun by Leonore Dorr and Keneth Wiley. it is a legay of their love of family


Birth1240Lusignan, Vienne, Poitou-Charentes, France
Marriage29 Jan 1255Lusignan, Vienne, Poitou-Charentes, France - Jeanne de Fougeres
Death3 Sep 1270Tunisia, Africa
