Individual Details

Boson II of Arles

(928 - Bet 965 and 967)

Accoridng to Wikipedia;

Boson II of Arles (928 - 965/67) was Count of Avignon from 935 and Count of Arles from 949. Around 953, Boso II married Constance of Provence, a daughter of the Bivinid Charles Constantine, Count of Vienne, from whom he got two sons: Redwood II (Roubaud), and William I (Guillaume the Liberator) (* c. 952; † 994), Count of Arles and Provence, and then Margrave of Provence.[1] His origin is controversial, even though his life is relatively well known.[2][3][4]

According to a first hypothesis, Boson II, son of Rotbold (Roubaud) or Rodboald of Agel, a Mâconnais noble is given the title of Count of Provence in 903 by Louis the Blind.

The ancestors of Rotbold are unknown. Some historians consider that he could be the husband of either a daughter of William I and Ermengarde, one of the daughters of Boso V of Provence. This hypothesis is based on the fact that his ancestor being a male descendant of the Margrave Boso is rejected by some historians due to this Boson only having female descendants.[5] According to the French historian Jean-Pierre Poly, who sides with this hypothesis, the family of counts who was put into power by Hugh of Italy, probably came from Septimania. One of them, Boson, switched sides around 947-948 by cancelling his marriage with Berthe, the niece of Hugh, and marrying a noblewoman named Constance, considered by some to have been Constance de Provence, who gave her name to her granddaughter Constance of Arles, queen of Robert II of France. His brother Guilhem gave his name to one of Boson's sons and suggests he was possibly related to the Guilhelmides of Auvergne. Conrad III of Burgundy, the new king of Provence, may have found in Boson a less threatening and ambitious count from a minor family, and more likely to get along with Provençal notables.[6]

d'Abbans, A.F.É.J. (1854). Dictionnaire des inventions et découvertes anciennes et modernes; publ. par l'abbé Migne. Dictionnaire des inventions et découvertes anciennes et modernes; publ. par l'abbé Migne (in French). p. 516. Retrieved 27 August 2018.
Paul-Albert Février: La Provence of the origines à l'an mil . Editions Ouest-France Université, Rennes 1989, ISBN 2-7373-0456-3
The origins of Provence in the year one thousand - Editions Ouest-France University, 1989 ISBN 2737304563
which is true,assuming one only considers the children of his marriage to Willa de Bourgogne in 912
Poly, Jean-Pierre. La Provence et la société féodale 879-1166. p. 33.

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

Accoridng to Wikipedia;

Boson II of Arles (928 - 965/67) was Count of Avignon from 935 and Count of Arles from 949. Around 953, Boso II married Constance of Provence, a daughter of the Bivinid Charles Constantine, Count of Vienne, from whom he got two sons: Redwood II (Roubaud), and William I (Guillaume the Liberator) (* c. 952; † 994), Count of Arles and Provence, and then Margrave of Provence.[1] His origin is controversial, even though his life is relatively well known.[2][3][4]

According to a first hypothesis, Boson II, son of Rotbold (Roubaud) or Rodboald of Agel, a Mâconnais noble is given the title of Count of Provence in 903 by Louis the Blind.

The ancestors of Rotbold are unknown. Some historians consider that he could be the husband of either a daughter of William I and Ermengarde, one of the daughters of Boso V of Provence. This hypothesis is based on the fact that his ancestor being a male descendant of the Margrave Boso is rejected by some historians due to this Boson only having female descendants.[5] According to the French historian Jean-Pierre Poly, who sides with this hypothesis, the family of counts who was put into power by Hugh of Italy, probably came from Septimania. One of them, Boson, switched sides around 947-948 by cancelling his marriage with Berthe, the niece of Hugh, and marrying a noblewoman named Constance, considered by some to have been Constance de Provence, who gave her name to her granddaughter Constance of Arles, queen of Robert II of France. His brother Guilhem gave his name to one of Boson's sons and suggests he was possibly related to the Guilhelmides of Auvergne. Conrad III of Burgundy, the new king of Provence, may have found in Boson a less threatening and ambitious count from a minor family, and more likely to get along with Provençal notables.[6]

d'Abbans, A.F.É.J. (1854). Dictionnaire des inventions et découvertes anciennes et modernes; publ. par l'abbé Migne. Dictionnaire des inventions et découvertes anciennes et modernes; publ. par l'abbé Migne (in French). p. 516. Retrieved 27 August 2018.
Paul-Albert Février: La Provence of the origines à l'an mil . Editions Ouest-France Université, Rennes 1989, ISBN 2-7373-0456-3
The origins of Provence in the year one thousand - Editions Ouest-France University, 1989 ISBN 2737304563
which is true,assuming one only considers the children of his marriage to Willa de Bourgogne in 912
Poly, Jean-Pierre. La Provence et la société féodale 879-1166. p. 33.


DeathBet 965 and 967
