Individual Details

Gov. Thomas Roberts

(Abt 1600 - 30 Jun 1674)

The emigrant ancestor of the Roberts family in New England, b. ca. 1600; d. after Sept. 27, 1673; mar. Rebecca. In the gen. notes on Dover, N. H., it is told that Thomas Roberts settled at the Point in 1623 on land that was kept in the family for 200 years. He willed the bulk of his property to Richard Rich, the husband of his daughter, Sarah. He was buried on Dover Neck. Some authorities believe his wife was REBECCA or ELIZABETH HILTON, said to be the sister of Edward Hilton.
His children were: Esther, born 1626, married John Martin; John, born, 1629, married Abigail Nutter;. Thomas, born 1633, married Mary Leighton; Anne, married James Philbrick; Elizabeth, married Benjamin Heard, of Dover; Sarah, married Richard Rich. John Martin and his wife, Esther Roberts, lived at Dover, N. H., and later at Oyster River. The Dover records state they were still there in 1655 but in 1661 were credited "to Oyster River." (Vide, ante, PART THREE, p. 423.) (Source: First Settlers of Ye Plantations of Piscataway and Woodsridge Olde East New Jersey part 4, p. 303)

Thomas Roberts was apprenticed to a fishmonger of London, Eng. as the son of John Roberts, of Woolaston, Co. Worcester 29 Apr 1622, and probably came to the colonies at once as an apprentice to Edward Hilton, and lived near Hilton's house on Hilton Point. He was not married when he arrived, but was probably married in 1627. When he moved from Hilton Point, he located his house on the high bank of the Fore River. At the March, 1640 elections, Thomas was chosen as Governor of the colony over incumbent John Underhill. He held that office until Dover, then Northam, became part of the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1641 or 1642.
Later he held various minor town offices and was a regular member of the church. He was liberal in his views toward Quakers, who were persecuted in the area. He publicly chastised his sons, John and Thomas, who as town constables carried out a court order to whip three Quaker women. The women were stripped to the waist, tied to a cart, and whipped repeatedly for espousing Quaker views. He died between 27 Sep 1673 (the date of his Will) and 30 Jun 1674 (the date it was probated). His children, above, are mentioned in his Will. Thomas is buried in the oldest cemetery in Dover Neck, between the old Hanson Roberts farm and High Street, along with all of the early settlers of Dover. His grave is in the northeast corner with a slate stone.
Thomas Roberts signed the "Dover Combination" or founding instrument of the Dover colony, and received Lot #1 of the distribution of 20 acres lots laid out in 1642.
(Source: Noyes, Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire, p. 589)

According to the Martin Family History, the Roberts family was originally of Wales.

Abbrev: New Hampshire Probate Records
Title: Probate Records Of The Province Of New Hampshire Vol. 1 1635-1717
Name: Ancestry

Page: pp. 145-146
Quality: 4
Text: THOMAS ROBERTS - 1673 - Dover
In the name of God Amen
I Thomas Robearts Sen' of the Towne of Dover in Piscattaqua
River, in New England yeoman beeing weake of Body

Item - I give and bequeath, unto my Sone John Robearts, of
Dover, aforesaid, the sume of Twenty shillings in Currant money of New England, to be paid by my Executor, three monethes, after my discease

Item - I give and bequeath, unto my Sone , Thomas
Robearts, the sume of five shillings, in money to be paid at or within the space of three monethes, after my disease, by my Executor

Item - I give and bequeath, unto my Daughter, Hester (now
wife of John Martyn of New Jarze) the sume of five shillings in money, to be paid, by my Executor, three monethes, after my discease, if demanded

Item - I give and bequeath, unto my Daughter,Anne (now
wife of James Philbrooke of Hampton) the sume of five shillings in money, to be paid, by my Executor, three monethes, after my discease, as is above mentioned

Item - I give and bequeath, unto my Daughter, Elizabeth
(now wife of Benjamin Heard of Cochechock) the sume of five shillings in money, to be paid, by my Executor, three monethes, after my discease, by my Executor

Item - I give and bequeath, unto my Sone , in Law Richard
Rich, the husband, of my dearly beloved daughter Sarah, and to his heirs, Lawfully begotten on the Body of my said daughter (Be it either males or females) the males, to be ever preferred, before the females, and the elder before the younger, and to his, and their assiges forever, my dwelling house, where in, I now dwell, Lieing and Scituate, in Dover aforesaid, to gether also, with all, and Singular, the Out housing, Orchards, planting Land, and pastures, within fence, or Laying, in Common priviledge, of Vommond, proffitts, of Commodities, Advantages, hereditam, and appurtenances, whatsoever, thereunto belonging, or in any wise, appertaining, and now in my owne tenure, and occupac'on, and also, a Lott of fouer Acres, of planting Land, lieing and Scituate, in Dover aforesaid, neare my Said dwelling house, and Likewise three Acres, or marsh by Estimac'on, bee it more or Lesse, Lieing, and Scituate, at the mouth of Winnycott River, neare Greeneland, in Piscattaqua River, aforesaid, which I doe now possess, and Enjoy, and also, I doe nomminate, make choice of, and appoint, my said Sone in Law Richard Rich to bee my whole and Sole Executor, (& in Case of Mortallity, my Daughter Sarah above menc'oned) to Execute, or see Executed, this my Last will and Testament, according to the purport, true Intent, and meaning thereof, and in Testimony, that this is my Last will, and Testament, Irrevocably, I have hereunto, putt my hand and seale D'ated in Dover, aforemenc'oned, this Twenty Seaventh day of September, One Thousand Six hundred Seaventy & three. 1673.

Signed Sealed and Deliv'd in the presents of us.
Job Clements Sener
Job Clements Ju witnesseth
Richard Allexander
[Proved June 30, 1674]
Abbrev: New Hampshire Probate Records
Title: Probate Records Of The Province Of New Hampshire Vol. 1 1635-1717
Name: Ancestry

The New England Historical Historical & Genealogical Register, Vol. 61 (1907), p. 199, provides an abstract of original records published by Rev. Dr. Everett S. Stackpole, a noted genealogist. He checked the original records of the Fishmonger's Company, London, and found Gov. Thomas Robert's father to be John Roberts ... Not Thomas Roberts as listed above. Refer also to The Colonial Era History of Dover, NH by John Scales, p. 302; Mackenzie's book, Colonial Familes of the United States, Vol. 2, p. 619; and the Genealogical Dictionary of Maine & New Hampshire by Noyes, p. 589 Thus - the correction stating Gov. Thomas Roberts' father was: # John Roberts of Woolaston


SOURCE: P.302 of "Colonial Era History of Dover, NH, by John Scales
SOURCE: Mackenzie's book "Colonial Families of the United States" Vol. 2, pages 619
SOURCE: Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire, Noyes,

SUBMITTER: Transcribed by Eugene Hubbard


The following was received by e-mail, and corrected for grammar and
spelling errors. It was claimed to have been copied from p.302 of
"Colonial Era History of Dover, New Hampshire" John Scales, author.

Thomas Roberts was born in England about 1600, according to deposition.
Rev. Dr. Everett S. Stackpole imparts the information he had learned on
"excellent authority" that Thomas Roberts was apprenticed to a
fishmonger of London, as "son of John Roberts, of Woolaston, Co.
Worcester 29 April 1622, and probably came over at once, as an
apprentice to Edward Hilton, and lived within a stone's throw of
Hilton's house, on Hilton Point. He was not married at the time of
coming over, but probably was married in 1627. The maiden name of his
wife is not known, but there is a tradition she was sister of Edward
Hilton. Further than that we know not.

As regards his ancestry the following may be of interest and worthy of
preservation in these pages. In Mackenzie's book "Colonial Families of
the United States" Vol. 2, pages 619 et seq. is given the genealogy of
the Roberts family in England., and it is traced back to AD 1482, ten
years before Columbus discovered his first island in the West Indies.

Among the descendants is given Sir Thomas Roberts of Glassenbury: born
AD 1560; buried 20 Feb 1627; Knighted 23 July 1603; created a baronet 3
July 1620; Sheriff of Kent, 1623 ; married Frances James, who died Feb
1648; she was daughter of Martin James Esq. of Imarden. Their children
were: Sir Walter: Thomas: Frances: William, who emigrated to Maryland,
and has distinguished descendants there; Elizabeth; John; Ann

Those who have investigated the matter think there is a strong
probability that the second son, Thomas, who emigrated somewhere, is
the Thomas Roberts who come over and helped colonize Dover. There is no
positive proof, but a strong probability, that Governor Thomas Roberts,
of Hilton Point, was the second son of Sir Thomas Roberts, who was
knighted in 1603, and created a baron in 1620.

At the March, 1640 elections, Thomas Roberts was chosen Governor or
President of the Country in place of Gov. John Underhill. He held that
office until Dover (then Northam) came under Massachusetts rule in 1642.

Later he held various minor town offices; he was a regular member of the
church for many years, but was inclined to be liberal in his views, so
when the Quaker missionaries came to Dover he favored giving them a fair
hearing and opposed having the women whipped, as they were by order of
the court. He died between Sept 27 1673 and June 30 1674 those being
the dates of his will and its probating.

When Mr. Roberts removed from Hilton Point to the neck he located his
house on the high bank of Fore River, Dr. Quint, in his Memoranda,
describes it as follows: "He located himself on Fore River, on land now
(1851) forming a part of the Jerry Roberts estate; the spot is still
identified. It is nearly in a direct line, east of the house now (1851)
on that estate." The land had been in the continuous possession of the
Roberts family to that time.

This land is now (1923) owned by Mr. William M. Courser. The house was
built in 1825; the former house was burned in 1824. This farm remained
in possession of the Roberts family until near the close of the
nineteenth century. It came down in regular line of decent from Thomas
Jr., the younger son of Governor Thomas, their names are Thomas 2,
Nathaniel 3, Moses 4, Thomas 5, James 6, Jerry Sr. 7, Jerry Jr 8, who
was living in the house when Dr. Quint wrote his Historical Memoranda.

The farm owned by the late Howard Millett Roberts's sons, Fred and
Stephen W., came down to them through uninterrupted succession from
father to son, as follows: Sergt. John Roberts, eldest son of Governor
Thomas (his house was near the big elm tree;) his son Joseph 3 (who had
the tannery;) his son Stephen 4 (who had the tannery and kept a public
house (ordinary);) his son Joseph 5; and his son Hanson 6; and his son
Howard Millett Robert 7 (who was born Aug 15 1832.)

Joseph 5 Roberts , who was born in 1747, built the house about 1780
which was known as the Hanson Roberts house during the 19th century. It
bore that name because Mr. Hanson Roberts was born in it in 1793 and
lived there during a long life. It is one of finest old houses in Dover
and most beautifully located. Dr. Quint, in his valuable Memoranda,
which he obtained from Mr. Hanson Roberts in 1851, speaks of this house
and locates the dwelling as follows: "The old house stood sixty rods
northeast from the southwest corner of the house" (Hanson Roberts
House.) That measurement makes the spot a few rods east of the big
elm. The tannery was south of the homestead.

During many years, in early times, there was a road along the bank of
the river, from the road that went from High Street down to Beck's Slip
(1640), later known as Hartford’s Ferry, to a point north of the Thomas
Roberts Sr., residence, as the records say, up to the sheep pasture, and
there were several houses along the road or lane as it was called.

The oldest cemetery in Dover is in this section of Dover Neck, between
the Hanson Roberts Farm and High Street. Here are the graves of all the
first settlers; very few of them are marked. Gov. Roberts' grave is in
the northeast corner, and now has a slate stone, suitably inscribed,
that marks the spot; just west of it is the marked grave of his
grandson's grandson. Thomas Roberts made his will, dated 27 Sept 1673.
Since it was probated 30 June 1674; he probably died in 1674, as it was
the custom to probate the wills soon after the death of the testator. He
left a wife named Rebecca.

From Noyes et all, Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire.
Thomas Roberts, of DOVER, [NEW HAMPSHIRE] is said to have come with the
Hiltons, which is very probable as he was a fellow member of the
Fishmongers Co. of London with Edw. Hilton, both marked 'in New England'
in a list of 1641. It is presumed that he is that T. R., son of John
Roberts of Woolaston, apprenticed 29 Apr 1622. In 1639-40 he was
elected 'President of the Court,' an office of agency for the Bristol
Co., the proprietors of Dover, from which fact he is sometimes called
'Gov.' although the territory under his authority was only one town.
Signed the Dover Combination, 1640; gr.j. 1643, 1646, 1656. Various
deeds, grants and suits Sewall's 'History of the Quakers' states that
he rebuked his sons for their official cruelty to that sect. His name
appears on Mr. Corbett's petition of 26 Jul 1665. It appears in Dover
petition dated 'Northam, 4 1 month, [1640] concerning N.H. coming under
the rule of Mass. before the patentees are heard from. His name appears
on the 'Dover Combination.' He received lot #1 in the distribution of
20-acre lots laid out in 1642. He appears on the Dover tax lists of 19
Dec 1648, 8 Dec 1649, Dec, 1650. He is listed as a freeman able to
vote, and having taken the oath of fidelity [no date]. He appears on
the Dover tax lists between the dates of Jul 1657 and 1666. He was a
member of the inquest for one Hannah Stokes 21 Sep 1674. He was listed
in sham land grants surreptitiously entered into the Dover records as of
1659-60. He is listed in a document showing the distances of
inhabitants to the old meeting house. [none of the afore-mentioned
documents are displayed.] In 1670 he gave land to sons John (5) and
Thomas (12), and in 1671 half his remaining estate to his daughter Sarah
Rich. Will, 27 Sep 1673--proved 30 June 1674, giving his homestead to
Richard Rich and naming him his executor, names children: John b. ab.
1628. Thomas b. ab. 1635. Hester, m. John Martyn (7). Anna m. 1st.
James Philbrick (1), m. 2d William Marston (11). Elizabeth m. Benjamin
Heard(2). Sarah m. Richard Rich.

'Gene Hubbard
8th great grandson of Gov. Thomas Roberts

The emigrant ancestor of the Roberts family in New England, b. ca. 1600; d. after Sept. 27, 1673; mar. Rebecca. In the gen. notes on Dover, N. H., it is told that Thomas Roberts settled at the Point in 1623 on land that was kept in the family for 200 years. He willed the bulk of his property to Richard Rich, the husband of his daughter, Sarah. He was buried on Dover Neck. Some authorities believe his wife was REBECCA or ELIZABETH HILTON, said to be the sister of Edward Hilton.
His children were: Esther, born 1626, married John Martin; John, born, 1629, married Abigail Nutter;. Thomas, born 1633, married Mary Leighton; Anne, married James Philbrick; Elizabeth, married Benjamin Heard, of Dover; Sarah, married Richard Rich. John Martin and his wife, Esther Roberts, lived at Dover, N. H., and later at Oyster River. The Dover records state they were still there in 1655 but in 1661 were credited "to Oyster River." (Vide, ante, PART THREE, p. 423.) (Source: First Settlers of Ye Plantations of Piscataway and Woodsridge Olde East New Jersey part 4, p. 303)

Thomas Roberts was apprenticed to a fishmonger of London, Eng. as the son of John Roberts, of Woolaston, Co. Worcester 29 Apr 1622, and probably came to the colonies at once as an apprentice to Edward Hilton, and lived near Hilton's house on Hilton Point. He was not married when he arrived, but was probably married in 1627. When he moved from Hilton Point, he located his house on the high bank of the Fore River. At the March, 1640 elections, Thomas was chosen as Governor of the colony over incumbent John Underhill. He held that office until Dover, then Northam, became part of the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1641 or 1642.
Later he held various minor town offices and was a regular member of the church. He was liberal in his views toward Quakers, who were persecuted in the area. He publicly chastised his sons, John and Thomas, who as town constables carried out a court order to whip three Quaker women. The women were stripped to the waist, tied to a cart, and whipped repeatedly for espousing Quaker views. He died between 27 Sep 1673 (the date of his Will) and 30 Jun 1674 (the date it was probated). His children, above, are mentioned in his Will. Thomas is buried in the oldest cemetery in Dover Neck, between the old Hanson Roberts farm and High Street, along with all of the early settlers of Dover. His grave is in the northeast corner with a slate stone.
Thomas Roberts signed the "Dover Combination" or founding instrument of the Dover colony, and received Lot #1 of the distribution of 20 acres lots laid out in 1642.
(Source: Noyes, Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire, p. 589)

According to the Martin Family History, the Roberts family was originally of Wales.

Abbrev: New Hampshire Probate Records
Title: Probate Records Of The Province Of New Hampshire Vol. 1 1635-1717
Name: Ancestry

Page: pp. 145-146
Quality: 4
Text: THOMAS ROBERTS - 1673 - Dover
In the name of God Amen
I Thomas Robearts Sen' of the Towne of Dover in Piscattaqua
River, in New England yeoman beeing weake of Body

Item - I give and bequeath, unto my Sone John Robearts, of
Dover, aforesaid, the sume of Twenty shillings in Currant money of New England, to be paid by my Executor, three monethes, after my discease

Item - I give and bequeath, unto my Sone , Thomas
Robearts, the sume of five shillings, in money to be paid at or within the space of three monethes, after my disease, by my Executor

Item - I give and bequeath, unto my Daughter, Hester (now
wife of John Martyn of New Jarze) the sume of five shillings in money, to be paid, by my Executor, three monethes, after my discease, if demanded

Item - I give and bequeath, unto my Daughter,Anne (now
wife of James Philbrooke of Hampton) the sume of five shillings in money, to be paid, by my Executor, three monethes, after my discease, as is above mentioned

Item - I give and bequeath, unto my Daughter, Elizabeth
(now wife of Benjamin Heard of Cochechock) the sume of five shillings in money, to be paid, by my Executor, three monethes, after my discease, by my Executor

Item - I give and bequeath, unto my Sone , in Law Richard
Rich, the husband, of my dearly beloved daughter Sarah, and to his heirs, Lawfully begotten on the Body of my said daughter (Be it either males or females) the males, to be ever preferred, before the females, and the elder before the younger, and to his, and their assiges forever, my dwelling house, where in, I now dwell, Lieing and Scituate, in Dover aforesaid, to gether also, with all, and Singular, the Out housing, Orchards, planting Land, and pastures, within fence, or Laying, in Common priviledge, of Vommond, proffitts, of Commodities, Advantages, hereditam, and appurtenances, whatsoever, thereunto belonging, or in any wise, appertaining, and now in my owne tenure, and occupac'on, and also, a Lott of fouer Acres, of planting Land, lieing and Scituate, in Dover aforesaid, neare my Said dwelling house, and Likewise three Acres, or marsh by Estimac'on, bee it more or Lesse, Lieing, and Scituate, at the mouth of Winnycott River, neare Greeneland, in Piscattaqua River, aforesaid, which I doe now possess, and Enjoy, and also, I doe nomminate, make choice of, and appoint, my said Sone in Law Richard Rich to bee my whole and Sole Executor, (& in Case of Mortallity, my Daughter Sarah above menc'oned) to Execute, or see Executed, this my Last will and Testament, according to the purport, true Intent, and meaning thereof, and in Testimony, that this is my Last will, and Testament, Irrevocably, I have hereunto, putt my hand and seale D'ated in Dover, aforemenc'oned, this Twenty Seaventh day of September, One Thousand Six hundred Seaventy & three. 1673.

Signed Sealed and Deliv'd in the presents of us.
Job Clements Sener
Job Clements Ju witnesseth
Richard Allexander
[Proved June 30, 1674]
Abbrev: New Hampshire Probate Records
Title: Probate Records Of The Province Of New Hampshire Vol. 1 1635-1717
Name: Ancestry

The New England Historical Historical & Genealogical Register, Vol. 61 (1907), p. 199, provides an abstract of original records published by Rev. Dr. Everett S. Stackpole, a noted genealogist. He checked the original records of the Fishmonger's Company, London, and found Gov. Thomas Robert's father to be John Roberts ... Not Thomas Roberts as listed above. Refer also to The Colonial Era History of Dover, NH by John Scales, p. 302; Mackenzie's book, Colonial Familes of the United States, Vol. 2, p. 619; and the Genealogical Dictionary of Maine & New Hampshire by Noyes, p. 589 Thus - the correction stating Gov. Thomas Roberts' father was: # John Roberts of Woolaston


SOURCE: P.302 of "Colonial Era History of Dover, NH, by John Scales
SOURCE: Mackenzie's book "Colonial Families of the United States" Vol. 2, pages 619
SOURCE: Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire, Noyes,

SUBMITTER: Transcribed by Eugene Hubbard


The following was received by e-mail, and corrected for grammar and
spelling errors. It was claimed to have been copied from p.302 of
"Colonial Era History of Dover, New Hampshire" John Scales, author.

Thomas Roberts was born in England about 1600, according to deposition.
Rev. Dr. Everett S. Stackpole imparts the information he had learned on
"excellent authority" that Thomas Roberts was apprenticed to a
fishmonger of London, as "son of John Roberts, of Woolaston, Co.
Worcester 29 April 1622, and probably came over at once, as an
apprentice to Edward Hilton, and lived within a stone's throw of
Hilton's house, on Hilton Point. He was not married at the time of
coming over, but probably was married in 1627. The maiden name of his
wife is not known, but there is a tradition she was sister of Edward
Hilton. Further than that we know not.

As regards his ancestry the following may be of interest and worthy of
preservation in these pages. In Mackenzie's book "Colonial Families of
the United States" Vol. 2, pages 619 et seq. is given the genealogy of
the Roberts family in England., and it is traced back to AD 1482, ten
years before Columbus discovered his first island in the West Indies.

Among the descendants is given Sir Thomas Roberts of Glassenbury: born
AD 1560; buried 20 Feb 1627; Knighted 23 July 1603; created a baronet 3
July 1620; Sheriff of Kent, 1623 ; married Frances James, who died Feb
1648; she was daughter of Martin James Esq. of Imarden. Their children
were: Sir Walter: Thomas: Frances: William, who emigrated to Maryland,
and has distinguished descendants there; Elizabeth; John; Ann

Those who have investigated the matter think there is a strong
probability that the second son, Thomas, who emigrated somewhere, is
the Thomas Roberts who come over and helped colonize Dover. There is no
positive proof, but a strong probability, that Governor Thomas Roberts,
of Hilton Point, was the second son of Sir Thomas Roberts, who was
knighted in 1603, and created a baron in 1620.

At the March, 1640 elections, Thomas Roberts was chosen Governor or
President of the Country in place of Gov. John Underhill. He held that
office until Dover (then Northam) came under Massachusetts rule in 1642.

Later he held various minor town offices; he was a regular member of the
church for many years, but was inclined to be liberal in his views, so
when the Quaker missionaries came to Dover he favored giving them a fair
hearing and opposed having the women whipped, as they were by order of
the court. He died between Sept 27 1673 and June 30 1674 those being
the dates of his will and its probating.

When Mr. Roberts removed from Hilton Point to the neck he located his
house on the high bank of Fore River, Dr. Quint, in his Memoranda,
describes it as follows: "He located himself on Fore River, on land now
(1851) forming a part of the Jerry Roberts estate; the spot is still
identified. It is nearly in a direct line, east of the house now (1851)
on that estate." The land had been in the continuous possession of the
Roberts family to that time.

This land is now (1923) owned by Mr. William M. Courser. The house was
built in 1825; the former house was burned in 1824. This farm remained
in possession of the Roberts family until near the close of the
nineteenth century. It came down in regular line of decent from Thomas
Jr., the younger son of Governor Thomas, their names are Thomas 2,
Nathaniel 3, Moses 4, Thomas 5, James 6, Jerry Sr. 7, Jerry Jr 8, who
was living in the house when Dr. Quint wrote his Historical Memoranda.

The farm owned by the late Howard Millett Roberts's sons, Fred and
Stephen W., came down to them through uninterrupted succession from
father to son, as follows: Sergt. John Roberts, eldest son of Governor
Thomas (his house was near the big elm tree;) his son Joseph 3 (who had
the tannery;) his son Stephen 4 (who had the tannery and kept a public
house (ordinary);) his son Joseph 5; and his son Hanson 6; and his son
Howard Millett Robert 7 (who was born Aug 15 1832.)

Joseph 5 Roberts , who was born in 1747, built the house about 1780
which was known as the Hanson Roberts house during the 19th century. It
bore that name because Mr. Hanson Roberts was born in it in 1793 and
lived there during a long life. It is one of finest old houses in Dover
and most beautifully located. Dr. Quint, in his valuable Memoranda,
which he obtained from Mr. Hanson Roberts in 1851, speaks of this house
and locates the dwelling as follows: "The old house stood sixty rods
northeast from the southwest corner of the house" (Hanson Roberts
House.) That measurement makes the spot a few rods east of the big
elm. The tannery was south of the homestead.

During many years, in early times, there was a road along the bank of
the river, from the road that went from High Street down to Beck's Slip
(1640), later known as Hartford’s Ferry, to a point north of the Thomas
Roberts Sr., residence, as the records say, up to the sheep pasture, and
there were several houses along the road or lane as it was called.

The oldest cemetery in Dover is in this section of Dover Neck, between
the Hanson Roberts Farm and High Street. Here are the graves of all the
first settlers; very few of them are marked. Gov. Roberts' grave is in
the northeast corner, and now has a slate stone, suitably inscribed,
that marks the spot; just west of it is the marked grave of his
grandson's grandson. Thomas Roberts made his will, dated 27 Sept 1673.
Since it was probated 30 June 1674; he probably died in 1674, as it was
the custom to probate the wills soon after the death of the testator. He
left a wife named Rebecca.

From Noyes et all, Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire.
Thomas Roberts, of DOVER, [NEW HAMPSHIRE] is said to have come with the
Hiltons, which is very probable as he was a fellow member of the
Fishmongers Co. of London with Edw. Hilton, both marked 'in New England'
in a list of 1641. It is presumed that he is that T. R., son of John
Roberts of Woolaston, apprenticed 29 Apr 1622. In 1639-40 he was
elected 'President of the Court,' an office of agency for the Bristol
Co., the proprietors of Dover, from which fact he is sometimes called
'Gov.' although the territory under his authority was only one town.
Signed the Dover Combination, 1640; gr.j. 1643, 1646, 1656. Various
deeds, grants and suits Sewall's 'History of the Quakers' states that
he rebuked his sons for their official cruelty to that sect. His name
appears on Mr. Corbett's petition of 26 Jul 1665. It appears in Dover
petition dated 'Northam, 4 1 month, [1640] concerning N.H. coming under
the rule of Mass. before the patentees are heard from. His name appears
on the 'Dover Combination.' He received lot #1 in the distribution of
20-acre lots laid out in 1642. He appears on the Dover tax lists of 19
Dec 1648, 8 Dec 1649, Dec, 1650. He is listed as a freeman able to
vote, and having taken the oath of fidelity [no date]. He appears on
the Dover tax lists between the dates of Jul 1657 and 1666. He was a
member of the inquest for one Hannah Stokes 21 Sep 1674. He was listed
in sham land grants surreptitiously entered into the Dover records as of
1659-60. He is listed in a document showing the distances of
inhabitants to the old meeting house. [none of the afore-mentioned
documents are displayed.] In 1670 he gave land to sons John (5) and
Thomas (12), and in 1671 half his remaining estate to his daughter Sarah
Rich. Will, 27 Sep 1673--proved 30 June 1674, giving his homestead to
Richard Rich and naming him his executor, names children: John b. ab.
1628. Thomas b. ab. 1635. Hester, m. John Martyn (7). Anna m. 1st.
James Philbrick (1), m. 2d William Marston (11). Elizabeth m. Benjamin
Heard(2). Sarah m. Richard Rich.

'Gene Hubbard
8th great grandson of Gov. Thomas Roberts


The emigrant ancestor of the Roberts family in New England, b. ca. 1600; d. after Sept. 27, 1673; mar. Rebecca. In the gen. notes on Dover, N. H., it is told that Thomas Roberts settled at the Point in 1623 on land that was kept in the family for 200 years. He willed the bulk of his property to Richard Rich, the husband of his daughter, Sarah. He was buried on Dover Neck. Some authorities believe his wife was REBECCA or ELIZABETH HILTON, said to be the sister of Edward Hilton.
His children were: Esther, born 1626, married John Martin; John, born, 1629, married Abigail Nutter;. Thomas, born 1633, married Mary Leighton; Anne, married James Philbrick; Elizabeth, married Benjamin Heard, of Dover; Sarah, married Richard Rich. John Martin and his wife, Esther Roberts, lived at Dover, N. H., and later at Oyster River. The Dover records state they were still there in 1655 but in 1661 were credited "to Oyster River." (Vide, ante, PART THREE, p. 423.) (Source: First Settlers of Ye Plantations of Piscataway and Woodsridge Olde East New Jersey part 4, p. 303)

Thomas Roberts was apprenticed to a fishmonger of London, Eng. as the son of John Roberts, of Woolaston, Co. Worcester 29 Apr 1622, and probably came to the colonies at once as an apprentice to Edward Hilton, and lived near Hilton's house on Hilton Point. He was not married when he arrived, but was probably married in 1627. When he moved from Hilton Point, he located his house on the high bank of the Fore River. At the March, 1640 elections, Thomas was chosen as Governor of the colony over incumbent John Underhill. He held that office until Dover, then Northam, became part of the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1641 or 1642.
Later he held various minor town offices and was a regular member of the church. He was liberal in his views toward Quakers, who were persecuted in the area. He publicly chastised his sons, John and Thomas, who as town constables carried out a court order to whip three Quaker women. The women were stripped to the waist, tied to a cart, and whipped repeatedly for espousing Quaker views. He died between 27 Sep 1673 (the date of his Will) and 30 Jun 1674 (the date it was probated). His children, above, are mentioned in his Will. Thomas is buried in the oldest cemetery in Dover Neck, between the old Hanson Roberts farm and High Street, along with all of the early settlers of Dover. His grave is in the northeast corner with a slate stone.
Thomas Roberts signed the "Dover Combination" or founding instrument of the Dover colony, and received Lot #1 of the distribution of 20 acres lots laid out in 1642.
(Source: Noyes, Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire, p. 589)

According to the Martin Family History, the Roberts family was originally of Wales.

Abbrev: New Hampshire Probate Records
Title: Probate Records Of The Province Of New Hampshire Vol. 1 1635-1717
Name: Ancestry

Page: pp. 145-146
Quality: 4
Text: THOMAS ROBERTS - 1673 - Dover
In the name of God Amen
I Thomas Robearts Sen' of the Towne of Dover in Piscattaqua
River, in New England yeoman beeing weake of Body

Item - I give and bequeath, unto my Sone John Robearts, of
Dover, aforesaid, the sume of Twenty shillings in Currant money of New England, to be paid by my Executor, three monethes, after my discease

Item - I give and bequeath, unto my Sone , Thomas
Robearts, the sume of five shillings, in money to be paid at or within the space of three monethes, after my disease, by my Executor

Item - I give and bequeath, unto my Daughter, Hester (now
wife of John Martyn of New Jarze) the sume of five shillings in money, to be paid, by my Executor, three monethes, after my discease, if demanded

Item - I give and bequeath, unto my Daughter,Anne (now
wife of James Philbrooke of Hampton) the sume of five shillings in money, to be paid, by my Executor, three monethes, after my discease, as is above mentioned

Item - I give and bequeath, unto my Daughter, Elizabeth
(now wife of Benjamin Heard of Cochechock) the sume of five shillings in money, to be paid, by my Executor, three monethes, after my discease, by my Executor

Item - I give and bequeath, unto my Sone , in Law Richard
Rich, the husband, of my dearly beloved daughter Sarah, and to his heirs, Lawfully begotten on the Body of my said daughter (Be it either males or females) the males, to be ever preferred, before the females, and the elder before the younger, and to his, and their assiges forever, my dwelling house, where in, I now dwell, Lieing and Scituate, in Dover aforesaid, to gether also, with all, and Singular, the Out housing, Orchards, planting Land, and pastures, within fence, or Laying, in Common priviledge, of Vommond, proffitts, of Commodities, Advantages, hereditam, and appurtenances, whatsoever, thereunto belonging, or in any wise, appertaining, and now in my owne tenure, and occupac'on, and also, a Lott of fouer Acres, of planting Land, lieing and Scituate, in Dover aforesaid, neare my Said dwelling house, and Likewise three Acres, or marsh by Estimac'on, bee it more or Lesse, Lieing, and Scituate, at the mouth of Winnycott River, neare Greeneland, in Piscattaqua River, aforesaid, which I doe now possess, and Enjoy, and also, I doe nomminate, make choice of, and appoint, my said Sone in Law Richard Rich to bee my whole and Sole Executor, (& in Case of Mortallity, my Daughter Sarah above menc'oned) to Execute, or see Executed, this my Last will and Testament, according to the purport, true Intent, and meaning thereof, and in Testimony, that this is my Last will, and Testament, Irrevocably, I have hereunto, putt my hand and seale D'ated in Dover, aforemenc'oned, this Twenty Seaventh day of September, One Thousand Six hundred Seaventy & three. 1673.

Signed Sealed and Deliv'd in the presents of us.
Job Clements Sener
Job Clements Ju witnesseth
Richard Allexander
[Proved June 30, 1674]
Abbrev: New Hampshire Probate Records
Title: Probate Records Of The Province Of New Hampshire Vol. 1 1635-1717
Name: Ancestry

Page: pp. 145-146
Text: THOMAS ROBERTS - 1673 - Dover
In the name of God Amen
I Thomas Robearts Sen' of the Towne of Dover in Piscattaqua
River, in New England yeoman beeing weake of Body

Item - I give and bequeath, unto my Sone John Robearts, of
Dover, aforesaid, the sume of Twenty shillings in Currant money of New England, to be paid by my Executor, three monethes, after my discease

Item - I give and bequeath, unto my Sone , Thomas
Robearts, the sume of five shillings, in money to be paid at or within the space of three monethes, after my disease, by my Executor

Item - I give and bequeath, unto my Daughter, Hester (now
wife of John Martyn of New Jarze) the sume of five shillings in money, to be paid, by my Executor, three monethes, after my discease, if demanded

Item - I give and bequeath, unto my Daughter,Anne (now
wife of James Philbrooke of Hampton) the sume of five shillings in money, to be paid, by my Executor, three monethes, after my discease, as is above mentioned

Item - I give and bequeath, unto my Daughter, Elizabeth
(now wife of Benjamin Heard of Cochechock) the sume of five shillings in money, to be paid, by my Executor, three monethes, after my discease, by my Executor

Item - I give and bequeath, unto my Sone , in Law Richard
Rich, the husband, of my dearly beloved daughter Sarah, and to his heirs, Lawfully begotten on the Body of my said daughter (Be it either males or females) the males, to be ever preferred, before the females, and the elder before the younger, and to his, and their assiges forever, my dwelling house, where in, I now dwell, Lieing and Scituate, in Dover aforesaid, to gether also, with all, and Singular, the Out housing, Orchards, planting Land, and pastures, within fence, or Laying, in Common priviledge, of Vommond, proffitts, of Commodities, Advantages, hereditam, and appurtenances, whatsoever, thereunto belonging, or in any wise, appertaining, and now in my owne tenure, and occupac'on, and also, a Lott of fouer Acres, of planting Land, lieing and Scituate, in Dover aforesaid, neare my Said dwelling house, and Likewise three Acres, or marsh by Estimac'on, bee it more or Lesse, Lieing, and Scituate, at the mouth of Winnycott River, neare Greeneland, in Piscattaqua River, aforesaid, which I doe now possess, and Enjoy, and also, I doe nomminate, make choice of, and appoint, my said Sone in Law Richard Rich to bee my whole and Sole Executor, (& in Case of Mortallity, my Daughter Sarah above menc'oned) to Execute, or see Executed, this my Last will and Testament, according to the purport, true Intent, and meaning thereof, and in Testimony, that this is my Last will, and Testament, Irrevocably, I have hereunto, putt my hand and seale D'ated in Dover, aforemenc'oned, this Twenty Seaventh day of September, One Thousand Six hundred Seaventy & three. 1673.

Signed Sealed and Deliv'd in the presents of us.
Job Clements Sener
Job Clements Ju witnesseth
Richard Allexander
[Proved June 30, 1674]

Governor Thomas ROBERTS(1) (31)(32) (2) was born about 1600 in Woolaston Gloucestershire England. (3) He died in 1674 in Dover Hill Stafford County New Hampshire USA.(3) Roberts
# Ann Roberts b. c1631 Dover, Strafford Co., NH; md c1649 James Philbrick (9 children)
# Gov. Thomas Roberts b. c1600 Woolaston, Gloucester, England - d. 1674 Dover, Strafford Co., NH; md 1628 Rebecca Hilton (7 children)

Thomas was one of the Governor's of the Massachusetts Bay Colony
# Thomas Roberts b. c1559 Glassenbury, Kent, England - d. there 1627; md Frances James b. c1563 Smarden, Kent, England, dt of Martin James (7 children)
# Walter Roberts ---- md Frances Maynard

The New England Historical Historical & Genealogical Register, Vol. 61 (1907), p. 199, provides an abstract of original records published by Rev. Dr. Everett S. Stackpole, a noted genealogist. He checked the original records of the Fishmonger's Company, London, and found Gov. Thomas Robert's father to be John Roberts ... Not Thomas Roberts as listed above. Refer also to The Colonial Era History of Dover, NH by John Scales, p. 302; Mackenzie's book, Colonial Familes of the United States, Vol. 2, p. 619; and the Genealogical Dictionary of Maine & New Hampshire by Noyes, p. 589 Thus - the correction stating Gov. Thomas Roberts' father was:
# John Roberts of Woolaston


The emigrant ancestor of the Roberts family in New England, b. ca. 1600; d. after Sept. 27, 1673; mar. Rebecca. In the gen. notes on Dover, N. H., it is told that Thomas Roberts settled at the Point in 1623 on land that was kept in the family for 200 years. He willed the bulk of his property to Richard Rich, the husband of his daughter, Sarah. He was buried on Dover Neck. Some authorities believe his wife was REBECCA or ELIZABETH HILTON, said to be the sister of Edward Hilton.
His children were: Esther, born 1626, married John Martin; John, born, 1629, married Abigail Nutter;. Thomas, born 1633, married Mary Leighton; Anne, married James Philbrick; Elizabeth, married Benjamin Heard, of Dover; Sarah, married Richard Rich. John Martin and his wife, Esther Roberts, lived at Dover, N. H., and later at Oyster River. The Dover records state they were still there in 1655 but in 1661 were credited "to Oyster River." (Vide, ante, PART THREE, p. 423.) (Source: First Settlers of Ye Plantations of Piscataway and Woodsridge Olde East New Jersey part 4, p. 303)

Thomas Roberts was apprenticed to a fishmonger of London, Eng. as the son of John Roberts, of Woolaston, Co. Worcester 29 Apr 1622, and probably came to the colonies at once as an apprentice to Edward Hilton, and lived near Hilton's house on Hilton Point. He was not married when he arrived, but was probably married in 1627. When he moved from Hilton Point, he located his house on the high bank of the Fore River. At the March, 1640 elections, Thomas was chosen as Governor of the colony over incumbent John Underhill. He held that office until Dover, then Northam, became part of the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1641 or 1642.
Later he held various minor town offices and was a regular member of the church. He was liberal in his views toward Quakers, who were persecuted in the area. He publicly chastised his sons, John and Thomas, who as town constables carried out a court order to whip three Quaker women. The women were stripped to the waist, tied to a cart, and whipped repeatedly for espousing Quaker views. He died between 27 Sep 1673 (the date of his Will) and 30 Jun 1674 (the date it was probated). His children, above, are mentioned in his Will. Thomas is buried in the oldest cemetery in Dover Neck, between the old Hanson Roberts farm and High Street, along with all of the early settlers of Dover. His grave is in the northeast corner with a slate stone.
Thomas Roberts signed the "Dover Combination" or founding instrument of the Dover colony, and received Lot #1 of the distribution of 20 acres lots laid out in 1642.
(Source: Noyes, Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire, p. 589)

According to the Martin Family History, the Roberts family was originally of Wales.

Abbrev: New Hampshire Probate Records
Title: Probate Records Of The Province Of New Hampshire Vol. 1 1635-1717
Name: Ancestry

Page: pp. 145-146
Quality: 4
Text: THOMAS ROBERTS - 1673 - Dover
In the name of God Amen
I Thomas Robearts Sen' of the Towne of Dover in Piscattaqua
River, in New England yeoman beeing weake of Body

Item - I give and bequeath, unto my Sone John Robearts, of
Dover, aforesaid, the sume of Twenty shillings in Currant money of New England, to be paid by my Executor, three monethes, after my discease

Item - I give and bequeath, unto my Sone , Thomas
Robearts, the sume of five shillings, in money to be paid at or within the space of three monethes, after my disease, by my Executor

Item - I give and bequeath, unto my Daughter, Hester (now
wife of John Martyn of New Jarze) the sume of five shillings in money, to be paid, by my Executor, three monethes, after my discease, if demanded

Item - I give and bequeath, unto my Daughter,Anne (now
wife of James Philbrooke of Hampton) the sume of five shillings in money, to be paid, by my Executor, three monethes, after my discease, as is above mentioned

Item - I give and bequeath, unto my Daughter, Elizabeth
(now wife of Benjamin Heard of Cochechock) the sume of five shillings in money, to be paid, by my Executor, three monethes, after my discease, by my Executor

Item - I give and bequeath, unto my Sone , in Law Richard
Rich, the husband, of my dearly beloved daughter Sarah, and to his heirs, Lawfully begotten on the Body of my said daughter (Be it either males or females) the males, to be ever preferred, before the females, and the elder before the younger, and to his, and their assiges forever, my dwelling house, where in, I now dwell, Lieing and Scituate, in Dover aforesaid, to gether also, with all, and Singular, the Out housing, Orchards, planting Land, and pastures, within fence, or Laying, in Common priviledge, of Vommond, proffitts, of Commodities, Advantages, hereditam, and appurtenances, whatsoever, thereunto belonging, or in any wise, appertaining, and now in my owne tenure, and occupac'on, and also, a Lott of fouer Acres, of planting Land, lieing and Scituate, in Dover aforesaid, neare my Said dwelling house, and Likewise three Acres, or marsh by Estimac'on, bee it more or Lesse, Lieing, and Scituate, at the mouth of Winnycott River, neare Greeneland, in Piscattaqua River, aforesaid, which I doe now possess, and Enjoy, and also, I doe nomminate, make choice of, and appoint, my said Sone in Law Richard Rich to bee my whole and Sole Executor, (& in Case of Mortallity, my Daughter Sarah above menc'oned) to Execute, or see Executed, this my Last will and Testament, according to the purport, true Intent, and meaning thereof, and in Testimony, that this is my Last will, and Testament, Irrevocably, I have hereunto, putt my hand and seale D'ated in Dover, aforemenc'oned, this Twenty Seaventh day of September, One Thousand Six hundred Seaventy & three. 1673.

Signed Sealed and Deliv'd in the presents of us.
Job Clements Sener
Job Clements Ju witnesseth
Richard Allexander
[Proved June 30, 1674]
Abbrev: New Hampshire Probate Records
Title: Probate Records Of The Province Of New Hampshire Vol. 1 1635-1717
Name: Ancestry

Page: pp. 145-146
Text: THOMAS ROBERTS - 1673 - Dover
In the name of God Amen
I Thomas Robearts Sen' of the Towne of Dover in Piscattaqua
River, in New England yeoman beeing weake of Body

Item - I give and bequeath, unto my Sone John Robearts, of
Dover, aforesaid, the sume of Twenty shillings in Currant money of New England, to be paid by my Executor, three monethes, after my discease

Item - I give and bequeath, unto my Sone , Thomas
Robearts, the sume of five shillings, in money to be paid at or within the space of three monethes, after my disease, by my Executor

Item - I give and bequeath, unto my Daughter, Hester (now
wife of John Martyn of New Jarze) the sume of five shillings in money, to be paid, by my Executor, three monethes, after my discease, if demanded

Item - I give and bequeath, unto my Daughter,Anne (now
wife of James Philbrooke of Hampton) the sume of five shillings in money, to be paid, by my Executor, three monethes, after my discease, as is above mentioned

Item - I give and bequeath, unto my Daughter, Elizabeth
(now wife of Benjamin Heard of Cochechock) the sume of five shillings in money, to be paid, by my Executor, three monethes, after my discease, by my Executor

Item - I give and bequeath, unto my Sone , in Law Richard
Rich, the husband, of my dearly beloved daughter Sarah, and to his heirs, Lawfully begotten on the Body of my said daughter (Be it either males or females) the males, to be ever preferred, before the females, and the elder before the younger, and to his, and their assiges forever, my dwelling house, where in, I now dwell, Lieing and Scituate, in Dover aforesaid, to gether also, with all, and Singular, the Out housing, Orchards, planting Land, and pastures, within fence, or Laying, in Common priviledge, of Vommond, proffitts, of Commodities, Advantages, hereditam, and appurtenances, whatsoever, thereunto belonging, or in any wise, appertaining, and now in my owne tenure, and occupac'on, and also, a Lott of fouer Acres, of planting Land, lieing and Scituate, in Dover aforesaid, neare my Said dwelling house, and Likewise three Acres, or marsh by Estimac'on, bee it more or Lesse, Lieing, and Scituate, at the mouth of Winnycott River, neare Greeneland, in Piscattaqua River, aforesaid, which I doe now possess, and Enjoy, and also, I doe nomminate, make choice of, and appoint, my said Sone in Law Richard Rich to bee my whole and Sole Executor, (& in Case of Mortallity, my Daughter Sarah above menc'oned) to Execute, or see Executed, this my Last will and Testament, according to the purport, true Intent, and meaning thereof, and in Testimony, that this is my Last will, and Testament, Irrevocably, I have hereunto, putt my hand and seale D'ated in Dover, aforemenc'oned, this Twenty Seaventh day of September, One Thousand Six hundred Seaventy & three. 1673.

Signed Sealed and Deliv'd in the presents of us.
Job Clements Sener
Job Clements Ju witnesseth
Richard Allexander
[Proved June 30, 1674]


SOURCE: P.302 of "Colonial Era History of Dover, NH, by John Scales
SOURCE: Mackenzie's book "Colonial Families of the United States" Vol. 2, pages 619
SOURCE: Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire, Noyes,

SUBMITTER: Transcribed by Eugene Hubbard


The following was received by e-mail, and corrected for grammar and
spelling errors. It was claimed to have been copied from p.302 of
"Colonial Era History of Dover, New Hampshire" John Scales, author.

Thomas Roberts was born in England about 1600, according to deposition.
Rev. Dr. Everett S. Stackpole imparts the information he had learned on
"excellent authority" that Thomas Roberts was apprenticed to a
fishmonger of London, as "son of John Roberts, of Woolaston, Co.
Worcester 29 April 1622, and probably came over at once, as an
apprentice to Edward Hilton, and lived within a stone's throw of
Hilton's house, on Hilton Point. He was not married at the time of
coming over, but probably was married in 1627. The maiden name of his
wife is not known, but there is a tradition she was sister of Edward
Hilton. Further than that we know not.

As regards his ancestry the following may be of interest and worthy of
preservation in these pages. In Mackenzie's book "Colonial Families of
the United States" Vol. 2, pages 619 et seq. is given the genealogy of
the Roberts family in England., and it is traced back to AD 1482, ten
years before Columbus discovered his first island in the West Indies.

Among the descendants is given Sir Thomas Roberts of Glassenbury: born
AD 1560; buried 20 Feb 1627; Knighted 23 July 1603; created a baronet 3
July 1620; Sheriff of Kent, 1623 ; married Frances James, who died Feb
1648; she was daughter of Martin James Esq. of Imarden. Their children
were: Sir Walter: Thomas: Frances: William, who emigrated to Maryland,
and has distinguished descendants there; Elizabeth; John; Ann

Those who have investigated the matter think there is a strong
probability that the second son, Thomas , who emigrated somewhere, is
the Thomas Roberts who come over and helped colonize Dover. There is no
positive proof, but a strong probability, that Governor Thomas Roberts,
of Hilton Point, was the second son of Sir Thomas Roberts, who was
knighted in 1603, and created a baron in 1620.

At the March, 1640 elections, Thomas Roberts was chosen Governor or
President of the Country in place of Gov. John Underhill. He held that
office until Dover (then Northam) came under Massachusetts rule in 1642.

Later he held various minor town offices; he was a regular member of the
church for many years, but was inclined to be liberal in his views, so
when the Quaker missionaries came to Dover he favored giving them a fair
hearing and opposed having the women whipped, as they were by order of
the court. He died between Sept 27 1673 and June 30 1674 those being
the dates of his will and its probating.

When Mr. Roberts removed from Hilton Point to the neck he located his
house on the high bank of Fore River, Dr. Quint, in his Memoranda,
describes it as follows: "He located himself on Fore River, on land now
(1851) forming a part of the Jerry Roberts estate; the spot is still
identified. It is nearly in a direct line, east of the house now (1851)
on that estate." The land had been in the continuous possession of the
Roberts family to that time.

This land is now (1923) owned by Mr. William M. Courser. The house was
built in 1825; the former house was burned in 1824. This farm remained
in possession of the Roberts family until near the close of the
nineteenth century. It came down in regular line of decent from Thomas
Jr., the younger son of Governor Thomas, their names are Thomas 2,
Nathaniel 3, Moses 4, Thomas 5, James 6, Jerry Sr. 7, Jerry Jr 8, who
was living in the house when Dr. Quint wrote his Historical Memoranda.

The farm owned by the late Howard Millett Roberts's sons, Fred and
Stephen W., came down to them through uninterrupted succession from
father to son, as follows: Sergt. John Roberts, eldest son of Governor
Thomas (his house was near the big elm tree;) his son Joseph 3 (who had
the tannery;) his son Stephen 4 (who had the tannery and kept a public
house (ordinary);) his son Joseph 5; and his son Hanson 6; and his son
Howard Millett Robert 7 (who was born Aug 15 1832.)

Joseph 5 Roberts , who was born in 1747, built the house about 1780
which was known as the Hanson Roberts house during the 19th century. It
bore that name because Mr. Hanson Roberts was born in it in 1793 and
lived there during a long life. It is one of finest old houses in Dover
and most beautifully located. Dr. Quint, in his valuable Memoranda,
which he obtained from Mr. Hanson Roberts in 1851, speaks of this house
and locates the dwelling as follows: "The old house stood sixty rods
northeast from the southwest corner of the house" (Hanson Roberts
House.) That measurement makes the spot a few rods east of the big
elm. The tannery was south of the homestead.

During many years, in early times, there was a road along the bank of
the river, from the road that went from High Street down to Beck's Slip
(1640), later known as Hartford’s Ferry, to a point north of the Thomas
Roberts Sr., residence, as the records say, up to the sheep pasture, and
there were several houses along the road or lane as it was called.

The oldest cemetery in Dover is in this section of Dover Neck, between
the Hanson Roberts Farm and High Street. Here are the graves of all the
first settlers; very few of them are marked. Gov. Roberts' grave is in
the northeast corner, and now has a slate stone, suitably inscribed,
that marks the spot; just west of it is the marked grave of his
grandson's grandson. Thomas Roberts made his will, dated 27 Sept 1673.
Since it was probated 30 June 1674; he probably died in 1674, as it was
the custom to probate the wills soon after the death of the testator. He
left a wife named Rebecca.

From Noyes et all, Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire.
Thomas Roberts, of DOVER, [NEW HAMPSHIRE] is said to have come with the
Hiltons, which is very probable as he was a fellow member of the
Fishmongers Co. of London with Edw. Hilton, both marked 'in New England'
in a list of 1641. It is presumed that he is that T. R., son of John
Roberts of Woolaston, apprenticed 29 Apr 1622. In 1639-40 he was
elected 'President of the Court,' an office of agency for the Bristol
Co., the proprietors of Dover, from which fact he is sometimes called
'Gov.' although the territory under his authority was only one town.
Signed the Dover Combination, 1640; gr.j. 1643, 1646, 1656. Various
deeds, grants and suits Sewall's 'History of the Quakers' states that
he rebuked his sons for their official cruelty to that sect. His name
appears on Mr. Corbett's petition of 26 Jul 1665. It appears in Dover
petition dated 'Northam, 4 1 month, [1640] concerning N.H. coming under
the rule of Mass. before the patentees are heard from. His name appears
on the 'Dover Combination.' He received lot #1 in the distribution of
20-acre lots laid out in 1642. He appears on the Dover tax lists of 19
Dec 1648, 8 Dec 1649, Dec, 1650. He is listed as a freeman able to
vote, and having taken the oath of fidelity [no date]. He appears on
the Dover tax lists between the dates of Jul 1657 and 1666. He was a
member of the inquest for one Hannah Stokes 21 Sep 1674. He was listed
in sham land grants surreptitiously entered into the Dover records as of
1659-60. He is listed in a document showing the distances of
inhabitants to the old meeting house. [none of the afore-mentioned
documents are displayed.] In 1670 he gave land to sons John (5) and
Thomas (12), and in 1671 half his remaining estate to his daughter Sarah
Rich. Will, 27 Sep 1673--proved 30 June 1674, giving his homestead to
Richard Rich and naming him his executor, names children: John b. ab.
1628. Thomas b. ab. 1635. Hester, m. John Martyn (7). Anna m. 1st.
James Philbrick (1), m. 2d William Marston (11). Elizabeth m. Benjamin
Heard(2). Sarah m. Richard Rich.

'Gene Hubbard
8th great grandson of Gov. Thomas Roberts,a%20part%20of%20Norfolk%20County.


By W.H.W. Benedict, Boston Sunday Globe, September 9, 1928.

DOVER, NH- New Hampshire believes it is justified in claiming to have within its borders the oldest farm in the United States- oldest in the sense of having been owned, occupied and tilled as a family possession continuously from its beginning. This is the “Gov Thomas Roberts Farm” at Dover Neck. It dates from almost the beginning of the white men’s settlement of New Hampshire territory.

Dover Neck is that narrow tongue of land between the Piscataqua on the east and the Bellamy, or Back River, on the west and sloping gently southward to the confluences of the rivers and Great Bay at Dover Point.

Here in the Spring of 1623 New Hampshire had its beginning in the little settlement formed there by Edward Hilton, William Hilton, Thomas Roberts and a few others, whose names, if ever recorded, have been lost in the lapse of centuries.
Acquired in 1628
The Roberts farm’s claim to the hoary age of three centuries of uninterrupted family ownership and occupancy is based on available colonial and family records more of less fragmentary, but authentic and supporting the local tradition.
While its exact age as a family possession is not known, owing to the disappearance of the record of its acquisition by the pioneer, Thomas Robert, other historical data point to the probability that it was acquired by Roberts in 1628, when the land became available  under the David Thomson grant, as will be later explained.

It is possible, however, that Roberts did not come into possession of it until 1631, the year Edward Hilton received a special grant from the Council of Plymouth, Eng., called the Swamscott patent, confirming and defining the bounds of the territory he had acquired under Thomson’s grant of 6000 acres in 1622.
It may be reasonably presumed that the quest for the country’s oldest farm will have to end here. Fred H. Roberts, its present owner, eighth in descent from Gov. Roberts, who was the last Governor or Chief Magistrate of the Dover Colony before it came under the rule of the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1642, thinks it must end here.

It appears altogether improbable that the owner of any farm outside of New England can trace as far back into the distant past ownership by pioneer forbears of the present owners.  In Virginia, where a permanent settlement was begun 13 years before the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth, the lands were held by corporate interests in England until after New England was settled.
Purely a Business Enterprise

Unlike the Plymouth settlement, which was established by the Pilgrim Fathers primarily as a refuge from religious restraint and which had a precarious existence, with pestilence and starvation threatening, and with hostile Indians to contend with during its early years, the Dover settlement was singularly free from such handicaps up to the time the Indian wars started in 1675.

It was begun purely as a business enterprise by Englishmen who had visions of amassing wealth through direct contact with this newly discovered land of great resources, which had already been found exceedingly rich in fisheries, in timber for ship-building and land for planting, and inhabited by friendly Indians with whom profitable trader was anticipated.

Captain John Smith in 1614 had found the waters along this part of the coast teeming with fish. Up the Piscataqua River, too, he had sailed on his prospecting voyage. He was a promoter of the fishing industry at the Isles of Shoals and along the New Hampshire coast, which flourished before the mainland was settled.

David Thomson of Thomsons Island, Boston Harbor, had been over here early in, or before, 1622, and set up salmon fishing stages on the Piscataqua at a point of land in Dover territory where the Cocheco River joins it, and later that year had secured a patent upon it from the Council of Plymouth, England, which he had been serving as confidential agent.
Enter David Thomson
Three months after obtaining his grant of the point, ever since known as Thomsons Point, Thomson secured another grant from the Plymouth council of 6000 acres of land and an Island, in New England. Why he applied for an island, undefined and un-located as part of his grant, has puzzled historical writers, but the explanation is found in a deposition made by William Trevour in 1650 concerning the island in question in Boston Harbor, which was originally called Trevours Island.

According to the deposition, which was made in connection with a suit against the Massachusetts Bay Colony by Thomson’s son, John to establish his title to the island, Trevour had taken possession of the island in 1619, and two years later had bargained it to David Thomson in London. On the strength of that bargain Thomson had included the island in his application for a 6000-acre grant. Thomson lived on the island the last three years of his life, dying there in 1628.

These references to David Thomson are pertinent since he was the prime mover in the enterprise which resulted in the establishment of the Dover colony by the Hiltons, Thomas Roberts and their associates.

Through an indenture signed Dec 14, 1622, by him and three wealthy merchants of Plymouth, Abram Collmer, Nicholas Sherwill and Leonard Pomery (later spelled Pomeroy), the four undertook to start a settlement of Thomson’s 6000-acre grant, establish fisheries then one of England’ s most important industries, engage in trade with England and her colonies and develop plantations. Shipbuilding also offered great possibilities.

This was the first act in the exploitation of the region north of Massachusetts, which a decade later became a land boom of considerable magnitude, a colonization project, under the direction of Lords Say and Brooke, with Captain Thomas Wiggin as their colonizing agent. Up to that time the settlers by the terms of the Thomson indenture were just enough to execute the projects named in it.
An Early Romance
The indenture provided for the landing of only seven men besides Thomson at the beginning. Two of the seven came over in the ship Jonathan of Plymouth with Thomson. They landed at Little Harbor, near the mouth of the Piscataqua, a place called by the Indians Pannaway, where Thomson lived until in 1826 he retired to his island in Boston Harbor.

The other five men, including the Hiltons and Roberts, came over afterward in the ship Providence of Plymouth, owned by Pomery, and landed in Pomery’s Cove at Dover Point, called at the beginning Hilton Point.

The fourth article of the Thomson indenture provided that before the end of five years after the first landing there should be an allotment if 600 acres of land around the buildings of the settlement, which with the buildings should be divided equally between the parties. It was from this allotment that Thomas Roberts obtained his farm.

Romance played an important role in Roberts securing on of the choicest locations, apart from Edward Hilton’s for his plantation. In 1627 Roberts married Rebecca Hilton, a sister of Edward and William Hilton.

The Hilton brothers were members of the aristocratic Fishmongers’ Guild of London when Thomas Roberts, according to the guild’s archives, became apprenticed to it in 1622. The friendship then formed between the three young men led them to associate themselves with David Thomson’s New England enterprise. Roberts and Edward Hilton were nearly of the same age, each slightly past his majority.
Had the First Choice of Farms
William was five years older than Edward, and married. He had come over to Plymouth in 1621, but had returned to England the following year. It was therefore natural that Edward Hilton, who had been made the head of the settlement by Pomery, should give his brother-in-law first choice for his farm of approximately 150 acres. Roberts selected high ground on Dover neck about two and a half miles above Hilton Point.

William Hilton was evidently not interested in Robert’s selection, as he had settled on the opposite side of the river, now Eliot, Me.  But William fared ill for he was dispossessed of his corn field and his house destroyed in June, 1633, by Capt Walter Neal, governor of Capt John Mason’s Strawberry Bank (Portsmouth) settlement, who set up the claim that the land where Hilton settled belonged to Mason under a grant to Mason by the Plymouth Council.

Hilton, however, recovered the judgment for damages in court against Mrs Mason 20 years later. But for that episode Thomas Roberts might not have fared so well in picking his plantation.

The Roberts farm was laid out along the bank of the Piscataqua, or Fore Back River, as it is commonly called to distinguish it from the Bellamy or Back River. To this was added a substantial tract on Back River by grant of the town in the middle of the 17th century.

When Capt. Wiggin came with 30 or more colonists in 1633 under the provisions of the Lords Say and Brooke colonization patent, the colonists took land adjoining the Roberts farm, which Hilton and his associates had sold to the English promoters.
Ancient Oak the Boundary
Thomas Roberts had two sons, John and Thomas. The four children who followed them were all daughters. Equally between his sons, about 1660, Roberts divided his farm, John receiving the southern half and Thomas the northern. On the division line about 200 yards from the Piscataqua stood a great white oak, monarch of the primeval forest that covered this region. This oak, now in the last stages of dying, has from this time been known as the “Bound Oak.”
The tree was old when Columbus came on his voyage of discovery. Its buttressed trunk measures 23 feet 8 inches in circumference one foot from the ground. A few years ago its great top had a spread of 78 feet. Its height was about 60 feet.

Thomas Roberts Sr built his home on the high bank of the river about 150 yards northeast of the Bound Oak. The land was on that part of the farm which he afterward gave his son, Thomas. The cellar excavation is still well defined and the site has been marked with a granite stone bearing a bronze tablet, placed there by the New Hampshire Society of Colonial Wars.

Immediately after his marriage Roberts lived in a house at the Point near Hiltons. It was not until sometime in the following decade, after his farm had been partially cleared of timber, that he began the erection of the Dover Neck dwelling.
Last of Early Governors
In 1640 Thomas Roberts succeeded Capt John Underhill as the fourth Governor of the Dover colony. Roberts served until the Massachusetts Bay colony achieved its ambition of annexing, in 1642, the Piscataqua River settlements, Dover, Strawberry Bank and Exeter, also Hampton, and making them a part of Norfolk County.

He had a leading part in the formation and establishment, in 1640, of “The Dover Combination,” an improved scheme of local self-government. He was one of 21 of the 42 signers of the Combination agreement in 1641, a protest against annexation to Massachusetts.

Gov Roberts was not of Puritanic mold. He possessed a liberality of thought which led him 20 years later to embrace the teachings of the Quaker missionaries, who had come here early in the ‘60s, and secured a following from among the orthodox Church people, only to be driven out of Dover in mid-Winter under harrowing conditions in accordance with Massachusetts laws against Quakers.

While he sympathized with the missionaries and was fined by being deprived of his cow for attending their meetings and staying away from public worship, his two sons, John and Thomas, both constables, zealously executed their appointed part of Massachusetts’ order expelling the missionaries from its jurisdiction.
The Fate of The Quakers
The missionaries, Anne Coleman, Mary Tomkins and Alice Ambrose, were led out of Dover Dec 22, 1662, with ropes to the tail of an ox cart. According to the warrant issued by Maj Richard Walderne, the women were stripped to their waists and whipped on their naked backs “not exceeding 10 stripes apiece” as they passed from one town’s jurisdiction to another.

This process of expulsion was repeated until the Merrimack River was reached at Salisbury, where Maj Pike in pity forbade further whipping and arranged with Dr Walter Barefoot of Dover, a sympathizer , who had accompanied them all the way, to take charge of them and get them out of Massachusetts’ jurisdiction. The doctor took them in a boat to Kittery, Me, and to the home of another sympathizer, Maj. Nicholas Shapleigh.

Recuperating there from their ordeal, these missionary women returned to Dover and resumed their preaching. They were not again driven from town, but constable Roberts, who, a contemporary Quaker writer declared had administered to the women 11 strips for good measure instead of 10, undertook a project of some of the more illiberal members of the community, that of taking the missionaries down river and out of Dover bound in an Indian dugout.

According to the Quaker narrative the women were taken from a house and were dragged through the deep snow to the river, Alice Ambrose was plunged into the icy water and made to swim beside the boat to escape drowning. A sudden storm rising prevented this attempt to rid the community of the women from succeeding.

Quakers eventually became numerous in Dover and established a church and the Roberts family down through the generations have been divided between the Quaker and Orthodox faiths.
By a Never Failing Spring
After New Hampshire was cut off from Massachusetts and became a separate province in 1679, John Roberts, the elder son, received royal appointment as marshal of the province. He was commonly called Sergt Roberts.

His house stood near the river on his half of the original farm and close by a never failing spring.

Overshadowing this spring stands a giant Elm, which was planted there while the house was being conducted as an inn by Mr. Roberts’ grandson. Stephen. The tree is today 15 feet 9 inches in circumference six feet above the ground, and though more than two centuries old shows no sign of decay.

The oldest dwelling extant on the original Roberts farm is the handsome colonial house on the John Roberts section, known for many years as the Hanson Roberts house, as Hanson Roberts, grandfather of the proprietor of what remains of the Roberts acres in the family name, was born in it in 1793.

The house was built about 1775 by Hanson’s father, Joseph, fifth in descent from Governor Roberts. It passed from the Roberts family possession in 1912.
Now An Apple Orchard
The present Roberts land holdings include about one-third of the original farm, portions of which have been sold from time to time. Fred Roberts, a descendant of Sergt John owns the famous Bound Oak and more than 40 acres south of it. It was the farm of his father, Howard Millett Roberts, who left two sons, the younger being Stephen W.

Fred, who has devoted his energies for many years to apple culture on a large scale, added to his ancestral farm a 20-acre orchard tract on the opposite side of the State Highway several years ago. After the death of their father Stephen sold his interest in the farm to his brother.

That half of the original farm, which was given by Gov Roberts to his younger son Thomas came into the possession of William M. Courser, a farmer of Dover Neck in 1912.

From the earliest times the Roberts family have been intimately associated with the progress of Dover. It was Gov Roberts who was the first to turn the soil of New Hampshire with the plow. He was taught by the Indians how to raise Indian corn and fertilize the hills with alewives, which swarmed up river in the Spring. A tannery on the Roberts farm was one of the first established here. Brick-making, which came later, was conducted by Roberts descendants.

The ancient burying ground, in which all the first settlers were buried, occupies a niche taken from the Roberts farm close by the highway. The graves are mostly unmarked, but that of Gov Roberts is marked with a slate headstone suitably inscribed, placed there about 25 years ago to replace the original. Gov Roberts died in 1674.
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BirthAbt 1600Woolaston, Gloucestershire, , England
Marriage1627Rebecca Hilton
MarriageAbt 1629Rebecca Hilton
DeathBef 30 Jun 1674Dover Neck, Strafford, New Hampshire, USA
Death30 Jun 1674Dover Neck, Massachusetts Colony
Title (Nobility)Governor


SpouseRebecca Hilton (1602 - 1674)
ChildEsther (Hester) Roberts (1626 - 1687)
ChildJohn Roberts (1628 - 1694)
ChildThomas Roberts (1633 - 1703)