Individual Details

Lothair II, King of Lotharingia

(835 - 8 Aug 869)

Lothar (II), also spelled Lothair (born c. 835-died Aug. 8, 869, Piacenza, Italy), Frankish king of the area known as Lotharingia whose attempts to have his marriage dissolved so that he could marry his mistress caused much controversy and led to a bitter struggle between himself and Pope Nicholas I.

Lothar was the second son of the Frankish emperor Lothar I, ruler of the middle portion of the former empire of Charlemagne. Upon the death of Lothar I in 855, his realm was divided among his three sons, young Lothar receiving the area west of the Rhine from the North Sea to the Alps, which became known as Lotharingia (Lotharii regnum, or Lothar’s kingdom, the modern Lorraine). When his younger brother, Charles of Provence, died in 863, Charles’s kingdom was divided between the two surviving brothers: Louis II took Provence proper, and Lothar received the area around Vienne and Lyon.

In 855 Lothar had been forced by his father to marry Theutberga, a sister of Hicbert, the lay abbot of St. Maurice. Theutberga, however, remained childless, and from 857 the king tried to have the marriage dissolved and to take his mistress Waldrada, by whom he had had children, as his legitimate wife and queen. He accused his wife of incest with her brother, but her champion prevailed in the ordeal by boiling water, and Lothar was forced to take her back.

Lothar then induced two subservient archbishops, Günther of Cologne and Theutgaud of Trier, to start ecclesiastical proceedings against his wife. Two synods at Aachen dissolved the marriage and in 862 gave Lothar permission to marry Waldrada. He obtained the papal legate’s confirmation of this decision, probably through bribery, at a synod at Metz (June 863). Pope Nicholas I, however, reversed these decisions and took the unprecedented step of deposing archbishops Günther and Theutgaud (October 863). In August 865 another papal legate forced Lothar to take Theutberga back again.

In 867 Pope Nicholas I was succeeded by the more pliable Adrian II, and Lothar forced Theutberga to ask the new pope for a divorce herself. Lothar was received by the pope in 869 and was promised that the question would be considered at a council. He died shortly thereafter, while on his way home. - Encyclopedia Britannica

According to Wikipedia:

Lothair II (835 - August 8, 869) was the king of Lotharingia from 855 until his death. He was the second son of Emperor Lothair I and Ermengarde of Tours. He was married to Teutberga (died 875), daughter of Boso the Elder.


Lothar II

This map shows the locations where King Lothar II issued royal charters
For political reasons, his father made him marry Teutberga in 855. Upon his father's death in 855, he received the Middle Francia territory west of the Rhine stretching from the North Sea to the Jura mountains. It became known as Regnum Lotharii and early in the 10th century as Lotharingia or Lorraine (a designation subsequently applied only to the duchy of Lorraine). His elder brother Louis II received northern Italy and the title of Emperor, and his younger brother Charles received the western parts of his father's domains, Burgundy and the Provence.

On the death of his brother Charles in 863, Lothair added some lands south of the Jura to this realm, but except for a few feeble expeditions against the Norman pirates he seems to have done little for its government or its defense. Thirty-six of Lothar II's royal charters survive.[1]

Teutberga was not capable of bearing children and Lothair's reign was chiefly occupied by his efforts to obtain an annulment of their marriage, and his relations with his uncles Charles the Bald and Louis the German were influenced by his desire to obtain their support for this endeavour. Although quarrels and reconciliations between the three kings followed each other in quick succession, in general it may be said that Louis favoured annulment, and Charles opposed it, while neither lost sight of the fact that Lothair had no sons to inherit his lands. Lothair, whose desire for annulment was prompted by his affection for his mistress, Waldrada, put away Teutberga, but Hucbert took up arms on her behalf, and after she had submitted successfully to the ordeal of water, Lothair was compelled to restore her in 858. Still pursuing his purpose, he won the support of his brother, Emperor Louis II, by a cession of lands and obtained the consent of the local clergy, such as Adventius of Metz, to the annulment and to his marriage with Waldrada, which took place in 862.

A synod of Frankish bishops met at Metz in 863 and confirmed this decision, but Teutberga fled to the court of Charles the Bald, and Pope Nicholas I voided the decision of the synod. An attack on Rome by the emperor was without result, and in 865 Lothair, threatened with excommunication and convinced that Louis and Charles at their recent meeting had discussed the partition of his kingdom, again took back his wife. Teutberga, however, either from inclination or compulsion, now expressed her desire for an annulment, and Lothair went to Italy to obtain the assent of the new pope, Adrian II. Placing a favourable interpretation upon the words of the pope, he had set out on the return journey, when he was seized with fever and died at Piacenza on August 8, 869.

His son, Hugh, by Waldrada, was declared illegitimate, so his heir was his brother, Emperor Louis II of Italy. As Louis was at that time campaigning against the Emirate of Bari, his kingdom was divided by and between his uncles Charles the Bald and Louis the German by the Treaty of Meerssen.

Lothair II had some sons and probably three daughters, all by Waldrada, and all of whom were declared illegitimate:

Hugh (c. 855-895), Duke of Alsace (867-885)
Gisela (c. 865-908), who in 883 married Godfrey, the Viking leader ruling in Frisia, who was murdered in 885
Bertha (c. 863-925), who married Theobald of Arles (c. 854-895), count of Arles, nephew of Teutberga. They had two sons Hugh of Italy and Boso of Tuscany. After Theobald's death, between 895 and 898 she married Adalbert II of Tuscany (c. 875-915)[2] They had at least three children: Guy,[3] who succeeded his father as count and duke of Lucca and margrave of Tuscany, Lambert succeeded his brother in 929, but lost the titles in 931 to his half-brother Boso of Tuscany, and Ermengard.
Ermengarde (d. 90?)
Odo (d. c.879)[citation needed]

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

Lothar (II), also spelled Lothair (born c. 835-died Aug. 8, 869, Piacenza, Italy), Frankish king of the area known as Lotharingia whose attempts to have his marriage dissolved so that he could marry his mistress caused much controversy and led to a bitter struggle between himself and Pope Nicholas I.

Lothar was the second son of the Frankish emperor Lothar I, ruler of the middle portion of the former empire of Charlemagne. Upon the death of Lothar I in 855, his realm was divided among his three sons, young Lothar receiving the area west of the Rhine from the North Sea to the Alps, which became known as Lotharingia (Lotharii regnum, or Lothar’s kingdom, the modern Lorraine). When his younger brother, Charles of Provence, died in 863, Charles’s kingdom was divided between the two surviving brothers: Louis II took Provence proper, and Lothar received the area around Vienne and Lyon.

In 855 Lothar had been forced by his father to marry Theutberga, a sister of Hicbert, the lay abbot of St. Maurice. Theutberga, however, remained childless, and from 857 the king tried to have the marriage dissolved and to take his mistress Waldrada, by whom he had had children, as his legitimate wife and queen. He accused his wife of incest with her brother, but her champion prevailed in the ordeal by boiling water, and Lothar was forced to take her back.

Lothar then induced two subservient archbishops, Günther of Cologne and Theutgaud of Trier, to start ecclesiastical proceedings against his wife. Two synods at Aachen dissolved the marriage and in 862 gave Lothar permission to marry Waldrada. He obtained the papal legate’s confirmation of this decision, probably through bribery, at a synod at Metz (June 863). Pope Nicholas I, however, reversed these decisions and took the unprecedented step of deposing archbishops Günther and Theutgaud (October 863). In August 865 another papal legate forced Lothar to take Theutberga back again.

In 867 Pope Nicholas I was succeeded by the more pliable Adrian II, and Lothar forced Theutberga to ask the new pope for a divorce herself. Lothar was received by the pope in 869 and was promised that the question would be considered at a council. He died shortly thereafter, while on his way home. - Encyclopedia Britannica

According to Wikipedia:

Lothair II (835 - August 8, 869) was the king of Lotharingia from 855 until his death. He was the second son of Emperor Lothair I and Ermengarde of Tours. He was married to Teutberga (died 875), daughter of Boso the Elder.


Lothar II

This map shows the locations where King Lothar II issued royal charters
For political reasons, his father made him marry Teutberga in 855. Upon his father's death in 855, he received the Middle Francia territory west of the Rhine stretching from the North Sea to the Jura mountains. It became known as Regnum Lotharii and early in the 10th century as Lotharingia or Lorraine (a designation subsequently applied only to the duchy of Lorraine). His elder brother Louis II received northern Italy and the title of Emperor, and his younger brother Charles received the western parts of his father's domains, Burgundy and the Provence.

On the death of his brother Charles in 863, Lothair added some lands south of the Jura to this realm, but except for a few feeble expeditions against the Norman pirates he seems to have done little for its government or its defense. Thirty-six of Lothar II's royal charters survive.[1]

Teutberga was not capable of bearing children and Lothair's reign was chiefly occupied by his efforts to obtain an annulment of their marriage, and his relations with his uncles Charles the Bald and Louis the German were influenced by his desire to obtain their support for this endeavour. Although quarrels and reconciliations between the three kings followed each other in quick succession, in general it may be said that Louis favoured annulment, and Charles opposed it, while neither lost sight of the fact that Lothair had no sons to inherit his lands. Lothair, whose desire for annulment was prompted by his affection for his mistress, Waldrada, put away Teutberga, but Hucbert took up arms on her behalf, and after she had submitted successfully to the ordeal of water, Lothair was compelled to restore her in 858. Still pursuing his purpose, he won the support of his brother, Emperor Louis II, by a cession of lands and obtained the consent of the local clergy, such as Adventius of Metz, to the annulment and to his marriage with Waldrada, which took place in 862.

A synod of Frankish bishops met at Metz in 863 and confirmed this decision, but Teutberga fled to the court of Charles the Bald, and Pope Nicholas I voided the decision of the synod. An attack on Rome by the emperor was without result, and in 865 Lothair, threatened with excommunication and convinced that Louis and Charles at their recent meeting had discussed the partition of his kingdom, again took back his wife. Teutberga, however, either from inclination or compulsion, now expressed her desire for an annulment, and Lothair went to Italy to obtain the assent of the new pope, Adrian II. Placing a favourable interpretation upon the words of the pope, he had set out on the return journey, when he was seized with fever and died at Piacenza on August 8, 869.

His son, Hugh, by Waldrada, was declared illegitimate, so his heir was his brother, Emperor Louis II of Italy. As Louis was at that time campaigning against the Emirate of Bari, his kingdom was divided by and between his uncles Charles the Bald and Louis the German by the Treaty of Meerssen.

Lothair II had some sons and probably three daughters, all by Waldrada, and all of whom were declared illegitimate:

Hugh (c. 855-895), Duke of Alsace (867-885)
Gisela (c. 865-908), who in 883 married Godfrey, the Viking leader ruling in Frisia, who was murdered in 885
Bertha (c. 863-925), who married Theobald of Arles (c. 854-895), count of Arles, nephew of Teutberga. They had two sons Hugh of Italy and Boso of Tuscany. After Theobald's death, between 895 and 898 she married Adalbert II of Tuscany (c. 875-915)[2] They had at least three children: Guy,[3] who succeeded his father as count and duke of Lucca and margrave of Tuscany, Lambert succeeded his brother in 929, but lost the titles in 931 to his half-brother Boso of Tuscany, and Ermengard.
Ermengarde (d. 90?)
Odo (d. c.879)[citation needed]

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

Lothar (II), also spelled Lothair (born c. 835-died Aug. 8, 869, Piacenza, Italy), Frankish king of the area known as Lotharingia whose attempts to have his marriage dissolved so that he could marry his mistress caused much controversy and led to a bitter struggle between himself and Pope Nicholas I.

Lothar was the second son of the Frankish emperor Lothar I, ruler of the middle portion of the former empire of Charlemagne. Upon the death of Lothar I in 855, his realm was divided among his three sons, young Lothar receiving the area west of the Rhine from the North Sea to the Alps, which became known as Lotharingia (Lotharii regnum, or Lothar’s kingdom, the modern Lorraine). When his younger brother, Charles of Provence, died in 863, Charles’s kingdom was divided between the two surviving brothers: Louis II took Provence proper, and Lothar received the area around Vienne and Lyon.

In 855 Lothar had been forced by his father to marry Theutberga, a sister of Hicbert, the lay abbot of St. Maurice. Theutberga, however, remained childless, and from 857 the king tried to have the marriage dissolved and to take his mistress Waldrada, by whom he had had children, as his legitimate wife and queen. He accused his wife of incest with her brother, but her champion prevailed in the ordeal by boiling water, and Lothar was forced to take her back.

Lothar then induced two subservient archbishops, Günther of Cologne and Theutgaud of Trier, to start ecclesiastical proceedings against his wife. Two synods at Aachen dissolved the marriage and in 862 gave Lothar permission to marry Waldrada. He obtained the papal legate’s confirmation of this decision, probably through bribery, at a synod at Metz (June 863). Pope Nicholas I, however, reversed these decisions and took the unprecedented step of deposing archbishops Günther and Theutgaud (October 863). In August 865 another papal legate forced Lothar to take Theutberga back again.

In 867 Pope Nicholas I was succeeded by the more pliable Adrian II, and Lothar forced Theutberga to ask the new pope for a divorce herself. Lothar was received by the pope in 869 and was promised that the question would be considered at a council. He died shortly thereafter, while on his way home. - Encyclopedia Britannica

According to Wikipedia:

Lothair II (835 - August 8, 869) was the king of Lotharingia from 855 until his death. He was the second son of Emperor Lothair I and Ermengarde of Tours. He was married to Teutberga (died 875), daughter of Boso the Elder.


Lothar II

This map shows the locations where King Lothar II issued royal charters
For political reasons, his father made him marry Teutberga in 855. Upon his father's death in 855, he received the Middle Francia territory west of the Rhine stretching from the North Sea to the Jura mountains. It became known as Regnum Lotharii and early in the 10th century as Lotharingia or Lorraine (a designation subsequently applied only to the duchy of Lorraine). His elder brother Louis II received northern Italy and the title of Emperor, and his younger brother Charles received the western parts of his father's domains, Burgundy and the Provence.

On the death of his brother Charles in 863, Lothair added some lands south of the Jura to this realm, but except for a few feeble expeditions against the Norman pirates he seems to have done little for its government or its defense. Thirty-six of Lothar II's royal charters survive.[1]

Teutberga was not capable of bearing children and Lothair's reign was chiefly occupied by his efforts to obtain an annulment of their marriage, and his relations with his uncles Charles the Bald and Louis the German were influenced by his desire to obtain their support for this endeavour. Although quarrels and reconciliations between the three kings followed each other in quick succession, in general it may be said that Louis favoured annulment, and Charles opposed it, while neither lost sight of the fact that Lothair had no sons to inherit his lands. Lothair, whose desire for annulment was prompted by his affection for his mistress, Waldrada, put away Teutberga, but Hucbert took up arms on her behalf, and after she had submitted successfully to the ordeal of water, Lothair was compelled to restore her in 858. Still pursuing his purpose, he won the support of his brother, Emperor Louis II, by a cession of lands and obtained the consent of the local clergy, such as Adventius of Metz, to the annulment and to his marriage with Waldrada, which took place in 862.

A synod of Frankish bishops met at Metz in 863 and confirmed this decision, but Teutberga fled to the court of Charles the Bald, and Pope Nicholas I voided the decision of the synod. An attack on Rome by the emperor was without result, and in 865 Lothair, threatened with excommunication and convinced that Louis and Charles at their recent meeting had discussed the partition of his kingdom, again took back his wife. Teutberga, however, either from inclination or compulsion, now expressed her desire for an annulment, and Lothair went to Italy to obtain the assent of the new pope, Adrian II. Placing a favourable interpretation upon the words of the pope, he had set out on the return journey, when he was seized with fever and died at Piacenza on August 8, 869.

His son, Hugh, by Waldrada, was declared illegitimate, so his heir was his brother, Emperor Louis II of Italy. As Louis was at that time campaigning against the Emirate of Bari, his kingdom was divided by and between his uncles Charles the Bald and Louis the German by the Treaty of Meerssen.

Lothair II had some sons and probably three daughters, all by Waldrada, and all of whom were declared illegitimate:

Hugh (c. 855-895), Duke of Alsace (867-885)
Gisela (c. 865-908), who in 883 married Godfrey, the Viking leader ruling in Frisia, who was murdered in 885
Bertha (c. 863-925), who married Theobald of Arles (c. 854-895), count of Arles, nephew of Teutberga. They had two sons Hugh of Italy and Boso of Tuscany. After Theobald's death, between 895 and 898 she married Adalbert II of Tuscany (c. 875-915)[2] They had at least three children: Guy,[3] who succeeded his father as count and duke of Lucca and margrave of Tuscany, Lambert succeeded his brother in 929, but lost the titles in 931 to his half-brother Boso of Tuscany, and Ermengard.
Ermengarde (d. 90?)
Odo (d. c.879)[citation needed]


PartnersAbt 845Waldrada
PartnersAbt 845Waldrada
Marriage15 Oct 862Alsace, Lorraine, France - Waldrada
Marriage15 Oct 862Alsace, Lorraine, France - Waldrada
Death8 Aug 869Piacenza, Italy
BurialSt. Ambrose Church, Milan, Italy


SpouseWaldrada (845 - 868)
ChildBertha of Lotharingia (863 - 925)
SpouseTeutberga (840 - 875)
SpouseWaldrada (845 - 868)
ChildBertha of Lotharingia (863 - 925)
FatherLothair I, Holy Roman Emperor (795 - 855)
MotherErmengarde of Tours ( - 851)
SiblingLouis II "The Younger" of Italy, Holy Roman Emperor (825 - 875)
SiblingErmengarde (826 - )