Individual Details

Sir Simon Leeke

(Abt 1355 - Abt 1382)

[Richard Hodgson]

Simon and his wife Margaret Vaux were related in the fourth degree on both sides, and contacted their marriage without banns. They received a dispensation and their children were declared legitimate.
Of Hassop, Derbyshire?
Roskell in HoP 1386-1421 Vol II (sub John Leek) refers to the fact that Sir Simon Leek, of Cotham, Notts (d c1383) had a papal dispensation in respect of his marriage. This is the source reference, from The Calendar of Papal Letters concerning England, Vol 3 1342-1362, p 456:

"Kal. June 1351: to the Abbot of Welbeck: mandate to dispense Simon de Leyk, donsel, and Margaret de Vaux, so as to remain in the marriage which they contracted without banns, knowing that they are related in the 4th degree of kindred on both sides, first enjoining them a salutary penance, and declaring their offspring legitimate".

I have been trying to ascertain the relationship between Simon Leek and his cousin-wife Margaret de Vaux, but without luck.

As has been noted here before, Thoroton gave up trying to untangle the skein of Nottinghamshire Leeks, and thus is of little use. The Visitations for that county, as published by the Harleian Society, contain a Leek stemma, but this calls Sir Simon "Sir John Leek", and thus weakens the credence that can be placed on the further assertion that his father was also Sir John, of Cotham. I have also searched the published IPMs to no avail.

The only reference to this Vaux family comes from Roskell, in which he states that the four daughters of Simon Leek, MP (the grandson of Sir Simon) put forward a claim to be the heirs of one John Vaux; I haven't yet chased up each of his references to see what the nature of this claim was.

The off-spring whose legitimacy was thus preserved included Sir John Leek (whose granddaughters and eventual coheirs married Sir Giles Daubeney, Sir John Markham, Hugh Hercy and Richard Willoughby, (respectively), William Leek, MP, and Margaret, successively wife of Godfrey Foljambe and Sir Thomas Rempston, KG.
(mjcar and another on soc.genealogy.medieval)


Payling, if I recall
correctly (my notes are at home, so I'll have to verify this), indicated that the Leeks were an old (traceable back to the time of either Henry II or John if I'm not mistaken) family in the neighborhood, but not particularly distinguished, and that Sir Simon's marriage to Margaret Vaux was a real move up the social ladder (as it were) is rather interesting in light of [the fact that] hat they were related within a prohibited degree...




BirthAbt 1355Yorkshire, Tideswell, Derbyshire, , England
DeathAbt 1382
ResidenceCotham, Nottinghamshire, , England
ResidenceLeake, Nottinghamshire, England


ChildMargaret Leeke (1371 - 1454)
FatherJohn Leeke, Lord of Cotham (1338 - 1359)
SiblingJohn Leeke Sir of Cotham (1360 - 1449)