Individual Details

Otto II "The Rich," Count of Zutphen

(1050 - 1113)

According to Wikipedia:

Otto II of Zutphen , known as the Rich (* around 1050, † 1113 ) was Lord and later Count of Zutphen and Vogt of Corvey from 1063 . He was the son of Gottschalk , Count of Twente and Zutphen, and Adelheid, the daughter of Ludolf von Brauweiler .
With the death of his father, his older brother received the paternal inheritance, while Zutphen came to him from the maternal inheritance. The donations he made to many church institutions, as well as the reconstruction of the burned down church of St. Walburga in Zutphen, earned him the nickname of the rich . In a forged document from 1103 he is first referred to as the Count of Zutphen.

Descendants [ edit | Edit source ]

From his first marriage to an unknown woman, he had a daughter, Adelheid, who was married to Egbert von Saarbrücken. His second marriage was with Judith († 1118), daughter of Ludwig I, Count von Arnstein [1] ; Children from this marriage were:
Heinrich I († 1122) Count of Zutphen
Rupert; married Ermentrudis
Ermengarde of Zutphen († 1138), Countess of Zutphen, she married
(I) Gerhard II. , Count of Geldern and Wassenberg , † around 1131
(II) Conrad II , Count of Luxembourg, † 1136
Dietrich , Bishop of Münster 1118–1127
Judith, married Hermann I von Ravensberg .Literature [ Edit | Edit source ]

Pieter Lodewijk Muller:  Otto II, Count of Zütphen . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 24, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1887, p. 741.Web links [ edit | Edit source ]

Otto the Rich at graafschap-middeleeuwen (nl.)Footnotes [ edit | Edit source ]

^ To fr: Otton II de Zutphen and "graafschap-middeleeuwen", to nl: Otto II van Zutphen and genealogy-medieval Judith von Supplinburg, sister of the emperor Lothar III. ; European Family Tables Volume I.1 (2005) Table 13A ( Supplinburger ) does not know any sister of the emperor with the name Judith

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According to Wikipedia:

Otto II, Count of Zutphen was a Dutch nobleman from the early 12th century. Otto was the son of Gottschalk, Count of Zutphen and Adelheid of Zutphen.[1]

Otto's maternal grandfather may be Otto of Hammerstein, who may have been the first count of Zutphen. Alternatively Adelheid may be a daughter of Ludolf of Zutphen and Mathilda of Hammerstein (daughter of Otto of Hammerstein).

Otto, known as "the rich", married Judith of Arnstein. They had four children:[2]

Henry II, Count of Zutphen (died before 1134) married Mathilde of Beichlingen, daughter of Kuno, Count of Beichlingen and Kunigunde of Weimar.[3]
Dirk (Diederik) of Zutphen ( died before 1134). Bishop of Munster.
Gerard (died before 1134).
Ermengarde of Zutphen married 1) Gerard II, Count of Guelders and 2) Conrad II, Count of Luxembourg, son of William I, Count of Luxembourg and Luitgard von Beichlingen. Ermengarde was Countess of Zutphen from 1122 to 1138.
Lindeborn, J. (1670) Historia sive notitia episcopatus Daventriensis (Metelen), p. 537.
Holland at Medieval Lands
Lindeborn (1670), p. 535.
Pieter Lodewijk Muller: Otto II., Graf von Zütphen. In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Band 24, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1887, S. 741.

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According to Wikipedia:

Otto II, Count of Zutphen was a Dutch nobleman from the early 12th century. Otto was the son of Gottschalk, Count of Zutphen and Adelheid of Zutphen.[1]

Otto's maternal grandfather may be Otto of Hammerstein, who may have been the first count of Zutphen. Alternatively Adelheid may be a daughter of Ludolf of Zutphen and Mathilda of Hammerstein (daughter of Otto of Hammerstein).

Otto, known as "the rich", married Judith of Arnstein. They had four children:[2]

Henry II, Count of Zutphen (died before 1134) married Mathilde of Beichlingen, daughter of Kuno, Count of Beichlingen and Kunigunde of Weimar.[3]
Dirk (Diederik) of Zutphen ( died before 1134). Bishop of Munster.
Gerard (died before 1134).
Ermengarde of Zutphen married 1) Gerard II, Count of Guelders and 2) Conrad II, Count of Luxembourg, son of William I, Count of Luxembourg and Luitgard von Beichlingen. Ermengarde was Countess of Zutphen from 1122 to 1138.
Lindeborn, J. (1670) Historia sive notitia episcopatus Daventriensis (Metelen), p. 537.
Holland at Medieval Lands
Lindeborn (1670), p. 535.
Pieter Lodewijk Muller: Otto II., Graf von Zütphen. In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Band 24, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1887, S. 741.


