Individual Details

Estefania de Foix

( - Aft 1066)

According to Wikipedia:

Stephanie or Estefania (died after 1066) was the Queen consort of Navarre by marriage to García Sánchez III of Navarre. Early chroniclers are in conflict over her parentage.

Stephanie was born at an unknown date,[1] and is first recorded as wife of García in a document dated 1038/40. The Chronicle of Saint-Pierre-le-Vif would make Stephanie wife first of Roger I of Tosny, then of García, and sister of Ramon Berenguer I, Count of Barcelona and hence daughter of Berenguer Ramon I, Count of Barcelona. This would call for prohibitively tight chronology, and does not fit with Roger's known widow, Godehildis, marrying a Norman lord. Adémar de Chabannes has Roger marrying an unnamed daughter of Ermesinde of Carcassonne, widow of Ramon Borrell, count of Barcelona and mother of Berenguer Ramon I, but he makes no mention of Roger's wife then marrying García. It is uncertain if the Chronicle misplaced Stephanie by a generation or was mistaken in identifying Roger's wife with the later queen of Navarre. French historians of Languedoc tend to see García's wife as daughter of Ermesinde's brother Bernard-Roger, Count of Bigorre and his wife Garsenda, and thus sister of Gerberge, wife of Ramiro I of Aragón.

Possible first marriage
There are other hints, besides the dubious account of the Chronicle of Saint-Pierre-le-Vif, to an earlier marriage by Stephanie. Histoire Générale de Languedoc, giving no quote or source reference, reports the existence of a 1036 marriage contract attributed to Stephanie.[2] An episode related in the Chronica Naierensis tells that a daughter of queen Stephanie by a prior husband was promised as wife to Sancho II of Castile, but she was abducted and married by an illegitimate son of García. Jaime de Salazar y Acha suggests that this represents the authentic account of the marriage of García's bastard son, Sancho Garcés, Lord of Uncastillo, to his wife Constanza, though traditional accounts give her different parentage. He recognizes the problem with identifying the father with Roger I of Tosny and follows an alternative reconstruction that would make the Iberian crusader a distinct Roger de Tosny, nephew of Roger I.[3]

Stephanie had the following children by García:

Sancho IV "El de Peñalén", king of Navarre, married Placencia
Ramiro (d.1083), lord of Calahorra
Ferdinand Garcés, lord of Bucesta
Raymond Garcés "the Fratricide" (Ramón el Fratricida), lord of Murillo and Cameros
Ermesinda Garcés, married Fortún Sánchez de Yarnoz
Mayor Garcés[4]
Urraca Garcés (d.1108), married Castilian count García Ordóñez
She may also have been mother by an earlier marriage, perhaps to Roger É of Tosny, of:

Constanza, wife of Sancho Garcés, Lord of Uncastillo
II #56, III.1 #145; Moriarty, Plantagenet Ancestry of King Edward III and Queen Philippa of Hainault, p80, 109
Histoire Générale de Languedoc; 3rd edn. Tome IV, p. 117, citing Marca (Béarn), p. 709.
Jaime de Salazar y Acha, "Nuevos datos para la identificación familiar de la reina Estefanía de Pamplona", Príncipe de Viana vol. 68 (2007), no. 242, pp. 853-864
Her alleged marriage to Guy II de Maçón has been contested. Her last appearance is at the Monastery of Santa María la Real of Najera on 14 May 1077, as Maior, Garsiae regis filia, making a donation post obitum of some houses in Nájera and properties in Villela, Atayo and Janua.
Appears for the last time on 27 May 1085 at the Monastery of Santa María la Real of Najera confirming a donation made by her brother Ramiro.

According to the French version of Wikipedia:

Étiennette de Foix († 1066 ) is a queen consort of Navarre by her marriage in 1038, also called Estefanía de Foix.
It was generally regarded as daughter of Bernard-Roger I st of Carcassonne , count of Foix and Gersende, Countess of Bigorre .
In 1038 she married García IV of Navarre (c. 1005 † 1054), king of Navarre . From this union were born 1  :
Sancho IV (1039 † 1076), king of Navarre
Urracca, married to Garcia de Najera
Ermessinde, married to Fortun de Yarnoz
Ramiro († 1083), sire of Callohora
Ferdinand or Fernando († 1068), sire of Bucesta, Jubera, Lagunilla y Oprela, he married Nuna Iniguez, daughter of a count of Vizcaya
Raymond, known as "Le Fraticide [ref. Necessary] ", sire de Murillo and de Cameros
Mayor, probably 2nd married to Guy II , count of Mâcon
SanchaFiliation [ edit | modify the code ]

Her parentage as the daughter of Bernard-Roger de Carcassonne, Count of Foix and Gersende, Countess of Bigorre is given for the first time by Pierre de Marca 3 , who specifies that “the memories of the Convent of Nagara establish that she was daughter of the Comte de Foix ” , but does not give a precise reference 4 . Salazar y Acha suggested a first marriage with a Catalan nobleman and from whom she would have had a daughter named Constance, which would explain her presence in Barcelona when she married King Garcia, as well as a precision of a charter of29 November 1074of King Sancho IV of Navarre in which he mentions his sister Constance, unknown to the children of Garcia IV and who is not mentioned in the will drawn up by the latter in 1066 5
Christian Settipani also mentions her but places her as the daughter of Raymond Borrell (972 † 1017), count of Barcelona , and of Ermesinde of Carcassonne , the sister of Bernard-Roger of Carcassonne. He identifies her with the first wife of Norman Roger de Tosny , known as the Eater of Moor , who exiled from Normandy by Duke Richard II , joined the court of Barcelona, ​​married the daughter of Countess Ermesinde and fought the Moors with efficiency 6. But this identification poses some problems. When Roger de Tosny feared returning to Normandy, he married a Godehilde and died in 1040. Godehilde could not be the Barcelona princess. This supposes an annulment of the marriage, something still possible at the time, but the king of Navarre would he have married a woman already married? In fact, it seems that this Catalan lineage was the result of an error by Fernandez de Bethencourt 7 , which he subsequently rectified, but which was taken up by Maurice Chaume, then by Christian Settipani 8 .
Notes and references [ edit | modify the code ]

↑ Foundation for Medieval Genealogy: “  Navarre (Garcia IV)  ”  [ archive ] .
↑ Foundation for Medieval Genealogy: “  Navarre (Mayor of Navarre)  ”  [ archive ] .
^ Pierre de Marca , History of Béarn , Pau, 1894-1912.
↑ Foundation for Medieval Genealogy: "  Toulouse Nobility  "  [ archive ] .
^ Salazar y Acha, "  Reflexiones sobre la posible historicidad de un episodio de la Crónica Najerense  ", Principe de Viana ,1992, p.  154.
^ Christian Settipani , La Noblesse du Midi Carolingien , Oxford, Linacre College, Unit for Prosopographical Research, coll.  "Occasional Publications / 5",2004, 388  p. ( ISBN  1-900934-04-3 ) , p.  147-9.
^ (Es) Fernandez de Béthencourt, Historia genealógica y aráldica de la monarquia espanola , Madrid,1905.
↑ Maurice Chaume , “  On the sidelines of the Burgundian crusades of Spain  ”, Annales de Bourgogne , vol.  IX,1937.


Marriage1038García Sánchez III of Pamplona
DeathAft 1066
