Individual Details

Boson de Provence

(844 - 11 Jan 887)

According to Wikipedia:

Boson de Provence or Boson V de Provence (° v. 844 - †January 11, 887) is a Lotharingian monarch .

It is the first to achieve impose an elective monarchy, autonomous and independent, albeit precarious, within the imperium francorum the ix th century.

Boson de Provence 1 or Boson V de Provence 2 (lat. Boso 1 ) is the son of Bivin de Gorze 3 , also known as Bivin de Vienne, in 876 he married Ermengarde , daughter of Emperor Louis II the Younger 4 . His sister Richilde d'Ardennes was first the concubine and finally the second wife in 870 of Charles II the Bald , king of West Francia and emperor of the West who granted his brother-in-law Boson many favors, including the abbey of Saint-Maurice d'Agaunewho had been detained by her maternal uncle Hucbert 4 . Through his excellent family relationships, Boson reached high office before emancipating himself by being crowned king of Provence . He is named Boson V by the genealogists of the Bosonides.

A relative of Charles II the Bald
In the autumn of 870 , Boson was the executor of the Duke Girart of Vienne , in company with the Marquis Bernard de Gothie [ref. required] . That same year, he received the administration of the county of Troyes 5 .

In January 871 , Charles II the Bald named him Duke of Lyonnais and Viennese (Bourgogne Cisjurane), in succession to Girart de Vienne 6 .

In 872 , Charles the Bald appointed him adviser 7 to his son Louis le Bègue , king of Aquitaine since 867 . Appointed count of Bourges , chambermaid and master of the ushers 7 , Boson receives the functions of count Gérard d'Auvergne (son of Gérard d'Auvergne died in 841 during the battle of Fontenoy-en-Puisaye ), deposed by the king.

In 875 , on the death of Emperor Louis II the Younger , Boson accompanied King Charles II the Bald who went to Italy to receive the title of emperor from Pope John VIII . The new emperor, Charles, names his brother-in-law, duke in Italy, and duke of Provence .

In February 876 or in September 877 8 , in Pavia , Charles the Bald before leaving for the kingdom of France , appointed Boson viceroy of the kingdom of Italy . That same year in Rome, he married Ermengarde , the only daughter of the deceased Emperor Louis II the Younger 8 .

In March 877 , Boson returned to France, recalled by Charles II the Bald. The latter then says the Italian kingdom and duchy of Provence to Abbot Hugh , son of Conrad I st of Burgundy and nephew of the Empress Judith of Bavaria , wife of Emperor Louis the Pious and associates Richard the Justice , brother of Boson 9 . That same year, on the death of his uncle, Count Ecchard , Boson received the county of Mâcon and the county of Chalon. With its two new strongholds, Boson is now master of almost the entire Rhône valley (Viennois and Lyonnais), the Saône valley (Mâconnais and Chalonnais) and Provence .

The first attempts
However, when Charles II the Bald envisages a new expedition to Italy and the lifting of a tribute of five thousand pounds to remove the Normans , he must sign the capitular of Quierzy , which makes hereditary the county charges, which is the real act of feudalism . This agreement of June 877 is considered as a concession granted to the big ones who had expressed a great dissatisfaction against these two royal projects 10 .
Taking advantage of the king's departure for Italy, Boson and other heads of the aristocracy, in particular Hugues the abbot , Bernard Plantevelue and Bernard de Gothie , not only refused the assistance requested no 1 , but rose up and forced the king to a hasty return during which he died on October 6, 877 in a village in Maurienne 10 . After Charles 'death, they forced Charles' son, Louis II the Bègue , to confirm their rights and privileges.

In May 878 , Pope John VIII threatened by the Saracens and Italian nobles, came to take refuge in Arles near Boson, who approached the new king, and his wife Ermengarde 11 . Boson accompanies the pope in Troyes where a council is organized to rule on the troubles in the empire and in particular the revolt of Bernard of Gothie and the ambitions of the bastard Hugues who wants to reconquer Lotharingia . Pope offers Louis the Bègue to accompany him to Romewhere he can crown him emperor, but the king, already very ill, and fearing to die on the way, finds himself obliged to refuse this honor. Boson, still viceroy of Italy, passes a “secret convention” 12 with the pope, and accompanies him No. 2 in order to be recognized as king of Italy, but the maneuver fails in the face of the unwillingness of the bishops and great Italian lords. Boson returns furious at this failure.

On April 10, 879 , King Louis II the Bègue died in Compiègne , his son Louis III succeeded him in Neustria and Austrasia , while his brother Carloman II recovered Aquitaine and Burgundy . That same year, Boson enlarged his possessions by adding the county of Autun - and was appointed king on October 15 1 .

His titles and his possessions in 879
Lay abbot of Saint-Maurice d'Agaune (870)
Count of Troyes (870)
Governor (duke) of Lyonnais and Viennois (Bourgogne Cisjurane) (871)
Advisor and chambermaid to Louis le Bègue (his nephew), king of Aquitaine (872)
Count of Berry (872)
Duke in Italy, and Duke of Provence (875)
Viceroy of the Kingdom of Italy (876)
Count of Mâcon and count of Chalon (877)
Count of Autun (879)
The restoration of the kingdom of Burgundy


On the death of Louis the Bègue, the inheritance rights of his sons Louis III and Carloman II were seriously contested. TheOctober 15, 879, prelates and lords meet in council at the Château de Mantaille (between Anneyron and Châteauneuf-de-Galaure ) in order to choose the man most capable of protecting the Church and the country. They choose Boson as king and decide to restore the kingdom of Burgundy, made up of Boson's possessions, but also of the dioceses of the religious - six archbishops and seventeen bishops - present ( Aix , Arles , Autun , Avignon , Beaune , Besançon , Chalon , Dijon , Geneva , Grenoble , Langres,Lausanne , Lyon , Mâcon , Marseille , Tarentaise , Tonnerre , Troyes , Valence , Vienne ) n 3 .

The October 15, 879, Boson therefore becomes king of the restored kingdom of Burgundy (including Provence ). He was crowned a few days later in Lyon by Aurélien , the archbishop of this city. He moved his capital to Vienna and acquired a chancellery.

Surprisingly, Pope John VIII who offered him the crown of Italy, with the idea of ​​making him an emperor and who did not understand that a lord of his worth put his private interests first, refused this election and even goes so far as to treat Boson as a tyrant and usurper. However from 879 , the new administration of the kingdom is set up as evidenced by the numerous acts concerning the counties. In July 880 , Boson, appointed a trusted abbot, Gilon de Tournus , as bishop of Langres .

The Carolingian reaction
Main article: Battle of Attigny .
However, the unveiled ambition and crowning of Boson had the effect of creating against him a new alliance of the Carolingian kings. Through Bishop Hincmar of Reims , Louis III of France , Carloman II , their cousin Charles III the Fat and a representative of Louis the Younger (retained in his kingdom by illness), met in June 880 in Lorraine in Gondreville 13 in order to agree on the actions against Bosonem tyrannum 14 .

End 880 the troops of the alliance, after having taken over Autun , Besançon , Chalon , Mâcon and Lyon , took over Vienne . Boson took refuge with most of his troops in the mountains, leaving the defense of the city under the command of his wife. While Charles III the Fat went to collect the crown of Italy, Louis III and Carloman II abandoned the siege of the city and thus allowed the return of Boson to his capital. [ref. necessary]

Charles III the Fat , newly elected emperor of the West , caused the war to resume in August 881 . Troops of King Carloman II begin the siege of Vienna again , but learning of the death of his brother King Louis III , which occurred on August 5, he immediately raises the siege to go and collect the succession. However the troops of the emperor Charles III the Big arrive in their turn and manage to take the city which is pillaged and burned. Richard le Justicier , Boson's brother, takes his sister-in-law and niece Engelberge under his protection and takes them to Autun. Boson takes refuge in Provence.

The epilogue
In 884 , on the death of Carloman II who has no son, the emperor Charles III the Fat is called to ensure the regency of the kingdom of France. He proposed to Boson to recognize him as king of Provence under the simple condition of a tribute to the kingdom of the Franks . Boson honorably leaves his fight against the Carolingians, and dies onJanuary 10, 887. He is buried in the Saint-Maurice cathedral in Vienna .

When he died, his only son Louis was in his infancy. His second wife Ermengarde , seconded by Aurélien , the archbishop of Lyon, and Barnoin (or Bernoin), the archbishop of Vienna, ensures the regency of the kingdom of Provence. His brother-in-law, Richard II of Burgundy, known as Richard the Justicier who inherited the "honors" of Boson, did not hesitate to declare himself the natural protector of his nephew Louis, and seized the government of the States of Boson. Emperor Charles III the Fatis the only reigning prince in a position to challenge Louis' rights to the paternal heritage. To prevent any opposition on his part, Ermengarde went (in 887), to the monarch to present Louis and ask for his protection. Deprived of a legitimate heir, Charles III the Fat fulfills the hopes of the queen. He adopted Louis as his son, and conferred on him the title of king, which allowed him to return to reign in Provence under the regency of his mother.

Boson died in Vienne ( Isère ) on January 11, 887. He was buried in the Saint-Maurice cathedral in Vienne 1 .

┌─ Boson says the Elder (? - † around 855 ). count in Italy.
┌─ Bivin de Vienne ( 822 - 877 ), lay abbot of Gorze .
│ └─ Engeltrude (? -?).

Boson de Provence

│ ┌─ X
└─ X
└─ X
However, some historians, although agreeing that Richard the Justicar, Boson V and Richilde d'Ardennes, are brothers and sisters, think that their father would be Théodoric de Vergy , chamberlain of Louis II the Bègue and tutor of Louis III [Which one?] And Carloman [Which one?] [Ref. required] .

Moreover, according to others as particularly René Poupardin who admit parentage Bivin-Boso of Provence, Bivin Vienna would not be the son of Boso the Elder, but his son 15 .

Boson de Provence took as his wife:

1) X whose name has remained unknown and is said to have poisoned 14 .
2) In 876 Ermengarde (cf. Carolingiens ), daughter of Emperor Louis II the Younger .

├─From 1 Willa de Provence (around 873 - † before 924), wife of Rodolphe I er de Bourgogne , (+911)
│ then by Hugues d'Arles (around 882 - † 947 )

├─From 2 Engelberge (? -?). She was engaged on September 11, 878 to Carloman II of France ,
│ th. Guillaume dit le Pieux

├─From 2 Ermengarde († after 924 ).
│ th. Manassès I er de Chalon (around 875 - 918), count of Chalon, de Beaune, Auxois,
│ lord of Vergy and Langres

EFrom 2 Louis III the Blind (around 880 - † after 928 ), king of Provence ( 887 - 928 ), king of Italy ( 900 ),
Western emperor ( 901 - 905 ).
th. Adéla, daughter of Rodolphe II of Bourgogne 8
Her nickname comes from the fact that he was blinded by Bérenger I er , his rival at the head of the empire.
Notes and references
Charles is then blocked in Italy by Carloman , the eldest son of Louis of Bavaria and waits impatiently for reinforcements to come from France.
Boson arrives in Turin on November 24:
"However, what follows shows that the provinces of Gaul, occupied in guaranteeing themselves from the intrusions of the Normans, showed little eagerness to respond to the summons from the king and the Roman pontiff). The number of warriors that Duke Boson was able to assemble to form the Pope's escort was barely sufficient to repel the attacks of the brigands who infested the Maurienne gorges and the passages of Mont Cenis. Nevertheless, thanks to the vigilance of the one who commanded it [this is Boson], the convoy happily arrived on 24 November (878) in Turin, and made its solemn entry into Pavia a few days later. "

- Gingins-La-Sarra 1851 , p. 56

It would seem that ecclesiastical support was sparingly counted: in fact, only three prelates, including Rostaing , archbishop of Arles, and the archbishop of Vienna, out of twenty-three (including eleven present) supported this takeover which underlines the strong commitment, from this time, of the Arles episcopate to the Burgundian princes.
"Boson" ( MedLands ) , in "Provence - Kings, Counts".
Pierre-Étienne Mareuse, The folk tales of Provence and the Côte d'Azur , CPE Éditions,June 26, 2014, 160 p. ( read online [ archive ] ).
Theis 1990 , p. 55.
Régine Le Jan , Family and Power in the Frankish World: vii th - x th century , vol. 33 (Essay on social anthropology), Paris, Publications of the Sorbonne,2003, 577 p. ( read online [ archive ] ) , "Identifying parents: the naming method", p. 205.
Eugène Jarry, Territorial formation of Burgundy: historical geography essay [ archive ] , C. Poisson, 1948, p. 65.
[Chaume 1925] Maurice Chaume, The origins of the Duchy of Burgundy , impr. Jobard,1925 ( online presentation [ archive ] ) , p. 264.
Poupardin 1901 , p. 710 of the summary.
Gingins-La-Sarra 1851 , p. 46:
"The Emperor Charles-the-Bald having arrived in September (877) in Pavia where Pope John had gone to receive him, the wedding of Princess Hermengarde with the Duke Boson was celebrated in this capital with a pomp unusual. "

Author Year , p. 272.
Riché 1983 , p. 228.
Gingins-La-Sarra 1851 , p. 51:
"The pope, driven out of Rome, by the faction of the Dukes of Spoleto and Tuscany who claimed to oblige him to give the imperial crown to Carloman, son of Louis-le-Germanique, had come by sea to seek asylum and relief in France. Having approached May 11, feast of Pentecost (878), in Arles, main city of the Duchy of Provence, he was received there by Boson and Princess Hermengarde, his wife, who accompanied him to Lyon, from where John VIII went to the assembly of Troyes. "

Riché 1983 , p. 235.
Poupardin 1901 , p. 114.
Staab 1998 , p. 378.
Poupardin 1901 , p. 40, table "The Boson family".

[Gingins-La-Sarra 1851] Frédéric Jean Charles Gingins of Sarraz , Memoirs history Kingdoms of Provence and Burgundy Juranes - 1 st part The bosonids , Lausanne (Switzerland)1851 ( read online [ archive ] ). Document used for writing the article
René Poupardin , Boson and the kingdom of Provence (855-933?) , Chalon-sur-Saône, impr. E. Bertrand,1899.
[Poupardin 1901] René Poupardin , The kingdom of Provence under the Carolingians (855-933?) , Paris, ed. É. Broth,1901, xxxiv + 472 p. ( online presentation [ archive ] ). Document used for writing the article
[Riché 1983] Pierre Riché, The Carolingians, a family that made Europe , Paris, Hachette, coll. "Plural",1983( reprint 1997), 490 p. ( ISBN 2-01-278851-3 , online presentation [ archive ] ). Document used for writing the article
[Theis 1990] Laurent Theis , New history of medieval France , vol. 2: The legacy of the Charles: from the death of Charlemagne around the year 1000 , Paris, Seuil, coll. "Points. History "( n o 202)1990, 280 p. ( ISBN 978-2-02-011553-7 ). Document used for writing the article
Franz Staab , "Moral judgment and propaganda: Boson of Vienna seen by the elites of the Eastern kingdom" , in Régine Le Jan (ed.), Royalty and the elites in Carolingian Europe , Lille, Institute for Historical Research from the North,1998 ( ISBN 9782905637994 , read online [ archive ] ) , p. 365-382.

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

According to Wikipedia:

Boson de Provence or Boson V de Provence (° v. 844 - †January 11, 887) is a Lotharingian monarch .

It is the first to achieve impose an elective monarchy, autonomous and independent, albeit precarious, within the imperium francorum the ix th century.

Boson de Provence 1 or Boson V de Provence 2 (lat. Boso 1 ) is the son of Bivin de Gorze 3 , also known as Bivin de Vienne, in 876 he married Ermengarde , daughter of Emperor Louis II the Younger 4 . His sister Richilde d'Ardennes was first the concubine and finally the second wife in 870 of Charles II the Bald , king of West Francia and emperor of the West who granted his brother-in-law Boson many favors, including the abbey of Saint-Maurice d'Agaunewho had been detained by her maternal uncle Hucbert 4 . Through his excellent family relationships, Boson reached high office before emancipating himself by being crowned king of Provence . He is named Boson V by the genealogists of the Bosonides.

A relative of Charles II the Bald
In the autumn of 870 , Boson was the executor of the Duke Girart of Vienne , in company with the Marquis Bernard de Gothie [ref. required] . That same year, he received the administration of the county of Troyes 5 .

In January 871 , Charles II the Bald named him Duke of Lyonnais and Viennese (Bourgogne Cisjurane), in succession to Girart de Vienne 6 .

In 872 , Charles the Bald appointed him adviser 7 to his son Louis le Bègue , king of Aquitaine since 867 . Appointed count of Bourges , chambermaid and master of the ushers 7 , Boson receives the functions of count Gérard d'Auvergne (son of Gérard d'Auvergne died in 841 during the battle of Fontenoy-en-Puisaye ), deposed by the king.

In 875 , on the death of Emperor Louis II the Younger , Boson accompanied King Charles II the Bald who went to Italy to receive the title of emperor from Pope John VIII . The new emperor, Charles, names his brother-in-law, duke in Italy, and duke of Provence .

In February 876 or in September 877 8 , in Pavia , Charles the Bald before leaving for the kingdom of France , appointed Boson viceroy of the kingdom of Italy . That same year in Rome, he married Ermengarde , the only daughter of the deceased Emperor Louis II the Younger 8 .

In March 877 , Boson returned to France, recalled by Charles II the Bald. The latter then says the Italian kingdom and duchy of Provence to Abbot Hugh , son of Conrad I st of Burgundy and nephew of the Empress Judith of Bavaria , wife of Emperor Louis the Pious and associates Richard the Justice , brother of Boson 9 . That same year, on the death of his uncle, Count Ecchard , Boson received the county of Mâcon and the county of Chalon. With its two new strongholds, Boson is now master of almost the entire Rhône valley (Viennois and Lyonnais), the Saône valley (Mâconnais and Chalonnais) and Provence .

The first attempts
However, when Charles II the Bald envisages a new expedition to Italy and the lifting of a tribute of five thousand pounds to remove the Normans , he must sign the capitular of Quierzy , which makes hereditary the county charges, which is the real act of feudalism . This agreement of June 877 is considered as a concession granted to the big ones who had expressed a great dissatisfaction against these two royal projects 10 .
Taking advantage of the king's departure for Italy, Boson and other heads of the aristocracy, in particular Hugues the abbot , Bernard Plantevelue and Bernard de Gothie , not only refused the assistance requested no 1 , but rose up and forced the king to a hasty return during which he died on October 6, 877 in a village in Maurienne 10 . After Charles 'death, they forced Charles' son, Louis II the Bègue , to confirm their rights and privileges.

In May 878 , Pope John VIII threatened by the Saracens and Italian nobles, came to take refuge in Arles near Boson, who approached the new king, and his wife Ermengarde 11 . Boson accompanies the pope in Troyes where a council is organized to rule on the troubles in the empire and in particular the revolt of Bernard of Gothie and the ambitions of the bastard Hugues who wants to reconquer Lotharingia . Pope offers Louis the Bègue to accompany him to Romewhere he can crown him emperor, but the king, already very ill, and fearing to die on the way, finds himself obliged to refuse this honor. Boson, still viceroy of Italy, passes a “secret convention” 12 with the pope, and accompanies him No. 2 in order to be recognized as king of Italy, but the maneuver fails in the face of the unwillingness of the bishops and great Italian lords. Boson returns furious at this failure.

On April 10, 879 , King Louis II the Bègue died in Compiègne , his son Louis III succeeded him in Neustria and Austrasia , while his brother Carloman II recovered Aquitaine and Burgundy . That same year, Boson enlarged his possessions by adding the county of Autun - and was appointed king on October 15 1 .

His titles and his possessions in 879
Lay abbot of Saint-Maurice d'Agaune (870)
Count of Troyes (870)
Governor (duke) of Lyonnais and Viennois (Bourgogne Cisjurane) (871)
Advisor and chambermaid to Louis le Bègue (his nephew), king of Aquitaine (872)
Count of Berry (872)
Duke in Italy, and Duke of Provence (875)
Viceroy of the Kingdom of Italy (876)
Count of Mâcon and count of Chalon (877)
Count of Autun (879)
The restoration of the kingdom of Burgundy


On the death of Louis the Bègue, the inheritance rights of his sons Louis III and Carloman II were seriously contested. TheOctober 15, 879, prelates and lords meet in council at the Château de Mantaille (between Anneyron and Châteauneuf-de-Galaure ) in order to choose the man most capable of protecting the Church and the country. They choose Boson as king and decide to restore the kingdom of Burgundy, made up of Boson's possessions, but also of the dioceses of the religious - six archbishops and seventeen bishops - present ( Aix , Arles , Autun , Avignon , Beaune , Besançon , Chalon , Dijon , Geneva , Grenoble , Langres,Lausanne , Lyon , Mâcon , Marseille , Tarentaise , Tonnerre , Troyes , Valence , Vienne ) n 3 .

The October 15, 879, Boson therefore becomes king of the restored kingdom of Burgundy (including Provence ). He was crowned a few days later in Lyon by Aurélien , the archbishop of this city. He moved his capital to Vienna and acquired a chancellery.

Surprisingly, Pope John VIII who offered him the crown of Italy, with the idea of ​​making him an emperor and who did not understand that a lord of his worth put his private interests first, refused this election and even goes so far as to treat Boson as a tyrant and usurper. However from 879 , the new administration of the kingdom is set up as evidenced by the numerous acts concerning the counties. In July 880 , Boson, appointed a trusted abbot, Gilon de Tournus , as bishop of Langres .

The Carolingian reaction
Main article: Battle of Attigny .
However, the unveiled ambition and crowning of Boson had the effect of creating against him a new alliance of the Carolingian kings. Through Bishop Hincmar of Reims , Louis III of France , Carloman II , their cousin Charles III the Fat and a representative of Louis the Younger (retained in his kingdom by illness), met in June 880 in Lorraine in Gondreville 13 in order to agree on the actions against Bosonem tyrannum 14 .

End 880 the troops of the alliance, after having taken over Autun , Besançon , Chalon , Mâcon and Lyon , took over Vienne . Boson took refuge with most of his troops in the mountains, leaving the defense of the city under the command of his wife. While Charles III the Fat went to collect the crown of Italy, Louis III and Carloman II abandoned the siege of the city and thus allowed the return of Boson to his capital. [ref. necessary]

Charles III the Fat , newly elected emperor of the West , caused the war to resume in August 881 . Troops of King Carloman II begin the siege of Vienna again , but learning of the death of his brother King Louis III , which occurred on August 5, he immediately raises the siege to go and collect the succession. However the troops of the emperor Charles III the Big arrive in their turn and manage to take the city which is pillaged and burned. Richard le Justicier , Boson's brother, takes his sister-in-law and niece Engelberge under his protection and takes them to Autun. Boson takes refuge in Provence.

The epilogue
In 884 , on the death of Carloman II who has no son, the emperor Charles III the Fat is called to ensure the regency of the kingdom of France. He proposed to Boson to recognize him as king of Provence under the simple condition of a tribute to the kingdom of the Franks . Boson honorably leaves his fight against the Carolingians, and dies onJanuary 10, 887. He is buried in the Saint-Maurice cathedral in Vienna .

When he died, his only son Louis was in his infancy. His second wife Ermengarde , seconded by Aurélien , the archbishop of Lyon, and Barnoin (or Bernoin), the archbishop of Vienna, ensures the regency of the kingdom of Provence. His brother-in-law, Richard II of Burgundy, known as Richard the Justicier who inherited the "honors" of Boson, did not hesitate to declare himself the natural protector of his nephew Louis, and seized the government of the States of Boson. Emperor Charles III the Fatis the only reigning prince in a position to challenge Louis' rights to the paternal heritage. To prevent any opposition on his part, Ermengarde went (in 887), to the monarch to present Louis and ask for his protection. Deprived of a legitimate heir, Charles III the Fat fulfills the hopes of the queen. He adopted Louis as his son, and conferred on him the title of king, which allowed him to return to reign in Provence under the regency of his mother.

Boson died in Vienne ( Isère ) on January 11, 887. He was buried in the Saint-Maurice cathedral in Vienne 1 .

┌─ Boson says the Elder (? - † around 855 ). count in Italy.
┌─ Bivin de Vienne ( 822 - 877 ), lay abbot of Gorze .
│ └─ Engeltrude (? -?).

Boson de Provence

│ ┌─ X
└─ X
└─ X
However, some historians, although agreeing that Richard the Justicar, Boson V and Richilde d'Ardennes, are brothers and sisters, think that their father would be Théodoric de Vergy , chamberlain of Louis II the Bègue and tutor of Louis III [Which one?] And Carloman [Which one?] [Ref. required] .

Moreover, according to others as particularly René Poupardin who admit parentage Bivin-Boso of Provence, Bivin Vienna would not be the son of Boso the Elder, but his son 15 .

Boson de Provence took as his wife:

1) X whose name has remained unknown and is said to have poisoned 14 .
2) In 876 Ermengarde (cf. Carolingiens ), daughter of Emperor Louis II the Younger .

├─From 1 Willa de Provence (around 873 - † before 924), wife of Rodolphe I er de Bourgogne , (+911)
│ then by Hugues d'Arles (around 882 - † 947 )

├─From 2 Engelberge (? -?). She was engaged on September 11, 878 to Carloman II of France ,
│ th. Guillaume dit le Pieux

├─From 2 Ermengarde († after 924 ).
│ th. Manassès I er de Chalon (around 875 - 918), count of Chalon, de Beaune, Auxois,
│ lord of Vergy and Langres

EFrom 2 Louis III the Blind (around 880 - † after 928 ), king of Provence ( 887 - 928 ), king of Italy ( 900 ),
Western emperor ( 901 - 905 ).
th. Adéla, daughter of Rodolphe II of Bourgogne 8
Her nickname comes from the fact that he was blinded by Bérenger I er , his rival at the head of the empire.
Notes and references
Charles is then blocked in Italy by Carloman , the eldest son of Louis of Bavaria and waits impatiently for reinforcements to come from France.
Boson arrives in Turin on November 24:
"However, what follows shows that the provinces of Gaul, occupied in guaranteeing themselves from the intrusions of the Normans, showed little eagerness to respond to the summons from the king and the Roman pontiff). The number of warriors that Duke Boson was able to assemble to form the Pope's escort was barely sufficient to repel the attacks of the brigands who infested the Maurienne gorges and the passages of Mont Cenis. Nevertheless, thanks to the vigilance of the one who commanded it [this is Boson], the convoy happily arrived on 24 November (878) in Turin, and made its solemn entry into Pavia a few days later. "

- Gingins-La-Sarra 1851 , p. 56

It would seem that ecclesiastical support was sparingly counted: in fact, only three prelates, including Rostaing , archbishop of Arles, and the archbishop of Vienna, out of twenty-three (including eleven present) supported this takeover which underlines the strong commitment, from this time, of the Arles episcopate to the Burgundian princes.
"Boson" ( MedLands ) , in "Provence - Kings, Counts".
Pierre-Étienne Mareuse, The folk tales of Provence and the Côte d'Azur , CPE Éditions,June 26, 2014, 160 p. ( read online [ archive ] ).
Theis 1990 , p. 55.
Régine Le Jan , Family and Power in the Frankish World: vii th - x th century , vol. 33 (Essay on social anthropology), Paris, Publications of the Sorbonne,2003, 577 p. ( read online [ archive ] ) , "Identifying parents: the naming method", p. 205.
Eugène Jarry, Territorial formation of Burgundy: historical geography essay [ archive ] , C. Poisson, 1948, p. 65.
[Chaume 1925] Maurice Chaume, The origins of the Duchy of Burgundy , impr. Jobard,1925 ( online presentation [ archive ] ) , p. 264.
Poupardin 1901 , p. 710 of the summary.
Gingins-La-Sarra 1851 , p. 46:
"The Emperor Charles-the-Bald having arrived in September (877) in Pavia where Pope John had gone to receive him, the wedding of Princess Hermengarde with the Duke Boson was celebrated in this capital with a pomp unusual. "

Author Year , p. 272.
Riché 1983 , p. 228.
Gingins-La-Sarra 1851 , p. 51:
"The pope, driven out of Rome, by the faction of the Dukes of Spoleto and Tuscany who claimed to oblige him to give the imperial crown to Carloman, son of Louis-le-Germanique, had come by sea to seek asylum and relief in France. Having approached May 11, feast of Pentecost (878), in Arles, main city of the Duchy of Provence, he was received there by Boson and Princess Hermengarde, his wife, who accompanied him to Lyon, from where John VIII went to the assembly of Troyes. "

Riché 1983 , p. 235.
Poupardin 1901 , p. 114.
Staab 1998 , p. 378.
Poupardin 1901 , p. 40, table "The Boson family".

[Gingins-La-Sarra 1851] Frédéric Jean Charles Gingins of Sarraz , Memoirs history Kingdoms of Provence and Burgundy Juranes - 1 st part The bosonids , Lausanne (Switzerland)1851 ( read online [ archive ] ). Document used for writing the article
René Poupardin , Boson and the kingdom of Provence (855-933?) , Chalon-sur-Saône, impr. E. Bertrand,1899.
[Poupardin 1901] René Poupardin , The kingdom of Provence under the Carolingians (855-933?) , Paris, ed. É. Broth,1901, xxxiv + 472 p. ( online presentation [ archive ] ). Document used for writing the article
[Riché 1983] Pierre Riché, The Carolingians, a family that made Europe , Paris, Hachette, coll. "Plural",1983( reprint 1997), 490 p. ( ISBN 2-01-278851-3 , online presentation [ archive ] ). Document used for writing the article
[Theis 1990] Laurent Theis , New history of medieval France , vol. 2: The legacy of the Charles: from the death of Charlemagne around the year 1000 , Paris, Seuil, coll. "Points. History "( n o 202)1990, 280 p. ( ISBN 978-2-02-011553-7 ). Document used for writing the article
Franz Staab , "Moral judgment and propaganda: Boson of Vienna seen by the elites of the Eastern kingdom" , in Régine Le Jan (ed.), Royalty and the elites in Carolingian Europe , Lille, Institute for Historical Research from the North,1998 ( ISBN 9782905637994 , read online [ archive ] ) , p. 365-382.

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

According to Wikipedia:

Boson de Provence or Boson V de Provence (° v. 844 - †January 11, 887) is a Lotharingian monarch .

It is the first to achieve impose an elective monarchy, autonomous and independent, albeit precarious, within the imperium francorum the ix th century.

Boson de Provence 1 or Boson V de Provence 2 (lat. Boso 1 ) is the son of Bivin de Gorze 3 , also known as Bivin de Vienne, in 876 he married Ermengarde , daughter of Emperor Louis II the Younger 4 . His sister Richilde d'Ardennes was first the concubine and finally the second wife in 870 of Charles II the Bald , king of West Francia and emperor of the West who granted his brother-in-law Boson many favors, including the abbey of Saint-Maurice d'Agaunewho had been detained by her maternal uncle Hucbert 4 . Through his excellent family relationships, Boson reached high office before emancipating himself by being crowned king of Provence . He is named Boson V by the genealogists of the Bosonides.

A relative of Charles II the Bald
In the autumn of 870 , Boson was the executor of the Duke Girart of Vienne , in company with the Marquis Bernard de Gothie [ref. required] . That same year, he received the administration of the county of Troyes 5 .

In January 871 , Charles II the Bald named him Duke of Lyonnais and Viennese (Bourgogne Cisjurane), in succession to Girart de Vienne 6 .

In 872 , Charles the Bald appointed him adviser 7 to his son Louis le Bègue , king of Aquitaine since 867 . Appointed count of Bourges , chambermaid and master of the ushers 7 , Boson receives the functions of count Gérard d'Auvergne (son of Gérard d'Auvergne died in 841 during the battle of Fontenoy-en-Puisaye ), deposed by the king.

In 875 , on the death of Emperor Louis II the Younger , Boson accompanied King Charles II the Bald who went to Italy to receive the title of emperor from Pope John VIII . The new emperor, Charles, names his brother-in-law, duke in Italy, and duke of Provence .

In February 876 or in September 877 8 , in Pavia , Charles the Bald before leaving for the kingdom of France , appointed Boson viceroy of the kingdom of Italy . That same year in Rome, he married Ermengarde , the only daughter of the deceased Emperor Louis II the Younger 8 .

In March 877 , Boson returned to France, recalled by Charles II the Bald. The latter then says the Italian kingdom and duchy of Provence to Abbot Hugh , son of Conrad I st of Burgundy and nephew of the Empress Judith of Bavaria , wife of Emperor Louis the Pious and associates Richard the Justice , brother of Boson 9 . That same year, on the death of his uncle, Count Ecchard , Boson received the county of Mâcon and the county of Chalon. With its two new strongholds, Boson is now master of almost the entire Rhône valley (Viennois and Lyonnais), the Saône valley (Mâconnais and Chalonnais) and Provence .

The first attempts
However, when Charles II the Bald envisages a new expedition to Italy and the lifting of a tribute of five thousand pounds to remove the Normans , he must sign the capitular of Quierzy , which makes hereditary the county charges, which is the real act of feudalism . This agreement of June 877 is considered as a concession granted to the big ones who had expressed a great dissatisfaction against these two royal projects 10 .
Taking advantage of the king's departure for Italy, Boson and other heads of the aristocracy, in particular Hugues the abbot , Bernard Plantevelue and Bernard de Gothie , not only refused the assistance requested no 1 , but rose up and forced the king to a hasty return during which he died on October 6, 877 in a village in Maurienne 10 . After Charles 'death, they forced Charles' son, Louis II the Bègue , to confirm their rights and privileges.

In May 878 , Pope John VIII threatened by the Saracens and Italian nobles, came to take refuge in Arles near Boson, who approached the new king, and his wife Ermengarde 11 . Boson accompanies the pope in Troyes where a council is organized to rule on the troubles in the empire and in particular the revolt of Bernard of Gothie and the ambitions of the bastard Hugues who wants to reconquer Lotharingia . Pope offers Louis the Bègue to accompany him to Romewhere he can crown him emperor, but the king, already very ill, and fearing to die on the way, finds himself obliged to refuse this honor. Boson, still viceroy of Italy, passes a “secret convention” 12 with the pope, and accompanies him No. 2 in order to be recognized as king of Italy, but the maneuver fails in the face of the unwillingness of the bishops and great Italian lords. Boson returns furious at this failure.

On April 10, 879 , King Louis II the Bègue died in Compiègne , his son Louis III succeeded him in Neustria and Austrasia , while his brother Carloman II recovered Aquitaine and Burgundy . That same year, Boson enlarged his possessions by adding the county of Autun - and was appointed king on October 15 1 .

His titles and his possessions in 879
Lay abbot of Saint-Maurice d'Agaune (870)
Count of Troyes (870)
Governor (duke) of Lyonnais and Viennois (Bourgogne Cisjurane) (871)
Advisor and chambermaid to Louis le Bègue (his nephew), king of Aquitaine (872)
Count of Berry (872)
Duke in Italy, and Duke of Provence (875)
Viceroy of the Kingdom of Italy (876)
Count of Mâcon and count of Chalon (877)
Count of Autun (879)
The restoration of the kingdom of Burgundy


On the death of Louis the Bègue, the inheritance rights of his sons Louis III and Carloman II were seriously contested. TheOctober 15, 879, prelates and lords meet in council at the Château de Mantaille (between Anneyron and Châteauneuf-de-Galaure ) in order to choose the man most capable of protecting the Church and the country. They choose Boson as king and decide to restore the kingdom of Burgundy, made up of Boson's possessions, but also of the dioceses of the religious - six archbishops and seventeen bishops - present ( Aix , Arles , Autun , Avignon , Beaune , Besançon , Chalon , Dijon , Geneva , Grenoble , Langres,Lausanne , Lyon , Mâcon , Marseille , Tarentaise , Tonnerre , Troyes , Valence , Vienne ) n 3 .

The October 15, 879, Boson therefore becomes king of the restored kingdom of Burgundy (including Provence ). He was crowned a few days later in Lyon by Aurélien , the archbishop of this city. He moved his capital to Vienna and acquired a chancellery.

Surprisingly, Pope John VIII who offered him the crown of Italy, with the idea of ​​making him an emperor and who did not understand that a lord of his worth put his private interests first, refused this election and even goes so far as to treat Boson as a tyrant and usurper. However from 879 , the new administration of the kingdom is set up as evidenced by the numerous acts concerning the counties. In July 880 , Boson, appointed a trusted abbot, Gilon de Tournus , as bishop of Langres .

The Carolingian reaction
Main article: Battle of Attigny .
However, the unveiled ambition and crowning of Boson had the effect of creating against him a new alliance of the Carolingian kings. Through Bishop Hincmar of Reims , Louis III of France , Carloman II , their cousin Charles III the Fat and a representative of Louis the Younger (retained in his kingdom by illness), met in June 880 in Lorraine in Gondreville 13 in order to agree on the actions against Bosonem tyrannum 14 .

End 880 the troops of the alliance, after having taken over Autun , Besançon , Chalon , Mâcon and Lyon , took over Vienne . Boson took refuge with most of his troops in the mountains, leaving the defense of the city under the command of his wife. While Charles III the Fat went to collect the crown of Italy, Louis III and Carloman II abandoned the siege of the city and thus allowed the return of Boson to his capital. [ref. necessary]

Charles III the Fat , newly elected emperor of the West , caused the war to resume in August 881 . Troops of King Carloman II begin the siege of Vienna again , but learning of the death of his brother King Louis III , which occurred on August 5, he immediately raises the siege to go and collect the succession. However the troops of the emperor Charles III the Big arrive in their turn and manage to take the city which is pillaged and burned. Richard le Justicier , Boson's brother, takes his sister-in-law and niece Engelberge under his protection and takes them to Autun. Boson takes refuge in Provence.

The epilogue
In 884 , on the death of Carloman II who has no son, the emperor Charles III the Fat is called to ensure the regency of the kingdom of France. He proposed to Boson to recognize him as king of Provence under the simple condition of a tribute to the kingdom of the Franks . Boson honorably leaves his fight against the Carolingians, and dies onJanuary 10, 887. He is buried in the Saint-Maurice cathedral in Vienna .

When he died, his only son Louis was in his infancy. His second wife Ermengarde , seconded by Aurélien , the archbishop of Lyon, and Barnoin (or Bernoin), the archbishop of Vienna, ensures the regency of the kingdom of Provence. His brother-in-law, Richard II of Burgundy, known as Richard the Justicier who inherited the "honors" of Boson, did not hesitate to declare himself the natural protector of his nephew Louis, and seized the government of the States of Boson. Emperor Charles III the Fatis the only reigning prince in a position to challenge Louis' rights to the paternal heritage. To prevent any opposition on his part, Ermengarde went (in 887), to the monarch to present Louis and ask for his protection. Deprived of a legitimate heir, Charles III the Fat fulfills the hopes of the queen. He adopted Louis as his son, and conferred on him the title of king, which allowed him to return to reign in Provence under the regency of his mother.

Boson died in Vienne ( Isère ) on January 11, 887. He was buried in the Saint-Maurice cathedral in Vienne 1 .

┌─ Boson says the Elder (? - † around 855 ). count in Italy.
┌─ Bivin de Vienne ( 822 - 877 ), lay abbot of Gorze .
│ └─ Engeltrude (? -?).

Boson de Provence

│ ┌─ X
└─ X
└─ X
However, some historians, although agreeing that Richard the Justicar, Boson V and Richilde d'Ardennes, are brothers and sisters, think that their father would be Théodoric de Vergy , chamberlain of Louis II the Bègue and tutor of Louis III [Which one?] And Carloman [Which one?] [Ref. required] .

Moreover, according to others as particularly René Poupardin who admit parentage Bivin-Boso of Provence, Bivin Vienna would not be the son of Boso the Elder, but his son 15 .

Boson de Provence took as his wife:

1) X whose name has remained unknown and is said to have poisoned 14 .
2) In 876 Ermengarde (cf. Carolingiens ), daughter of Emperor Louis II the Younger .

├─From 1 Willa de Provence (around 873 - † before 924), wife of Rodolphe I er de Bourgogne , (+911)
│ then by Hugues d'Arles (around 882 - † 947 )

├─From 2 Engelberge (? -?). She was engaged on September 11, 878 to Carloman II of France ,
│ th. Guillaume dit le Pieux

├─From 2 Ermengarde († after 924 ).
│ th. Manassès I er de Chalon (around 875 - 918), count of Chalon, de Beaune, Auxois,
│ lord of Vergy and Langres

EFrom 2 Louis III the Blind (around 880 - † after 928 ), king of Provence ( 887 - 928 ), king of Italy ( 900 ),
Western emperor ( 901 - 905 ).
th. Adéla, daughter of Rodolphe II of Bourgogne 8
Her nickname comes from the fact that he was blinded by Bérenger I er , his rival at the head of the empire.
Notes and references
Charles is then blocked in Italy by Carloman , the eldest son of Louis of Bavaria and waits impatiently for reinforcements to come from France.
Boson arrives in Turin on November 24:
"However, what follows shows that the provinces of Gaul, occupied in guaranteeing themselves from the intrusions of the Normans, showed little eagerness to respond to the summons from the king and the Roman pontiff). The number of warriors that Duke Boson was able to assemble to form the Pope's escort was barely sufficient to repel the attacks of the brigands who infested the Maurienne gorges and the passages of Mont Cenis. Nevertheless, thanks to the vigilance of the one who commanded it [this is Boson], the convoy happily arrived on 24 November (878) in Turin, and made its solemn entry into Pavia a few days later. "

- Gingins-La-Sarra 1851 , p. 56

It would seem that ecclesiastical support was sparingly counted: in fact, only three prelates, including Rostaing , archbishop of Arles, and the archbishop of Vienna, out of twenty-three (including eleven present) supported this takeover which underlines the strong commitment, from this time, of the Arles episcopate to the Burgundian princes.
"Boson" ( MedLands ) , in "Provence - Kings, Counts".
Pierre-Étienne Mareuse, The folk tales of Provence and the Côte d'Azur , CPE Éditions,June 26, 2014, 160 p. ( read online [ archive ] ).
Theis 1990 , p. 55.
Régine Le Jan , Family and Power in the Frankish World: vii th - x th century , vol. 33 (Essay on social anthropology), Paris, Publications of the Sorbonne,2003, 577 p. ( read online [ archive ] ) , "Identifying parents: the naming method", p. 205.
Eugène Jarry, Territorial formation of Burgundy: historical geography essay [ archive ] , C. Poisson, 1948, p. 65.
[Chaume 1925] Maurice Chaume, The origins of the Duchy of Burgundy , impr. Jobard,1925 ( online presentation [ archive ] ) , p. 264.
Poupardin 1901 , p. 710 of the summary.
Gingins-La-Sarra 1851 , p. 46:
"The Emperor Charles-the-Bald having arrived in September (877) in Pavia where Pope John had gone to receive him, the wedding of Princess Hermengarde with the Duke Boson was celebrated in this capital with a pomp unusual. "

Author Year , p. 272.
Riché 1983 , p. 228.
Gingins-La-Sarra 1851 , p. 51:
"The pope, driven out of Rome, by the faction of the Dukes of Spoleto and Tuscany who claimed to oblige him to give the imperial crown to Carloman, son of Louis-le-Germanique, had come by sea to seek asylum and relief in France. Having approached May 11, feast of Pentecost (878), in Arles, main city of the Duchy of Provence, he was received there by Boson and Princess Hermengarde, his wife, who accompanied him to Lyon, from where John VIII went to the assembly of Troyes. "

Riché 1983 , p. 235.
Poupardin 1901 , p. 114.
Staab 1998 , p. 378.
Poupardin 1901 , p. 40, table "The Boson family".

[Gingins-La-Sarra 1851] Frédéric Jean Charles Gingins of Sarraz , Memoirs history Kingdoms of Provence and Burgundy Juranes - 1 st part The bosonids , Lausanne (Switzerland)1851 ( read online [ archive ] ). Document used for writing the article
René Poupardin , Boson and the kingdom of Provence (855-933?) , Chalon-sur-Saône, impr. E. Bertrand,1899.
[Poupardin 1901] René Poupardin , The kingdom of Provence under the Carolingians (855-933?) , Paris, ed. É. Broth,1901, xxxiv + 472 p. ( online presentation [ archive ] ). Document used for writing the article
[Riché 1983] Pierre Riché, The Carolingians, a family that made Europe , Paris, Hachette, coll. "Plural",1983( reprint 1997), 490 p. ( ISBN 2-01-278851-3 , online presentation [ archive ] ). Document used for writing the article
[Theis 1990] Laurent Theis , New history of medieval France , vol. 2: The legacy of the Charles: from the death of Charlemagne around the year 1000 , Paris, Seuil, coll. "Points. History "( n o 202)1990, 280 p. ( ISBN 978-2-02-011553-7 ). Document used for writing the article
Franz Staab , "Moral judgment and propaganda: Boson of Vienna seen by the elites of the Eastern kingdom" , in Régine Le Jan (ed.), Royalty and the elites in Carolingian Europe , Lille, Institute for Historical Research from the North,1998 ( ISBN 9782905637994 , read online [ archive ] ) , p. 365-382.


Death11 Jan 887
