Individual Details

Urban Dhom

(16 Apr 1785 - )


Birth16 Apr 1785Imsweiler, Phalz, Bayern (now Imsweiler (mun.), Donnersbergkreis (dist.), Rheinland-Pfalz (state), Deutschland (Germany))
Baptism17 Apr 1785Imsweiler, Phalz, Bayern (now Imsweiler (mun.), Donnersbergkreis (dist.), Rheinland-Pfalz (state), Deutschland (Germany))
Birth16 Apr 1786Felsberg, Pfalz, Bayern (now Felsbergerhof village in Imsweiler (mun.), Donnersbergkreis (dist.), Rheinland-Pfalz (state), Deutschland (Germany))
Marriage31 May 1814Lauterecken, Pfalz, Bayern (now Lauterecken, Kusel, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany) - Marie Gertrude Muller
Marriage1 Apr 1828Maria Caroline Muller
Marriage8 Apr 1828Katholisch Kirche, Imsweiler, Phalz, Bayern (now Imsweiler (mun.), Donnersbergkreis (dist.), Rheinland-Pfalz (state), Deutschland (Germany)) - Maria Caroline Muller
Occupation1851laborer - Germany
Departure and ShipAbt May 1852Iowa - Liverpool, England
Immigration and Ship1 Jun 1852Iowa - Castle Garden Immigration Depot, New York City (later Manhattan Boro.), New York Co., NY


SpouseMarie Gertrude Muller ( - )
ChildCaroline Franziska Dhom (1816 - )
ChildMichael Valentine Dhom (1817 - 1818)
ChildElisabetha Dhom (1819 - 1899)
ChildPeter Urban Dhom (1822 - )
SpouseMaria Caroline Muller ( - 1853)
ChildMichael Valentine Dhom (1826 - )
ChildCharlotte B. Dhom (1828 - )
ChildMaria Magdalena Margaretha Dhom (1830 - )
ChildFranz Jacob Dhom (1832 - 1834)
FatherPeter Dhom (1767 - 1837)
MotherAnna Elisabeth "Nancy" Broschart (1765 - 1836)
SiblingMaria Barbara Dhom (1788 - )
SiblingAnna Margaretha Dhom (1792 - 1857)
SiblingAnna Elisabeth Dhom (1795 - )
SiblingPeter Heinrich Dhom (1798 - )
SiblingMichael Valentine Dhom (1801 - 1876)
SiblingKatharina Dhom (1804 - 1858)

