Individual Details

Jacob Kratz

( - Bet 1800 and 1807)

10 October 1783. State Grant #534 @ 50 sh the 100 A to Jacob Crotz, 135 A
onAbbotts Crk adj Daniel Burkhart
In the early Pilgrim Reform Church records, Jacob is listed as one of the
36 family heads and the births of his children Catherine Barbara, Maria
Eva, Valentine, David, Elizabeth, Anna Maria, Joh. Jacob and Susanna are
In the papers that settled the estate of JacobCrotts other children are
named. These are Frederick, Molly, John, a second daughter named
Catherine, Andrew and Lewis.
Pilgrim Reform Church was established in 1757. It is unclear if the list
of the Family Heads is from the establishment of the church or were
written later.
Rowan wills book E page 203
In the name of God Amen! I, Jacob Crots, of the State of North Carolina,
Rowan County, being very sick and weak in body, but of perfect mind and
memory, thanks be to God, calling to mind the mortality of my body and
knowing that itis appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain
this my last will and test: that is to say: principally and first of all,
I give and recommend my soul to God who gave it, and my body I commit to
earth, to be buried in a decent Christian burial at the discretion of my
executors nothing doubting butat the general resurrection, I shall
receive the same again by the might power of God. And as touching such
world by estate wherewith it had pleased Godto bless me in this life, I
give and devise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form.
First, I give and bequeath to Eve, my beloved wife,all the singular
property belonging to me until the youngest child is of age,if in case
that she don't marry again then she shall leave the plantation and after
the youngest child is of age then to be divided to everyone share a like
and she shall have her possessions on the plantations as long as she
lives. I say that she shall have her share out of the fruit that is got
on theplantation the forth part of every year and the forth of all the
fodder thatis made on the plantation and more over she shall have every
year 15 bushelsof wheat and 50 bushels of corn and her equal share like
the rest and everyone is to help to pay the corn and wheat.
Also, I give to my beloved son, Frederick, two parts to one of the others
which will be doubled to one of the rest,whom I likewise constitute,
make and ordain the said executor of this my last will and test: all and
singular messages and test: by him and all the restfreely to be
possessed and enjoyed. And I do hear by utterly disallow, revoke and
disannul all and every other former test: wills, legacies, bequeaths and
executors, by me in any way before named, willed and bequeathed,
ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and test:
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 27th. day of
Dec'r. 1800.
Jacob (X) Crots
signed, sealed, published in the presence of us
David (X) SmithDaniel Garsart
This is the only will on file in the court house for JacobKratz. However
in the papers that settle the estate that were written in 1826and 1828,
Eve is named as the executor of the estate, not Frederick.
Frederick was only 10 years old in 1800 when this will was written and he
had threeolder brothers. Frederick is also listed as a mute in the 1850
census. The papers settling the estate include papers giving Lewis and
Andrew Crotts $2,000 bond to care for the widow Eve and her children
Frederick and Molly. The papers say that this is in accordance with the
terms of Jacob's will. If the information in the papers settling the
estate are correct then there might havebeen another will written after
the one above.
I do not know when Jacob died, but his wife Eva is listed as Widow Kratz
as a witness to the baptism of her two granddaughters Anna Maria and Eva
Leonard on 17 May 1812.
Davidson County Deed Book #3 page 500-501
State of North Ca


DeathBet 1800 and 1807Rowan County, NC


SpouseEve Stockinger ( - )
ChildMolly Crotts ( - )
ChildCatherine Barbara Crotts (1779 - )
ChildMaria Eva Crotts (1780 - )
ChildValentine Crotts (1781 - 1873)
ChildDavid Crotts (1782 - 1823)
ChildElizabeth Crotts (1783 - )
ChildAnna Maria Crotts (1785 - )
ChildJoh Jacob Crotts (1786 - )
ChildSusanna Crotts (1788 - )
ChildFrederick Crotts (1790 - )
ChildJohn Crotts ( - )
ChildAndrew Crotts (1794 - )
ChildCatharine Crotts (1796 - )
ChildLewis Crotts (1801 - 1880)
FatherAdam Kratz ( - )
MotherAnna Maria ( - )