Individual Details

George William ROBINSON

(1874 - 31 Oct 1953)


Birth1874Bega, New South Wales, Australian Colonies
Marriage23 Nov 1910St Clements, Mosman, New South Wales, Australia - Violet MIDDLETON
Death31 Oct 1953(buried West Casino New Anglican Row H Plot 39) - Dairy St, Casino, New South Wales, Australia
News Pub (ind)7 Nov 1953The Northern Star (Lismore) reported: "MR. G. W. ROBINSON CASINO, Friday. Mr. George W. Robinson, who died last Saturday morning in Casino Memorial Hospital, was born in Bega nearly 80 years ago. He came to the Richmond district during the period in which many South Coast farmers moved to this district about 54 years ago. He first settled on the well-known property, "Roseneath" on the Coraki Road. His parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Robinson, came a couple of years later. In 1910 he married Miss Violet Middleton at Mosman. and, continued living on the Roseneath property. Later he moved to Bentley, and during their residence in that district, the family made a large circle of friends. Since retiring from active work on the land. Mr. Robinson with his wife had been living in retirement at Diary Street, Casino. In addition to his wife, a daughter, Joyce (Mrs. Lyne McMullen, Casino), and one son. Richard (Casino), survive. Mr. Arthur E. Robinson, of 1 "Roseneath", is the only surviving brother, and Mrs. H. W Clinch, a sister, of Sydney. The funeral took piace from St. Mark's Church of England on Sunday. A large and re presentative congregation at tended the service, conducted by Ven. Archdeacon Van assisted by Rev. J. Lawton. The pall-bearers were Messrs. H. W. Clinch, Lyne McMullen, Douglas and Don Robinson, Ron Roberts. Dunbar Lowrey and Keith Gooley"


SpouseViolet MIDDLETON (1876 - 1966)
FatherGeorge ROBINSON (1845 - 1923)
MotherEliza Jane JAMIESON (1842 - 1932)
SiblingMary Ann ROBINSON (1865 - 1867)
SiblingEdwin "Edward" ROBINSON (1868 - 1943)
SiblingSarah Ann ROBINSON (1870 - 1946)
SiblingGrace Rebecca ROBINSON (1877 - 1951)
SiblingJohn Thomas ROBINSON (1879 - 1939)
SiblingAnna Maria "Nancy" ROBINSON (1882 - 1956)
SiblingArthur Ernest ROBINSON (1885 - 1958)
