Individual Details

Grace Miller CLARK

(12 Jul 1852 - 13 Feb 1928)


Birth12 Jul 1852(father William, mother Grace Miller) - Sydney, New South Wales, Australian Colonies
Marriage2 Mar 1869(the home of the bride) - "Fernleigh", Tantawangalo, New South Wales, Australian Colonies -
Marriage9 Sep 1875Union Church, Wolumia, New South Wales, Australian Colonies - Alexander ROBINSON
Death13 Feb 1928of heart failure, senility, cardiac asthma & kidney trouble (buried Candelo) - "Fernleigh", Tantawangalo, New South Wales, Australia


SpouseAlexander ROBINSON (1852 - 1947)
ChildEmily Fairley Jane ROBINSON (1877 - 1955)
ChildGrace Miller ROBINSON (1880 - 1964)
ChildEliza Isabella ROBINSON (1882 - 1977)
ChildAlfred James ROBINSON (1883 - 1959)
ChildWilliam John ROBINSON (1885 - 1958)
ChildDavid Hoy Clark ROBINSON (1888 - 1945)
ChildLily May ROBINSON (1889 - 1980)
ChildAlexander Francis ROBINSON (1892 - 1978)
ChildCharles Herbert ROBINSON (1894 - 1931)
ChildEllen Irene "Nellie" ROBINSON (1899 - 1981)
