Individual Details

John "Jack" BAKER

(1858 - 13 Feb 1895)


Birth1858Camden, New South Wales, Australia
Death13 Feb 1895when killed by a falling tree - Dubbo, New South Wales, Australian Colonies
Note15 Feb 1895 he was working for his brother-in-law Joseph Hilton with one of his nephews, probably Charlie Hilton, when a tree fell on them, Jack died instantly and Charlie suffered severe injuries including a broken leg. They were found by Jack’s sister Emma when they didn’t return for tea
Note20 Feb 1895Jack and brother George apparently moved to Dubbo from the Camden area. Whilst clearing timber prior to his marriage Jack was accidentally killed. On the 19th Feb the Coroner at Dubbo Courthouse deemed his death on the 16th Feb, 1895 to be caused due to injuires sustained when a tree fell on him. This occured in the area known as Dry Creek. His assests at the time were assessed as being 40 acres of land valued at 80 Pounds, 2 horses saddles and bridles valued at 12 Pounds


FatherCharles BAKER (1817 - 1897)
MotherEleanor REYLAND (1820 - 1876)
SiblingCharlotte BAKER (1841 - 1888)
SiblingEllen "Elenna" BAKER (1844 - 1923)
SiblingMartha Jane BAKER (1846 - 1924)
SiblingMaria BAKER (1851 - 1923)
SiblingGeorge BAKER (1853 - 1934)
SiblingEmma BAKER (1856 - 1946)
SiblingRose Ann BAKER (1861 - 1945)
