Birth | 1799 | Etchingham, Sussex, England, United Kingdom | |  | |
Baptism | 5 May 1799 | St Mary of the Assumption & St Nicholas, Etchingham, Sussex, England, United Kingdom | |  | |
Note (fam) | 7 Jan 1822 | & Sarah Tester came from very poor families. According to the vestry minutes of the Etchingham Parish (1821-1826) made by the Rev Hugh Totty, Thomas made 3 requests for relief from the local parish & was granted 2 gallons of flour each time. Sarah's father Henry Snr applied for relief in the form of flour & money at least twice between 15 Oct 1821 & 6 May 1823. Her eldest brother Henry Jnr is mentioned 13 times between 3 Feb 1822 & 19 Jun 1825 as requesting relief including clothes, rent money and footwear.The parish was obviously getting a bit tired of his constant requests as on the 6 May 1823 they minuted that he was to be given "3 gallons of flour (5 requested) but he must maintain his family himself". It doesn't appear to have had any impact - Thomas BAKER | | | |
Marriage | 18 Jan 1824 | St Mary of the Assumption & St Nicholas, Etchingham, Sussex, England, United Kingdom - Thomas BAKER | |  | |
Alt name | 18 Jan 1824 | Sarah Ann BAKER | | | |
Emigration (fam) | 1 Jun 1839 | with their 5 children on board the 'Neptune', a barque of 643 tons. Thomas' son Benjamin was 20 years old & recently married by this time and remained in England. The family arrived in Sydney on 27 Sep 1839 - Gravesend, Kent, England, United Kingdom - Thomas BAKER | |  | |
Death | 1871 | Scone, New South Wales, Australia | |  | |