Birth | 10 Nov 1827 | (when Mary Tomlinson (nee Tickle) died John referred to her as his mother & brother Peter's death record records his father as Thomas) - Warrington, Cheshire, England, United Kingdom | |  | |
Immigration (fam)-shared | 8 Oct 1839 | (Joseph TOMLINSON and Mary TICKLE) from Liverpool on the "Arkwright" & arrived in Sydney 8 Feb 1840 with 3 children, 2 of whom appear to be Mary's out of wedlock, John (12), Peter (10). The 3rd, Richard (an infant), was born the day the ship docked in Sydney | |  | |
Marriage | 23 Jan 1851 | St Mary's Cathedral, Sydney, New South Wales, Australian Colonies - | |  | |
Note (fam) | 1857 | All went well initially with John & Amelia. John was a baker in Greek St, Glebe and they published the births of their children, advertised for a general servant and another baker in 1857. Obviously doing well. However by April 1858 John was declared insolvent with debts exceeding assets by 174 pounds - | |  | |
Note (fam) | 1859 | John apparently continued to collect debts to expunge his bankruptcy as he lost a court case on 7 Jul 1859 where the debt was proved but dismissed because it occurred before his insolvency. However the birth of his daughter Amelia was published in the Empire 14 Jul 1859. This date coincides with him being charged with a breach of the peace & let off with a warning so maybe the strain was beginning to tell - | |  | |
Note (fam) | 16 Nov 1859 | By November 1859 the family had moved to Bay Street in Glebe and he was one of the petitioners listed in the Government Gazette 17 Nov 1859 requesting that the north-eastern side of Bay St be united with the Municipality of Glebe (from the City of Sydney presumably) - | |  | |
Note (fam) | 16 Jun 1863 | John was apparently still in Glebe when Mary Tomlinson (nee Tickle) died. He advertised that the funeral would leave from his Greek St residence. He also referred to her as his mother even though his brother Peter when he died listed his parents as Thomas & Martha Tickle. Perhaps he just thought of her as his mother - | |  | |
Note (fam) | 22 Jul 1863 | However about this point John seems to have gone completely off the rails. He was arrested in Mudgee in July with a man called Edward White & charged with being a "Rogue & Vangabond" and sentenced to 6 months imprisonment. We know it is our John because his gaol description includes the fact that he came out on the "Arkwright" from Lancashire & was a baker - | |  | |
Note (fam) | 21 Jan 1864 | is found advertising his bakery equipment for sale (trough for kneeding dough & peels, those shovel-like things used for putting product into and out of the oven) in the SMH - | |  | |
Note (fam) | 1872 | The last references to John that I can find is him serving 7 days in Darlinghurst Gaol for being drunk on 18 Oct 1872. However after this time I can find no deaths, marriages or census' for John, Amelia or the children in Australia, NZ, USA or the UK. It remains a mystery - | |  | |