Individual Details

John Hinton Brown

(Abt 1879 - )

Except for my own family lines, this data base contains less than 1/2 of the data that we plan to enter. Sometimes a specific set of data has been only partly entered. We have added the marriages from the main set of registers from 1872 through 1

The 1870 census is now complete: pages 1-63r for Cedar Township, pp. 65-120 for Columbia and Columbia Township, pp. 122-157r for Missouri Township, and pp. 158-193r for "Township Forty-nine" and pp. 194-235 for "Township Fifty."

Bourbon Township was created between 1850 and 1860 from the northern tier of Perche and Rocky Fork Townships, and in 1860 included what is now Centralia Township.

This update contains the 1880 census for Bourbon Township (which in total is pp. 1-29r and Cedar Township (pp. 30-91r), with a beginning for Columbia Township (pp. 92-95r of pp. 92-163r). Still to come are Centralia Township (pp. 164-178r), Missou

A prior update completed the systematic entering of the Evans and Thompson Tombstone Records (1934)(standardizing the citation form). Each subsequent update adds data from some other published cemeteries, in no predictable order. Evans and Thomps

The probate abstracts from Evans and Thompson, through 1869, were previously entered. We have added 1870, 1871, and 1872 from the abstracts done by the DAR in the early 1970's. We also now have the very limited birth and death record from late 18

For my own family lines, most documentation is to be found in the two volumes I published in 1990: Now Living in Boone County, Missouri. Volume I: The Family and Connections of Edward Everett Easley. Volume II: The Family and Connections of Ma


BirthAbt 1879MO


FatherBerrywick Johnson Brown (1848 - 1927)
MotherLula Prather (1858 - )
Siblingson BROWN (1880 - )