Turkel Tribe family trees - חקר משפחות טרקל, טורקל, טירקל

This research effort is focused on Türkel (Türkl) families from the Kingdom of Galicia, the Austro-Hungarian Empire (1772–1908), as well as neighbouring entities (Kingdom of Prussia, Russian Empire). That area was governed by Poland between the World Wars (1918–1939). After World War II (1939–1991), it was occupied by the USSR, and since 1991, this area has been governed by Ukraine.

The surname Türkl has been arbitrarily written with spelling variations like Turkl, Turkle*, Tuerkel, Turkell, Turchel, Terkl, Terkel, Tirkel, Tirkell, Tierkel, Tyrkel, Torkel, etc.

Here, it is explained why Jews from central Europe have surnames that derive from Turkish and mean "the hand of the Turk" or "the land of the Turk."

The earliest known reference to a Jewish fellow named Türkel is Itzhak (Issac) Tirkel of Lwow (Poland), who was murdered in June 1596, while he was on his way from Yas (Romania) to Eretz Ha`Yishme-elim ארץ הישמעאלים (i.e. the Land of the Muslims = Turkey).

Our family's surname was allegedly adopted by Perez (Peretz, ca. 1740–80), son of Rabbi Salomon (Shlomo) ha-Sepharadi (of Spain), and a descendant of Krakow-born Rabbi Jacob Munian, who served as the rabbi of Neu Rausnitz (Rousnov), Czech Republic, from ca. 1710–30. Our 'Turkel Tribe' website (see the link below) contains a reference to this narrative.

About 75 Turkel "dynasties" were discovered. We couldn`t match them all, but there is a reason to believe that the majority of them are related.

* John Thurkld's non-Jewish Turkle dynasty is also included in this research. John moved to Boston in 1818 from North Ireland. A family bible has his surname Thurkld printed on the cover. Since they were all destroyed in the upheavals of 1914, there are currently no Turkle family records in Ireland. It was established in the 1990s that this Turkle clan—some of whom had Hebrew names—was descended from "Black Irish" with Danish ancestry. View additional details by clicking the "Nordic clan" link.

Additional details regarding other Turkel people (not directly connected to our clan) are available on our main "Turkel Tribe" website (see a link below or to the left), which has pages devoted to the history, geography, name origins, prominent Turkels, etc.

This website includes an online single-family tree having about 14,800 people, generated by offline RootsMagic™ v9.1.6 generator.

Please use the contact information shown below if you have any further information, comments, or corrections.

On behalf of the "Turkel-bees"
Thank you,




Doron Abraham Tal (Türkel)

Email: C12PlSd80CPfRos1DH_cr8chQA3oJd19SknVh848E.y3Ayf4a2JgHcR.J3VvdstEe8O6raIR2DvjlpUPCLP@RaRVKXgTJ5udmmT6mp1Ja1AdquaiTJTxkalonhYbV.QY4W-Zcsc3bC3ofi2sPrm
last updated 2024-06-22