Stumpf of Kathreinfeld and Klek in the Banat

This database is an attempt to collect and connect the Stumpf families found in the Kathreinfeld and Klek region of the Banat. Families are also found in Stephansfeld, Zichydorf, Lazarfeld, Großbetschkerek, Gakowa, and Grabatz. Published family books, digitized church records, and U.S. records were consulted to collect these individuals. Please contact Trish Stumpf Garcia for more information or corrections. Sources were stripped when creating this site, so also contact me for citations.

There are 698 people in 196 families and 31 separate family trees.



Trish Stumpf Garcia
Whittier, California, USA

Email: Y8GsJ0s20-he8tz3eQXYujKgdfRmHmNuX6pJwr6z3fFMyYKB.35J1NCggmwkR0aJb5B8NrxZH-Q5cnXSL0wi5r52OwaNYWsi-@Q3e4I3g0Xs7X1mr3yKfLaC4mYV6iDlTWHwlr7Q7du.gK4O2WcMjnxZdoQaCBIum
last updated 2023-08-16