Madison County Iowa Family Tree
Photo of Jesse Hiatt's Delicious Apple tree, originated in Madison County, courtesy of the Madison County Historical Society.
Let us help you put some leaves on YOUR family tree.
The Madison County Iowa Family Tree has been created from information gathered at such as census, birth, marriage, and death records. Weekly obituary information is added for those individuals in a family that are connected to Madison County. To get started, we encourage you to click the Help tab.
= = Contents = = The goal is to include everyone who has lived in Madison County but exclude descendants and ancestors who did not. If a family lived in Madison County and had offspring there but then moved away, siblings of those offspring born after they moved away will be included. If they moved away before having any offspring at all, then no offspring will be included.
= = Sourcing = = When the tree was started, over 20 years ago, sources were not included. In the past few years, we have started adding sources for the data as we have reason to visit any particular part of the tree.
= = Accuracy = = While the Coordinators strive for accurate information, our sources may be in error or we may mistype.Please feel free to verify this data with your own research.
County Coordinator, Linda Griffith SmithEmail: